MacFormat 1997 January
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EnterAct Stuff
EnterAct 3 Manual
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****************ENTERACT™ USER’s MANUAL*****************
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Preface and Copyright
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Copyright © 1991-1996 by Dynabyte. EnterAct 3.7, by Ken Earle.
All rights reserved.
EnterAct's basic text engine is a modified form of Roy Wood's
"TE32K" package. You can find it on the net (search for "Roy Wood"
or "TE32K").
"More Files" provides some nifty file handling features.
"Jims CDEFs" (or "Jim's CDEFs") does the square buttons and tab panels.
Thanks to Zelko Jagaric, Wai Choi, Rob Gibson, Steve Olson,
Jean François Cassan, Mark Wong, Scott Jenson, Bill Sears, Sandra Lakin,
Nicolas Berloquin, Romain Vignes &c for help and constructive abuse.
(Using EnterAct? <Option>zoom to open this window up)
You can reach me at:
Ken Earle
697 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON
M5S 2J1
kearle@interlog.com via Internet (preferred)
73073,2166 via CompuServe (I'll be dropping this)
The 68K version of EnterAct 3 is FREE. No catch.
There is, as yet, no released native PPC version.
"hAWK", "Read Resource", their associated source code and
manuals, and the Drag_on Modules interface are yours to keep,
free, no matter what. They are governed by the Free Software
Foundation's "copyleft", as described in the document "copying
hAWK", included with your EnterAct package.
You may distribute full copies of EnterAct (omitting no files from
the compressed archive that comprises EnterAct), provided you
do not charge for EnterAct itself. This includes CD distribution.
EnterAct is an editor for creating, maintaining, and reviewing C, C++
and Java code. EnterAct has many capabilities (most notably
real-time automatic definition and prototype display, even out of
first-draft code) that just aren’t "out there" yet. This is a
finite-lived product, intended to fill the gap until EnterAct’s best
features are available elsewhere. Let’s hope it doesn’t take more
than a year or two. That having been said, please note that
EnterAct itself is a solid editor. It’s been around since 1989.
If you just want to use EnterAct as a "definition viewer" to help
out some other editor, see the section
§ EnterAct as a "definition finder"
(to get there, use "Enter Selection" and "Find Again" on the above line).
Metrowerks codewarriors, please see Appendix 5.
Symantec lightspeeders, please see Appendix 4.
(Using EnterAct? <Option> click in the title bar here)
MPWers, start doing your happy dance.
For the very very impatient:
•1 Start up EnterAct ( if you haven't yet).
•2 Make a project (New Project), just as with THINK C etc.
Select your preferred folder for <header> files in the next dialog that
appears, or Cancel to use the folder that contains EnterAct.
•3 Drag files or folders onto the project window to add files.
•4 "Update Dictionary". See "DON’T GIVE UP" a page or so below
if you run into a problem. Usually problems are rare, fixes are easy.
•5 Pick the "AutoLook" command (it explains itself).
•6 Open a project source file and browse around. Double-click on
or click just after any name that you’d like to see a definition
or prototype for. Watch the AutoLook window. Press <Enter>.
•7 Come on back here, and learn about all the other good stuff
(persistent lookup windows, cross-referencing, Automark, browser,
hyperlinks, the hAWK language, code templates, persistent undo, etc).
For the just very impatient: see "EnterAct in brief" instead of this.
Included there are details on using EnterAct as a "definition viewer"
while working with other editors.
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- - - - - - - - - - - -
(§) Network and team users please read this
EnterAct does not keep files open, except when in the act of
reading and writing them. EnterAct is, however, SourceServer
aware, and won't allow changes to a file that have been checked
out as read-only unless you issue a "Modify Read Only" command
or enable EnterAct's "ignore ckid's" option.
So use (multiple copies of) EnterAct only if you have some way of
ensuring that you won't have several people working on the same
copy of a file at the same time (such as SourceServer/Projector).
(§) System requirements
System 7 required. Mac II speed (!! that is, a 68020 running
at 16 mHz) is recommended if your project contains more than about
500K of text in source and header files combined. A hard disk is a
practical necessity. A large screen (>= 16 inches) will
allow you to take better advantage of EnterAct’s information
lookup capabilities. EnterAct requires 2 Meg of memory minimum,
7-8 Meg for big projects. The price of power.
A minimum configuration that provides all-round pleasant performance:
68040 @ 25Mhz, 12Meg RAM installed, Virtual Memory ON, 7 Meg
partition for EnterAct, 1/2 Gig hard drive, System 7.5.3. And at least an
832x624 screen, preferably 1024x768.
EnterAct is intended for creating, maintaining, and reviewing Symantec,
MPW, and MetroWerks C/C++/Java code. You may in rare cases
find one or two small difficulties right at first (see DON’T GIVE UP
just below) but you should find that EnterAct understands your
C/C++/Java, and even your “C--” (first-draft stuff).
Feel free to print this manual (use EnterAct so the pictures will print).
The benefits of having it on disk are that you can use Find on the
table of contents and elsewhere to jump to topics of interest, and
that this document is marked with chapter headings—hold down the
<Command> key and click in the title bar to view the marker menu for
this file. You may also encounter this doc in HTML form.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
DON’T GIVE UP if you attempt to "Update Dictionary" and the parser
complains about your perfectly good source: quite often, this first
problem will be your last, and easy to fix. (Note with v3.0.5
EnterAct is smarter about handling complicated preprocessor
tangles -- if you get stuck, please let me know and I
will try to fix the problem at my end. My tech support address
is up above. As of this writing EnterAct runs into problems
only with rather pathological practices, such as duplicated
comment starts [this check can be turned off in the Options
dialog], aliases for keywords, and one or two other oddities
as described in the "Source code restrictions" chapter.)
The commonest problem involves conditional #defines which
duplicate important punctuation (here '{'), such as
#ifdef GO_LONG
long GetArrayIndex(void) {
short GetArrayIndex(void) {
—although this particular example doesn't bother EnterAct. If
you do run into a problem it will almost certainly be something
similar, involving duplicated punctuation such as the two '{'s above.
The fix for this sort of problem is to recast the definition slightly
to remove the duplicated punctuation:
#ifdef GO_LONG
long GetArrayIndex(void)
short GetArrayIndex(void)
Similarly, if a construction such as
struct Thing
#ifdef _cplus_
: public BaseThing
causes a problem it will work fine if recast as
#ifdef _cplus_
struct Thing : public BaseThing
struct Thing
although once again this example is handled correctly
by EnterAct.
(Note in this case the definition that appears first will be the
one that appears in your Browser window.)
Nested comment starts ( /*.../*...*/) will also cause the parser
to hiccup. Best, fix the comment so it has one start and one end.
Second best, pick "Options" from the Edit menu and deselect
"Detect nested comment starts".
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(Each line in quotes «» below is a "Go to" link: to go to a chapter,
click on its line and select "Go to" from the Search menu.
For more on "Go to" links, see chapter 17. These chapter links
are available in the popup marker menu, which you can bring up
by holding down the <Command> key and clicking in the title bar.
Section names are also listed here, though they are not links or
markers: to go to a section, select the name including the '§', and
then use "Enter Selection" and "Find Again" from the Search menu.
While within a chapter, you can advance from section to section
by searching for just the '§' character, which is an <Option><6>.)
«01 Introduction»
«02 About EnterAct»
§ When to use EnterAct
§ An overview
§ Looking ahead
«03 Getting started»
«04 Definitions and conventions»
(chapter 05 has been deleted)
«06 Whirlwind tour»
«07 Source code restrictions»
§ Why not just compilable code?
§ Aliases
§ Obviously unnecessary parentheses
§ Nested comment starts
§ Preprocessor tangles
§ All–or–nothing macro’s
«08 Projects»
§ Introduction
§ Project files
§ Creating a project
§ Selecting your <system> folder
§ Three panes—.c, .h, plain text
§ Adding Java files
§ Add Files—the one-at-a-time way
§ Adding files from a list
§ Add All In Folder—the fast way
§ Add Mac Headers
§ Add THINK Headers
§ Add Standard C Headers
§ The active pane
§ Remove File
§ Remove •'d Files
§ Custom file extensions
§ Distinguishing ".h" from <.h>
§ Copy and search in the project window
§ Project memory needs
§ Multi-file selection
§ Project context restoration
§ Switching to other projects
§ Tips
«09 Dictionaries»
§ Introduction
§ What’s in a dictionary
§ Building your dictionary
§ Keeping it up to date
§ How long will it take?
§ Show Dictionary
«10 Lookup»
§ AutoLook
§ Regular lookup (press <Enter>)
§ <Enter> for lookup, advancing, scrolling
§ Looking up the clip (press <Command><Enter>)
§ Reverse lookup (press <Shift><Enter>)
§ “Sounds like” lookup (press <Option><Enter>)
§ Viewing other entries in lookup windows
§ For faster lookup
§ Hints with lookup
§ Number of lookup windows
§ Number of entries per lookup
§ Keeping lookups around
§ Looking up your notes
§ EnterAct as a "definition finder" for other editors
§ Looking it up with THINK Reference or Toolbox Assistant
«11 Seeing where a term is defined»
§ <Option>double–click
§ Find Definition
§ If there are multiple definitions
§ Other ways of finding definitions
«12 Browsing»
§ The Browse command
§ Finding classes in the Browser window
§ Method and class popups
§ Browsing classes without the browser
§ Browsing methods without the browser
«13 Documents and windows»
§ New, Open, Close
§ Save, Save As, Revert
§ Close and Save Documents
§ Autorevert
§ Modify Read Only
§ Saving window locations
§ ... without being pestered
§ Newly opened windows can be long or short
§ <Option>–Zoom zooms just the length
§ Number of windows at one time
§ The Windows menu
§ The display box
§ Printing
«14 Editing»
§ Introduction
§ Undo
§ Typing, Cut, Copy, Clear
§ Paste preserves indentation
§ Drag and Drop for text
§ Code templates
§ Selection: front, non–front
§ Paste Selection Behind
§ Font, font size, tabs
§ Shift Left / Right
§ Reformat Selection
§ Syntax coloring
§ Graphic nesting display
§ Arrow keys for moving around
§ Illustrating your text
«15 Balance»
§ Checks everything
§ Shows the error location
§ Balancing a file
§ Balancing a specific delimiter
§ Nested and bad comments
§ Starting in the middle
§ The asm problem
«16 Search»
§ Introduction
§ Find is modeless
§ Find options
§ Batch Find options
§ Dual Batch Find
§ <Tab> and <Return>
§ Find again
§ Enter selection
§ Recent finds are remembered
§ Replace
§ Replace and Find Again
§ Replace All
§ Multi–file searches
§ Skip '-' : excluding files from a search
§ THINK Find commands
«17 “Go” commands»
§ Go to Top/Bottom
§ Go to
§ Going to included files
§ Going to text positions
§ Going to markers
§ Go Back
«18 Markers and the Locations menu»
§ Introduction
§ Mark
§ Marker menus
§ Unmark
§ Automark
§ Copying marker names
§ The Locations menu
«19 Options, under the Edit menu»
§ Introduction
§ Number of lookup windows
§ Number of entries per lookup window
§ Remembering window locations
§ Long or short windows
§ Reformat Selection options
§ Detect nested comment starts
§ Ignore 'ckid's
§ Relocate files automatically
§ Automark source files
§ Save source/headers marks
§ Append arguments for automarked functions
§ Record Find, Find Again, Find Definition
«20 Switching to other applications»
§ Under the Finder (System 6)
§ Under MultiFinder (or System 7 or later)
§ Check the disk for changes
§ Working with THINK C
«21 Show activities»
§ Introduction
§ What’s recorded
§ Recording limitations
§ Showing your recent activities
§ What’s shown
§ Temporary, obsolete, and undone activities
§ Updated file names
§ Reviewing activities
§ Selective single undo
§ Reverting a file
§ Turning activity recording on and off
«22 "Index" commands»
§ Functions…
§ Cross-Reference…
§ #Includes…
§ Marker Names…
§ Potential Locals
§ Standard Metrics
§ Check Prototypes
«23 Some thoughts on using EnterAct»
§ Projects are cheap
§ Learning from or reviewing code
§ On documenting your work
«24 If there's a problem»
§ Out of memory
§ Dictionary problems
§ Lookup problems
§ Editing problems
§ Balance problems
«25 License agreement, tech support»
§ Technical support
§ License
«26 Appendix 1: Drag_on Modules»
«27 Appendix 2: Calling hAWK programs»
§ Calling hAWK from the menu
§ Calling hAWK with a command line
«28 Appendix 4: EnterAct as THINK's editor»
§ Requirements
§ Installing EnterAct as THINK’s editor
§ Starting a session
§ Working with EnterAct as THINK’s editor
§ Using THINK’s Find commands from EnterAct
«29 Appendix 5: EnterAct and Code Warrior»
«30 Appendix 6: the Scripts menu»
(for all about the Drag_on Modules, please see
«hAWK User’s Manual» and «Read Resource Manual»
included with this package, as well as Appendices 1 and 2 here)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
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Feeling slightly disoriented? That’s just the anesthetic wearing off.
You now have several megabytes of new memory installed in your head,
preloaded with the important facts on everything of interest in your
source code. To access your new memory, click after the name of any
function, struct, define, etc that you’d like to remember in detail,
and glance at the "AutoLook" window.
Welcome to EnterAct. If you’re at light speed, prepare for warp drive.
If you’re learning C/C++/Java, you’ll find that the ability to look up
anything of potential interest gives you more than total recall:
you now have an on–line personal tutor.
If you just want to use EnterAct as a "definition viewer" to help
out some other editor, see the section
§ EnterAct as a "definition finder"
(to get there, use "Enter Selection" and "Find Again" on the above line).
This manual is not as impersonal as it perhaps should be, for
which the author apologizes, however insincerely. My name is Ken
Earle, I’m responsible to you for EnterAct’s performance, and since
several of EnterAct’s editing enhancements will be new to you I
will occasionally intrude a personal opinion or bit of advice. For
the most part, though, you should put on your Adventure hat and
expect to take EnterAct in your own direction. If you’ve
done some programming in C/C++ on the Mac, you’ll find that EnterAct
is very easy to get used to. EnterAct is intended to complement
MPW, Symantec, or CodeWarrior (or Sun's Java), which you will
need for compiling and testing your code. For creating,
maintaining, learning from, and documenting code—read on.
(§) 60 second warmup
EnterAct uses a project window to keep track of your files, as does
THINK C for example. However, the main purpose of an EnterAct project
is to allow you to build a dictionary of all terms in your project,
for rapid lookup. There are three panes in an EnterAct project window,
containing your .c, .h, and documentation files from left to right
respectively. The easiest way to add files to your project is to drag
files/folder onto your project window. To build a dictionary, select
“Update Dictionary”. Unless there are major errors in your source code,
this will zip along at 2-3 files per second. (If you hit a problem, see
DON’T GIVE UP up above, around line 131 for easy fixes to most
problems.) Double–click on any file name in the project window to
view a file. To look up a term, double-click on it, or click just after
it (or of course type it in) and press <Enter>. Select “AutoLook” to put
EnterAct’s automatic definition retriever on-screen, and it will keep up
with you as you edit and click about. You should find that "AutoLook"
by itself can fill most of your information needs.
(§) Onwards
What next? If you read straight ahead to the end of the “Whirlwind
tour” you’ll have a good grasp of the basics. Reading the remainder
of the manual at some point is a good idea. You will find that many
things that were relatively complicated or tedious before, such as
information lookup, integrating documentation with code, file and
window management, picking up where you left off, etc, are now much
simpler, some to the point of being completely automatic. Inevitably,
when tasks become simpler, new possibilities and approaches spring to
You can use EnterAct as a replacement for THINK’s editor (THINK
version 6 and later, the “use external editor” Edit option in
THINK)—see Appendix 4 for the easy how-to. EnterAct also sends
"touch" events to any running CodeWarrior compilation
After you feel comfortable with EnterAct, please take a look at the
“hAWK User’s Manual” on disk. Many useful programs are supplied for
this powerful little language, they’re easy to run, and hAWK does its
work in the background.
And remember, take a break every hour!
- - - - - - - - - - - -
About EnterAct
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ When to use EnterAct
EnterAct is a standalone, project-oriented, language-aware programmer’s
editor designed to smooth the process of creating C, C++, and Java code.
You should find EnterAct useful for the following tasks:
• requirements analysis, specification, and design document creation
or review
• creating, maintaining and reviewing source code
• as a "definition finder", helping editors that aren't as aware
• linking support documents and source code
• debugging sessions that require extensive source code review
• keeping a log of your activities
• oddjobs such as multi-file search and replace, automatic source code
generation, cross-referencing, algorithm prototyping, deleting or
copying a list of files, etc etc (via “Index” commands and hAWK,
both under the EnterAct menu).
You'll need a compiler/debugger for compiling and testing your
code, and a resource editor will round out your code creation
EnterAct can be used in place of THINK’s editor (the “use external
editor” Edit option in THINK version 6/7). For the simple setup
required, see Appendix 4.
To use EnterAct as a "definition finder" with other editors:
• read enough here to learn how to create a project, build
a dictionary, and show the "AutoLook" window. Knowing
how to call up "lookup" windows by pressing the <Enter>
key is also useful.
• when you're using the other editor, also run an EnterAct
project with contents roughly corresponding to the code
you're working on - have the "AutoLook" window open,
as the frontmost text window in EnterAct. Your project
dictionary should be reasonably up to date.
• to look up a term with EnterAct; Copy it in the other editor,
and switch to EnterAct. If you don't immediately see the
definition in the AutoLook window (rare), press
<Command><Enter>. To look up the class or struct that
contains a particular member, press <Shift><Command><Enter>.
§ An overview
EnterAct provides a variety of capabilities in several different areas
to make creating and reviewing code simpler. As the following summary
suggests, you do have a handful of new concepts to become comfortable
with. But for the most part you’ll find just new ways of looking at
old problems, and it shouldn’t be long before you take it all for
> Information management
• each EnterAct project stores, for instant retrieval:
• the prototype of every method and function (including static and
• and the full definition of every class, struct, union, enum, enum
constant, #define’d constant or macro, typedef, and variable
provided the definition or declaration occurs at the top level of
your project source code, or within a class. As a special case, #define’s
within struct, union, and enum bodies are also recorded. (Hereafter,
“definition” will be used as shorthand for “definition or prototype”).
• Definitions can be stored for any C/C++/Java file you
specify, including toolbox headers, standard library files, class
source or headers, and of course your own source files, even if they
are under development (typically EnterAct can tolerate or compensate
for almost all first-draft errors and omissions)
• the “AutoLook” window automatically displays the definition of any
name that you select or click after, keeping up with you as you edit
and mouse around. It also serves as a spelling checker
• for more permanent displays of definitions, or to look up a term when
you’ve forgotten its correct spelling, double-clicking on or clicking
after the name and pressing the <Enter> key creates a separate window
holding the definition. This is called "regular” lookup, and the
resulting window shows either all variant definitions, if your spelling
was exact, or closest matches, based on runs of matching characters,
if your spelling was off
• for phonetic or “sounds like” lookup, press <Option><Enter> instead
• for reverse or “struct for member” lookup, press <Shift><Enter> to
view all structs, classes, and unions whose definitions mention the
• results for regular, phonetic, and reverse lookup are shown in a
new separate “lookup” window, politely sized and placed. Hold down the
<Option> key and click in its title bar to select from a popup menu
listing the definitions that were retrieved for the name being looked up
• as a result of the above approach, you can show several definitions
at once from the same file or different files in separate, self-managed
• EnterAct's "Browse" window does the expected things (and more),
and works with first-draft C++ or Java code. And it looks pretty.
> File and window management
• an EnterAct project window has three panes, showing source, header,
and documentation file names in separate alphabetical columns. Any
file can be opened by double-clicking on its name (or hit <return>)
• since Enteract is not a compiler, there is no need to set up code
segments. As a result, EnterAct’s “Add All In Folder” command can
add all of the files in a folder to your project with a single click
(including, optionally, all files in subfolders), automatically placing
source, header, and documentation files in their appropriate panes.
Dragging files or folders onto a project window works the same way.
• all Mac headers, THINK C headers, or standard C headers can be added
to your project with single separate menu commands
• multi-file selections (a generalization of multi-file searching)
can be made right in the project window
• windows can remember their screen location and size—and, if you so
choose, won’t pester you about saving changes if all you changed was
the location or size
• when EnterAct opens a file for the first time, it bases the width
of the window on the first 20 lines of the file
• <Option>-zoom drops down the bottom of a window, not affecting the
• text files are saved safely. Project saving is automatic, and this
is threaded into the background when possible.
> Editing
• smart paste of code blocks reduces the need to “Shift” left or right
• the “Paste Selection Behind” command combines Copy, switch to the
window just behind, and Paste over what is selected there. It’s
undoable (in EnterAct even “Replace All” is undoable), and to help you
anticipate results the selection in your next-to-front window is
outlined in a box
• full Drag & Drop for text
• “Balance” handles comments and strings, and can balance a whole file
at once. If there is an error, you will be shown where it is
• now and then, a picture is worth a thousand words. For these
occasions, you can place and display a picture in any text document,
even a source file (put it inside a comment, and the compiler will
never know) -- search here for "Illustrating your text"
> Context restoration
• “project context restoration”: when you close an EnterAct project,
it keeps a list of your project files that were open at the time; and
when you later reopen the project, your working documents will reopen
at the same time, placed on the screen where you left them (also called
the “painless Quit”)
• “activity review”: the “Show Activities” command displays a list
of the last 10,240 things you have done, in plain English, with full
contents of all text inserts and deletes. With this display, you can:
• review your progress when making complicated changes
• accurately bring your “Log” or “Version History” up to date if you
let this lapse for a bit
• selectively undo a single activity
• revert files to recover earlier versions
• “safe switching”: EnterAct will optionally save your documents when
you switch out, and refresh them from disk when switching back if
you changed any with some other application. This restores the
synchronisation between EnterAct and other applications, and helps
prevent losing changes to a file.
> Context alteration ("navigation”)
• Automatic marking of source files whenever you open or save
a file, including all function, method, and class definitions.
(To access a document’s marker menu, hold down the <Option> or
<Command> key and click in the title bar of its window)
• “Go to” accepts a file name followed by line number, or file name
followed by marker name, or any one of file name, line number, or
marker name. Useful for:
• putting fixed links in your documents with file name followed by
line number (such as /* See App_Main.c 389 */ )
• maintained links, consisting of file name followed by marker name
(such as /* See «MyApp Design Notes» «2.3 Custom Resources» */
To generate the text for a link of the form «file name» «marker
name», hold down the<Shift> and either <Option> or <Command> keys
while clicking in the title bar of the window that has the mark; when
you select the mark from the resulting popup marker menu, the text
will be copied to your clipboard. Both file and marker name may be
abbreviated or slightly incorrect, eg
/* See «Design N» «Custom Rez» */
• jumping to locations as reported in the “Show Activities” display
• jumping to locations generated by hAWK programs
($CompareFiles, $MFS_SuperLister, and many others)
and also locations generated by several of the "Index" commands,
such as "Cross-Reference..."
• “Go Back” lets you toggle between two locations, in one or two files
• jumping to a definition (<Option> double-click) works with toolbox
headers, first-draft code, and your own notes, almost always going
straight to the definition with no stumbling over a mention in a
comment, or a prototype. This allows you to use defined term names in
source or documentation as true “hyperlinks”.
• the Locations menu provides "global" (project-independent) markers.
> The best little language in the world
• “hAWK” is a project-oriented version of “AWK”. AWK has long been
the C programmer’s little language of choice, and hAWK, with its
simple “three clicks and run” interface, is as easy to invoke as any
macro language (there's a command line too)
• with one click, you can choose to have a program take its input from
the front text file in EnterAct, or all files selected for multi-file
operations in your EnterAct project
• hAWK is a full programming language, modelled after C but simpler
in many ways, with many additional built-in capabilities (especially
for dealing with text)
• use supplied hAWK programs to: generate a list of full path names
for all files in a project, list all occurrences of a word or string
or regular expression, copy or erase files, translate a C declaration
into English, list all potential local variables in a C function under
development, compare files, etc
• and you can write your own programs to: check the contents of custom
resources or file data, prototype algorithms, and in general handle
any odd job having to do with text files that you can spell out an
algorithm for (using the fullest implementation of regular expressions
available anywhere) -- I'm working on "text to html" at the moment....
• as of version 3, you can write "magic clipboard" programs in hAWK
that will monitor EnterAct's clipboard, and, when conditions you
specify are met, will do anything you like to the clipboard's
contents. Useful for mowing down repetitive but moderately
complicated tasks (eg changing old-style C function declarations
to the new prototype style, changing /**/ comments to //). Once
your hAWK program is running, all you do is Copy and Paste. Typically
these programs flash the menu bar to indicate that the clipboard
has been altered.
• "Code templates" make it easy to fire off a hAWK program by using
a command line -- see «27 Appendix 2: Calling hAWK programs» below.
> Using EnterAct as THINK’s editor
• EnterAct works fine by itself, but if you have version 6 or
later of THINK C and sufficient memory you can use EnterAct as
a replacement for THINK’s own editor (this is the “use external
editor” option described in your THINK manual).
• using EnterAct as THINK’s editor eliminates the need to
“Make” your THINK project when bringing it up to date, since
THINK C will automatically be made aware whenever you change
a source file with EnterAct—and all of EnterAct’s best features,
such as info display and hyperlinking, will be available within
THINK C. For the details, see Appendix 4.
> Using EnterAct as CodeWarrior's editor
• EnterAct sends "touch" events to any open CodeWarrior project,
so CodeWarrior will be able to keep track of which files need
> Using EnterAct as a "definition viewer" with other editors:
• Have EnterAct with an appropriate project running while
you use the other editor. Your dictionary should be reasonable
up to date, and the AutoLook window open
• Copy a term in the other editor, and switch to EnterAct
for instant definition display in the "AutoLook" window
• If you don't see an instant definition, try
<Command><Enter> for spell-tolerant lookup of the clip
to a separate lookup window
• To look up the struct or class containing a copied member
name, press <Shift><Command><Enter>
(When looking things up with the <Enter> key, <Command> is
for Clipboard, and <Shift> is for member lookup -- also called
"reverse" lookup, so remember "<Shift> into reverse"....)
> Miscellaneous
• EnterAct’s “Print” command can print illustrated documents, and
always folds back long lines rather than clipping them off
• “Reformat Selection” lets you clean up plain text documentation,
including long comments. It was used to maintain this document
• “Save As” can be used with projects, so you don’t have to start over
each time
• “Index” commands under the EnterAct menu: function call/called by
lists, cross-referencing, lists of markers or #included files, and
“Potential Locals”, which helps ease the declaration of local variables
(note most of these are for use with C code only, sorry)
§ Looking ahead
It would be best at first to focus on building EnterAct projects and
exploiting the various ways of looking up definitions and navigating
around. For the necessary background, read straight ahead here to the
end of the “Browsing” chapter. The one vital new skill to master is
that of pushing the <Enter> key to view definitions, although the
"AutoLook" window will almost always beat you to it.
After the “Browsing” chapter, topics become relatively independent.
“Switching to other applications” is recommended reading, since as
mentioned above EnterAct will save documents when you switch out and
refresh them from disk when you switch back, and you should either
agree with this approach or turn this option off. And before starting
in on the “hAWK User’s Manual” on disk, it will help to be familiar
with EnterAct’s approach to multi-file searching, as explained in the
“Searching” chapter. For some fun, check out "§ Code templates" below.
For help with any difficulties that might pop up, see the “If there’s
a problem” chapter towards the end of this manual.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Getting started
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(§) Installation
You’ll find complete instructions for placing the bits and
pieces that make up EnterAct on disk 1 in the file “Installing
EnterAct 3/tt” (which starts up TeachText if you double-click it).
There are two different approaches you can take:
• drop some aliases into your "EnterAct Stuff" folder
• move EnterAct into your compiler folder
Recommended, drop aliases of your main development environment
folders (CW, Symantec, MPW etc) into your EnterAct folder. When you
are making a new project and are asked to select a <system> folder,
select the appropriate alias.
(§) What to do first
If you don’t feel comfortable using your Macintosh yet, please take
an hour or so to play with some other program before continuing.
The Whirlwind tour will introduce you to the most important things.
After a bit of pushing the <Enter> key and and playing with your new
memory, you’re ready to start using EnterAct seriously—but it wouldn’t
hurt to read the rest of the manual.
(§) Please read these
If you’re a multi–platform developer, please read the section on
“All–or–nothing macro’s” in the “Source code restrictions” chapter.
And you should know that EnterAct's default behaviour is to save all
open documents when you switch out, as discussed in “Switching to
other applications”, chapter 20. To avoid this, deselect the
"Safe switching" option at the top of EnterAct's "Options..." dialog.
(§) hAWK and Read Resource
After becoming acquainted with EnterAct, add the “hAWK User’s Manual”
and “Read Resource Manual” to an EnterAct project, open them up, and
read along. Learning “Read Resource” takes 5 minutes. Learning to run
a few hAWK programs takes an hour or so, learning to write them isn’t
that tough—and it’s fun! Adapting your application to call hAWK will
take a day or two. Changing hAWK is harder, but all the source is there.
"hAWK" is a Mac interpreter for "AWK", which resembles C (though
lacking C's more complicated features) with many built-in functions
that let you dash off small programs to do nifty text manipulation.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Definitions and conventions
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(Note menu commands may appear in quotes here but often are
just capitalized. They are sometimes used as verbs, as in
“when you Balance a comment...”.)
Balance: checks all paired delimiters, and detects nested or
improperly–formed comments. If you have an insertion point at the very
beginning of the file, Balance will check the entire file. If there’s
an imbalance, you’ll see where it is. Balance always includes the
delimiters in the shown selection, because to exclude them is stupid.
Definition or Entry: for functions and methods, the prototype or
equivalent. For everything else (struct, #define, variable, etc), the
full statement in which the term was mentioned or defined.
Dictionary: the collection of terms and definitions for your project.
Drag_on Module: a “mini application” packaged as a separate CODE
resource, called as a C function. For instructions and code to call
Drag_on Modules from your application, see the “code to call Drag_ons”
folder on disk 2, and also the example Drag_on caller “Minimal App7”.
While Drag_on Modules require some application to act as a “shell”,
support for all callback functions by the calling application is
optional. Two modules are included: hAWK, a Mac version of AWK (see
“hAWK User’s Manual”) and Read Resource (see “Read Resource Manual”).
If you follow the “Getting started” instructions, both modules will
appear at the bottom of EnterAct’s “EnterAct” menu.
Find Definition: given a selected dictionary term, opens the file where
the term is defined and scrolls to the first instance of the term in
the file. The equivalent of <Option>double–click, but in addition works
with full method names, which contain colons.
“Go to” link, “Go to” selection: text typically of the form
file-name marker-name
where “file-name” is the name of an EnterAct project file and
“marker-name” is the name of a marker in the file, with optional
European-style quotes around either part
(for example, «MyProj.LOG» «To Do» ).
To open the file and go to the marked position, select the
file-name marker-name text and use the Go to command. Details are in
“‘Go’ commands”, chapter 17.
Insertion point: the flashing “|” cursor which marks your place in a
text window when no characters are selected.
Look up a term: to look up a term, select an insertion point just to
the right of it, or double-click on it, and press <Enter>. A lookup
window will appear. The AutoLook window shows definitions automatically
as you type or edit (double-click on the term or click to the right
of it, or type it in).
Lookup window: a special kind of text window used to show dictionary
entries. The title begins with “••” or “¶¶”. Often several entries are
“stacked” in one lookup window; to cycle through them, press <Enter>
with a range of characters selected -- or better, hold down the
<Option> key and drag in the window's title bar to pick from a
popup menu.
Menu commands are often quoted, always capitalized.
Paired delimiters:
• () round brackets, or parentheses
• [] square brackets
• {} braces, or curly braces
• /* */ comment start and end, together a comment
• " " double quotes, around strings (continued across lines with “\”)
• ' ' single quotes, or ticks.
Paste Selection Behind: will Copy the selection in the front window,
switch to the next window, and Paste over what is selected there. The
selection in the next–to–front window will be shown by a two–pixel wide
black border.
Project: a three–pane window containing any group of source, header,
plain text, and PICT documents. Selecting Update Dictionary builds a
dictionary for all source and header files. Both the file list and the
dictionary are kept on disk in the corresponding project file.
Double–clicking on a file shown in the project window will both open
the file and send the project window behind all other windows. It can
be brought to the front again with the Windows menu, or
<Command><zero>, if it’s hidden.
Range of characters selected: white text on a black background in the
front window, seen for example when you drag over some text. In the
next–to–front window, the selection range is shown outlined in a black
box rather than white on black (the next– to–front window is affected
by Paste Selection Behind, and by some Search commands when the Find
dialog is in front).
Recent activity: a full specification of something you’ve done recently
with EnterAct, as presented in the “••Recent Activities” window
generated by the Show Activities command. All significant activities
are recorded, including cut copy paste typing find replace new open
close revert start quit. Recorded details include time, location, and
contents if it was an insert or delete. For details see the “Show
Activities” chapter.
Reformat Selection: evens out the line lengths in a range of selected
text, with maximum line length and ragged right versus full
justification as specified in the Options dialog. Intended for use with
comments or plain text, rather than code.
Regular lookup: double-click on or click after a term, and press
<Enter>. A lookup window appears, holding all definitions of the term,
or closest matches based on spelling if your spelling was off.
<Option>click in the title bar for a list of definitions.
Reverse lookup: select as for regular lookup, but press <Shift><Enter>.
The resulting lookup window holds all struct, union, and class
definitions which mention the word(s) being looked up. <Option>click
in the window's title bar for a list of containing definitions.
Sounds-like lookup: select as for regular lookup, but press
<Option><Enter>. Like regular lookup, but not case-sensitive, with
closest matches based on sound rather than spelling. <Option>click in
the resulting lookup window’s title bar for a list of definitions.
Specific single keys are placed in <>, eg <Enter>, <Option>, <Return>,
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Whirlwind tour
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(§) Hum along
This little tour displays EnterAct’s basic capabilities, to help you
avoid that “lost in space” feeling. However, there is much of potential
interest that is not covered here, so please at least browse through
the rest of the manual afterwards.
For an example project we’ll be using “Minimal App7”, the files for
which are included with EnterAct. If you feel adventurous,
substitute your own project for Minimal App below.
To exactly follow the tour, you’ll need the files that make up “Minimal
App7”, a minimal application that does nothing but call Drag_on
Modules. The “Minimal App7 ƒ” folder contains the needed
files. If you haven't moved it, it's still in your "EnterAct stuff"
(§) Create a project
We’ll be working with the files that make up “Minimal App7”, and the
first step will be to create a project for it. The project will list
source, header, and documentation files, and also hold a dictionary
of all terms of interest.
Let's go! You're probably using EnterAct at this moment, but if not,
Double–click on the EnterAct icon to start, and cancel the dialogs that appear.
To make a project for Minimal App7:
• pick "New Project" from the EnterAct menu
• pick a nice location for your project, and give it a name such as
• click the Save button
• in the subsequent dialog that appears, asking you to pick a <system>
folder, pick your favorite development environment's folder (CW,
Symantec, MPW etc) -- or if you have put an alias for the folder
inside your EnterAct folder, pick it instead (IMPORTANT, some
development environments contain multiple versions of the toolbox
headers -- eg for CW select the "MacOS Support" folder)
• A three–pane project window will appear.
(§) Add some files
You can add files to your project one at a time with the Add Files
command, and there are are other menu commands to add all files in
folders, all files in subfolders, and even all files from a list of full
path names (hold down the <shift> key and look under the EnterAct
menu for the last two). But we're going to do it the easy way first:
switch to the Finder, locate the folder called "Minimal App7 ƒ"
inside your main EnterAct folder, and drag it onto your new project
window. All files in the folder will be added to your project.
There is no need to ever select one of the three window panes when
adding files. The left pane is for your source files (.c), the middle
for all header files (.h), and the right pane is for all other text
files (and PICT’s). EnterAct selects the correct pane for each file
For our project we’ll also want the toolbox headers and MW or THINK C
headers. To add these to your project, hold down the <Shift> key and
select Add Mac Headers. All of the standard toolbox headers, and,
because of the <Shift> key, all THINK C headers, will be added to the
middle (header, or “.h”) pane of your project. If you don't have the
THINK C headers, omit the <Shift> key (or ignore any error message).
If EnterAct complains that multiple versions of the toolbox headers
were found, use the "Select <system> folder" command under the
EnterAct menu to select a more specific subfolder within your
development environment folder (eg for CW select the
"MacOS Support" folder.
And for good measure, use the Add Front File command to add this
document to your project.
At this stage, your project should look something like this:
source pane header pane documentation pane
For illustration purposes the project window has been kept small, but
feel free to make it as large as you like. The project window will go
to the back when you double-click on a file name to open a file, and
it can be brought to the front from the Windows menu if it’s hidden.
(§) Build a dictionary
(".c" and ".h" are used as shorthand for source and header below)
Your dictionary will contain all terms in your .c and .h files that
are defined or mentioned outside of a function, struct, or union body.
To build, it, select Update Dictionary from the Project menu, and sit
back for a few seconds—this shouldn’t take long, typically under 1/2
second per file on a Mac II. If a major problem or bug does interrupt the
dictionary build, you’ll see a message telling you what’s up. You can
either fix it and reselect Update Dictionary, or, with the
offending file selected in the project window, select Remove File
followed by Update Dictionary to go on with this tour immediately.
(See DON'T GIVE UP near line 110 above for fixes to common problems.)
If you are pursuing your own project instead of Minimal App7, you may
run out of memory when building your dictionary. If this happens,
either increase the amount of memory allocated to EnterAct by one Meg
and try again, or see “EnterAct Memory Needs” on disk 1 for a detailed
guide to estimating memory needs. Two megabytes can handle a small
project, but a real whopper may need seven or more.
(§) Viewing definitions and prototypes
If you’re following along with the Minimal App example, open
“minimalApp7.c” by double-clicking on its name in the left pane of your
project window. To arrive at the right position for our example, select
Find from the Search menu, type in "waitnextevent(", click the "Ignore
case" button, and then type <Return> or click the OK button until
you see the following:
Now is a good time to activate the AutoLook window: first free up some
room on your screen (a couple of inches at the bottom will do) and
then select AutoLook from the “EnterAct” menu. It explains itself. For
a quick look at a definition, either click just after a term or
double-click on it: the definition will appear instantly in the
AutoLook window.
As an AutoLook example, return to the “minimalApp7.c” window and
double-click on gEvtDetails, on the same line as WaitNextEvent(:
You will see a definition of gEvtDetails appear immediately in the
AutoLook window. And, you also see a complete definition of
As you can see, the AutoLook window resolves variable, struct, and
typedef tangles to show you all the relevant definitions. It also
resolves #define’d “aliases” such as “#define H Handle”. For functions,
you’ll see a prototype, with function name and parameters preselected
so you can quickly paste a “template” for the function call into your
code (by switching to the AutoLook window and selecting the command
Paste Selection Behind). Basically, if the name is defined outside of
a function body, the AutoLook window will show you the essentials you
need to use it. The only requirements are that a file containing a
definition (or prototype) for the name should be in your project, and
your dictonary should be up to date for that file.
As of version 3, EnterAct's AutoLook window will also display
definitions of local variables, and provide more useful lookup for
struct and class member names when you double-click on them or
click after them. For this to work, your file should be a source
(left pane) or header file, though not necessarily added to your project,
and you should have your dictonary reasonably up-to-date.
And AutoLook will also display relevant definitions when you type
the name of a struct, class, or union member.
By itself, the AutoLook window can supply most of the details you need
to program or review nonstop. However, the display in this window is
transient, keeping up with you as you click or double-click about, or
type for that matter. To produce a more permanent display of a
definition or prototype, more work is required on your part: you have
to press the <Enter> key. To see it work, double-click on EventDetails
in the AutoLook window, and then press the <Enter> key:
Your screen may not look exactly like that, but you should see the
definition of EventDetails appear in a separate window, called a
“lookup” window.
A press of the <Enter> key produces a separate window containing the
information you’re after, definition or prototype. As you’ll see
shortly, these separate “lookup” windows can take care of themselves.
And the “press <Enter>” style of lookup also works when your spelling
of a term is off, but still “distinctively close”.
In general, you can look up any function, method, struct class union
or enum tag, enum constant, typedef, or variable (including low–memory
and statics) that is defined or mentioned anywhere in your .c or .h
project files outside of a function, struct, or union body—and any
#define’d constant or macro that is defined outside of a function body.
In other words, just about everything of interest except local
variables or any other “thing” which is meant to be used only within
a single specific function. Note the AutoLook window does show local
variables and data members.
As you’ve seen, the fastest and easiest way to look up a definition
for a term is to double-click on it with the AutoLook window on-screen.
You can also click just after the term, or type it, and the AutoLook
window will keep up. It will also often show class member and
inline method definitions, after a slight delay.
However, the AutoLook window has three shortcomings:
• the display lasts only until you look up some other term
• your spelling of the term must be correct
• the display in the AutoLook window doesn’t update as you click about
or edit in the AutoLook window itself.
To overcome these shortcomings, the “press <Enter>” style of lookup
produces a separate window holding one or more definitions of the term
being looked up. To look up a term in this way:
• double-click on it, or click just to the right of it, or type it in
• and press the <Enter> key.
A dictionary entry for the term will appear in a new small text window,
called a “lookup” window. Lookup windows are mostly like text windows,
the key differences being that they cannot be directly saved (Copy and
Paste to a real text window to do that), and they usually can show you
other dictionary entries. Only one is shown at a time. If your spelling
is off, the window will show best guesses rather than exact matches.
(To view other entries, <Option>click in the title bar.)
(§) Lookup window frames
In the small display box along the bottom of the lookup window you will
see: the name of the file from which the entry was taken; the kind of
term it is (a one–letter abbreviation, for example “v” for variable,
“(” for a function, “s” for a struct); and two numbers—the current
entry you are viewing, followed by the total number of entries
currently stored in the lookup window.
The title of the lookup window will be the term you wanted looked up,
preceded by two bullets, eg “••EventDetails”. The two bullets are a
sign that the window is a (temporary) lookup window, not a regular
document window.
(§) Viewing other entries in a lookup window
A lookup window may hold additional definitions if:
• there are variant definitions of the same term, such as defining
and declaring instances of a global variable, or prototype and defining
instance of a function
• the same term is used in different ways, such as a struct and a
typedef with the same name
• your spelling of the term was incorrect: in this case, closest
matches will be shown, and the number shown is under your control.
Numbers in the display box of the lookup window indicate which entry
you’re viewing, followed by the number of entries available: if the
numbers read “1/1”, then only one is present; whereas if the second
number is greater than one (from “1/2” up to “1/60”) then more entries
are “stacked up” in the window.
To view a different entry, hold down the <Option> key and
click-and-drag in the window’s title bar to select from a popup menu.
To produce a sample, type "KeyDetails" in any text window and press
<Enter> to produce a regular lookup window; this term doesn’t match
anything in the project, so closest matches are shown. From the
designation “1/4” in the display box, you can tell that four entries
are contained in the lookup window. To access them, hold down the
<Option> key, click in the title bar of the “••KeyDetails” lookup
window, and select from the resulting popup menu:
You can use <Command> instead of <Option> to view popups if you prefer.
(Truncated full path names are also shown in the popup menu,
to help you pick the exact definition you want.)
Each entry in the popup begins with a one-character “hint” describing
the definition type, eg “t” for typedef, “v” for variable, “(” for
function. For a complete list, see “Hints with lookup” in the “Lookup”
You can also cycle forwards through the entries in a popup window by
repeatedly pressing the <Enter> key. Press <Option><Enter> to cycle
backwards. Normally <Option>-clicking in the title bar is handier because
it gives you an overview of all the entries.
(§) The <Enter> key
In any text window including lookup windows, pressing the <Enter> key
with an insertion point means “look it up”. The I–beam should be just
to the right of the term you want looked up. Pressing the <Enter> key
when characters are selected also activates regular lookup in a
non-lookup window, and in a lookup window the result of pressing
<Enter> is either regular lookup or cycling to the next match. In a
lookup window, if the selection agrees with the name of the term being
displayed or if your selection is so large that lookup cannot be done,
then <Enter> will cycle you to the next entry; conversely, if your
selection is not the name of the definition being shown and your
selection could be looked up (one word, or two words separated by
colons) then <Enter> will look up your selection.
Note that pressing the <Enter> key for separate lookup is meant
for use with names that are in your dictionary, and in particular
local variables are not included. To look up the struct or class
that contains a particular member, press <Shift><Enter> as
described below.
Whenever you display a new definition in a lookup window, a selection
in the window is made for you. Among other things, this selection
guarantees that if you press <Enter> or <Option><Enter> you will cycle
back and forth through the definitions, rather than looking something
Basically, you don't have to remember anything here since it all comes
down to intention: if you intend to look up a name, selecting it and
pressing <Enter> will do just that. If you intend to cycle to the next
match, pressing <Enter> will do that instead. In the rare case that
you change the default selection in the window and then wish to cycle,
either pick from the popup menu or do a Select All before pressing
(§) Looking up something in a lookup window
Click to get an insertion point just to the right of the name you want
looked up, and press <Enter>. With any name except the name of the
definition currently being shown in the lookup window, you can also
double-click on the name and press <Enter>.
(§) Keeping the lookup around
You can adjust the maximum number of lookup windows you wish to have
on–screen at one time, with the Options command: when this limit is
reached and you press <Enter> to see another lookup, one of the lookup
windows that is currently on–screen will quietly go away to make room
for the new one. To prevent this happening to a lookup window that
you’d like to keep around, select Keep Lookup Around from the windows
menu while the lookup window is in front. It will then stay on–screen
until you close it, or until you close the project. When you “keep
around” a lookup window, the two bullets “••” at the start of the
window title will change to “¶¶” to help you distinguish the keepers
from the ones that might go away later.
(§) If your spelling is off
If you press <Enter> for lookup and your spelling did not match any
term in your dictionary exactly, then you’ll see whatever entries come
closest, with suppression of variants on the same name in order to
maximize the variety shown. The entries will be presented in order from
best match to worst as you press <Enter>. EnterAct is very nearly as
good at judging what’s close as you are, even though it doesn’t
“understand” the terms being looked up. This perhaps surprising ability
results from the natural tendency to give distinctly different names
to terms with distinctly different meanings. You’ll find more about
this in the “Lookup” chapter, but EnterAct’s lookup power is sufficient
that one guideline is all you need: when you’re not sure of the correct
spelling, type your best guess, remembering that C is case–sensitive.
EnterAct will almost always retrieve what you want on the first try,
among the first three entries in the lookup window.
For an example with Minimal App, see the "KeyDetails" illustrations
a couple of pages back.
(§) Adjusting the number of lookup windows and entries shown
EnterAct comes preset with a maximum of four lookup windows on–screen
at one time, and a maximum of four entries per lookup window. You can
change these limits at any time by selecting the Options command under
the Edit menu. For complex problems, you may want more lookup windows.
If your recollection of the spelling of a term has gone out the window,
you may want to temporarily increase the number of alternate entries
returned per lookup window. You can vary the number of lookup windows
from 1 to 10, and the number of entries per window from 1 to 20.
(§) Working with lookup windows
You’ll probably find that the AutoLook window by itself can handle more
than half of your information retrieval needs. And often you’ll want
to have more permanent separate lookup windows showing data structures
that you’re working with for more than a moment, and transient lookup
windows to supplement the AutoLook display. Separate lookup windows
are generated by double-clicking on or clicking after a name and
pressing the <Enter> key, and made permanent by selecting Keep Lookup
Around (the key equivalent <Command><K> is a good one to memorize).
To help you manage lookup windows EnterAct places, sizes, scrolls, and
makes selections in them for you, and also closes old lookup windows
to make room for new ones. But the lookup windows have to go somewhere
on your screen(s), and you’ll find the lookup process goes more
smoothly if you leave some screen area free for the lookup windows to
occupy. How much room you leave for lookup windows is best judged by
experience, and will vary according to the needs of the moment. Some
things to keep in mind:
• lookup windows ignore the project window when looking for a place
to appear
• lookup windows prefer to occupy a small place rather than cover one
of your working windows
• if some window has to be covered by a lookup window, the lookup
window will try to avoid your front two windows
• lookup windows will try to appear right next to your front window,
preferably below or above it.
(§) Reverse lookup (<Shift><Enter>)
On occasion you may find yourself viewing a member name and wondering
what struct, union, or typedef contains it. Quite often, the AutoLook window
will immediately display the definition you want. If not, double-click
on or click after the member name and press <Shift><Enter> to invoke
EnterAct's "reverse lookup".
Here’s the result of double-clicking on "ioFDirIndex" and pressing
(Note pressing just <Enter> would have produced the definition
of ParamBlockHeader, not a list of structs or classes that
contain it)
As with all lookup windows, you can access the other definitions
stacked up in it by holding down the <Option> key and clicking in the
title bar to choose from a popup menu.
Reverse lookup is not case-sensitive. Although it is called “struct
for member” lookup elsewhere, it is actually slightly more, since it
attempts to match your selection with something in a struct, union,
or typedef without regard for whether it is a member name. Reverse
lookup accepts arbitrary strings of text up to 255 characters (for this
you’ll have to select the text to be looked up and then press
<Shift><Enter>) and will match it against anything in a definition,
even inside a comment. Aside from being case-insensitive, reverse
lookup requires exact spelling—but your selection can be just part of
a word, or several words with punctuation included.
The AutoLook window will usually show struct-for-member
lookup for a term. If you're inside a function in a source file then
AutoLook will be on average more accurate at providing the correct
definition. In any case, only the first containing struct or class will be
shown. This lets you see prototypes for inline method definitions that are
entirely contained in a class definition, and "fDataMembers", as
well as regular struct definitions for some member.
(§) “Sounds like” (phonetic) lookup
The situation: “I’m desperate, show me a definition even if it’s wrong,
all I can tell you is the name sounded something like this:”. The
answer: type your guess and press <Option><Enter>. Your guess will be
boiled down to a string of standard consonants, then compared with
boiled-down versions of all your dictionary terms, and you’ll be shown
the best matches. <Option><Enter> is not case-sensitive (it's only
barely vowel-sensitive), and should be kept in mind as an
emergency backup, for those rare occasions when regular lookup gives
up on you.
(§) Seeing where a term is defined
The simple way is to <option> double-click on the term. To jump to the
definition of a scoped name such as "thisClass::thatMethod()",
<option>double-click on one of the names without releasing the mouse
after the second click. drag over to include the other name, and let go.
The "Find Definition" command does the same thing as <option>
double-click, but also lets you select part of a word, such as just
the "WindowData" part of "WindowDataPtr", before jumping away.
As a Minimal App example, open a new window if you haven’t done so,
type "gacc" , and <Option> double-click on it:
You’re viewing the definition of the static variable gacc , which is
used for communicating with Drag_on Modules. You will also be able to
jump to the definitions of static functions, #define’s, struct, union,
enum, and class tags, enum constants, typedef’s, methods—in other
words, anything defined at the top level in your source files.
If a member name is unique (used only in one struct, class, or
union) you can <option>double-click on it reliably.
If you can’t jump to a definition because your spelling is wrong, first
look up the correct spelling first by clicking after the name and
pressing the <Enter> key. Then, you can <option> double-click on the
correctly-spelled name right in the lookup window.
For the special case of multiple definitions of a term (eg several static
variables with the same name), you need to tell EnterAct which one you
want, and the way to do that is to do your <option>double-click in a
lookup window that is displaying the exact definition you want. So
the sequence is:
• look the name up (select it, press <Enter>)
• use the lookup window's popup menu to find the exact definition
you want (<option>click in the window's title bar, and look at the
truncated full path names shown beside each instance)
• after picking the one you want from the popup menu, double-click
on the term and off you go.
Doing your <option>double-click in the AutoLook window won't work
reliably with terms that have multiple definitions.
If you're mildy annoyed at this point, use just the AutoLook
window for a while, it will cheer you up.
(§) Balance
Balance checks all of the paired delimiters in C (with the picky
exception of angle brackets <>). If you select an insertion point at
the top of a file (with <Option><up arrow>, or Go to Top), Balance will
balance your entire file. If any error in balance is detected, you’ll
be shown the mismatched or unmatched delimiter. When balancing a file,
if you hear a beep and the insertion point remains at the top of the
file, that means your whole file balanced.
As a shortcut, you can double-click on a delimiter.
Balance also detects nested comments, and more importantly any single
failure to properly start or end a comment, something even most
compilers don’t do. Since EnterAct’s dictionary–builder checks comments
fully, simply by building the dictionary you will guarantee that no
improper comment in any of the included source files will ever generate
a wild pointer or an uninitialized variable.
If your source code deliberately contains nested comment starts, select
the Options command and uncheck the “Detect nested comment starts” box
in the "Parse" panel.
(§) Searching
The Find dialog in EnterAct is modeless, which means that when the Find
dialog is in front any search command you pick will apply to the window
just behind it. An important exception is Replace All, which works only
when a text window is in front.
The "Find" button in the dialog is the exact equivalent of the
"Find Again" menu command. Both can be used with the project
window itself by the way, to find file names in long lists.
A popup menu at the top of the Find dialog remembers the 20 most recent
strings of characters that you have searched for.
The little buttons in the lower–right of the Find dialog allow to to
set up a “coarse” multi–file search of your project files. As you click
them, you’ll see bullets appear beside files to be searched in your
project window.
If you click the "Batch" check box, your multi-file search will be
done all at once, and the results presented in a text window
(file name, line number, and the full line where found). To go to
a particular found instance, click on the line and use "Go to...".
To “fine–tune” your multi–file selection, hold down the <Option> key
and click on or drag over the file names right in the project window.
Try it out now by clicking and dragging in your project window with
the <Option> key down and you’ll see that it acts as a toggle,
selecting files if they were not selected and vice versa. Your
multi-file selection can also be used with the Remove •'d Files
command, and as input to a hAWK program (which makes setting up a
program run a trivial thing).
(§) Adding marks to a source file
EnterAct's default behaviour is to automatically provide marks for
all functions, methods, structs and classes in a source or header
file, to append a brief summary of arguments for all functions
and methods, and to not save the marks with the source or header
file. For documentation, EnterAct does no automatic marking but
does save any marks that you add manually when you save the
file. Normally this is all you need.
To access the popup menu listing marks for a file, hold down the
<Option> or <Command> key and click-and-drag in the title bar of the
file’s window. Just select a mark and off you go.
EnterAct’s markers are compatible with THINK C and MPW, indeed the
suspicion is that there is only one kind of marker in the universe.
Markers can be added “manually’” to a document, most commonly to
mark section or chapter headings in your documentation. For an example,
see the online version of this manual, or the “hAWK User’s Manual”.
For the details on markers, please see the
«18 Markers and the Locations menu» chapter.
The "Automark" command under the Search menu provides some
additional options. But the slight advantage of being able to
mark additional points in your source file is usually outweighed
by the nuisance of having to use the "Automark" command when
you change the file. See the «18 Markers and the Locations menu»
chapter for details, but I'd recommend against using the
"Automark" command in its present form. If you would really like
a more useful version of this command, let me know
(kearle@interlog.com). Here's what the dialog looks like:
(§) Going to markers in other files
As an aid to linking source files with supporting documentation,
EnterAct gives you a way to jump to a marker in any project file. This
is done by selecting text in any window that consists of a project file
name followed by a marker name, and then issuing the "Go to..." command.
EnterAct can generate the necessary file name and marker name for the
link, as follows:
• in the window for the document in whch the marker is defined, access
the marker menu and pick the mark, but in addition to holding down the
<Option> or <Command> key hold down the <Shift> key as well
• the necessary text will be placed on the clipboard, ready for
pasting. The file name and marker name will each be surrounded by «»
quotes, which are optional but help the text to stand out.
• since you ended up at the mark's location as a side-effect, you
can get back to your original location in the file by using the
Go Back command.
• to generate the text for all markers in one or more files, you
can use the "Index Marker Names..." command (chapter 22). However,
this works well only with documentation, since the marks for
source and header files are by default not saved.
A typical “Go to” link looks like
/* See «EnterAct 3 Manual» «13 Documents and windows» */
and if the file “EnterAct 3 Manual” has been added to your current project
then you can jump to the marker named “13 Documents and windows” by
clicking anywhere on the line and using the "Go to..." command.
The advantage of this kind of link is that since the marker position
is maintained as you edit, so is your link. With this
«file name»«marker name» style of link, both file and marker name can be
abbreviated, and the link is immune to minor variations in spelling.
Many variations on “Go to” are available, such as going to a file-name
line-number, or just a file name, marker name, or line number. For
details, see the “‘Go’ commands” chapter.
(§) Keeping track of things
When you close a project, it remembers which project text files you
have open. Later, when you reopen the project, those text files are
reopened as well. This makes it a little easier to pick up where you
left off. You could call this “context restoration”, though some like
to call it the “painless Quit”. It’s all automatic—just close the
project before you close your working files, or if you’re quitting,
don’t bother to close your working files first.
The concept of “undo” takes a step forward with EnterAct’s Show
Activities command, which displays the last 10,240 things you have done
with EnterAct. Descriptions are in plain English, and full contents
of edits are shown. A typical entry looks like this:
Tue, Mar 9, 1993 7:45:11 pm TYPING «Untitled-1» 1 1 (obs)
=>inserted 15 characters:
—where “«Untitled-1» 1 1 (obs)” means the action started in the
“Untitled-1” window at line 1, character 1 on the line (ie the start
of the file), and the typing is now “obsolete”, ie it was never saved
to disk before closing the window. The “file name - line number” part
of the activity record is compatible with EnterAct’s “Go to” command.
And the full contents of all inserts and deletes are shown, up to a
very large limit. By using "Go to" and the contents of the activity
record you will be able to locate and selectively undo any of your
recent activities, provided that you haven’t destroyed the context of
the edit with a huge delete or by erasing the corresponding file. To
help you locate the edit position, Show Activities provides the option
of correcting the original positions of edits to reflect the effects
of other edits, which is normally what you’ll want when reviewing or
selectively undoing your recent activities.
Since there are new concepts here, the “Show Activities” chapter goes
into considerable detail on such topics as “obsolete edits” and
“updated activity positions”. Once you’ve read through it, you’ll
realize you knew most of it already—you just didn’t talk about it much
EnterAct saves your activities to a disk log as you work. So “undo”
capabilities are not lost just because you quit and restart.
There is a way to undo files (one at a time) back to specific
activities. This involves the use of a hAWK program, and you’ll find
the details in the “Show Activities” chapter. If you anticipate needing
to do this, I would recommend using some sort of real version control
rather than EnterAct to revert a file to a previous state.
Though you haven’t done much yet, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to call
up the Show Activities dialog, pick any old options, click the OK
button, and see what happens. Not something you’ll use every day, but
your last ten thousand activities are still there if you need to review
or undo them, or figure out what the heck you just did.
(§) Classes and methods
When you build yourself a project that contains classes, try out the
Browse command to see a graphic view of your classes. Double–click on
a class name to view the class definition, click–and–hold briefly on
a class name to select from a list of methods, and then view the method
definition. If you’re new to C++ or Java, you’ll find no better
way to learn than by exploiting EnterAct’s project–building, lookup,
and browsing power—in fact, you might want to build a project for a
TCL or PowerPlant demo or somesuch right now.
(Color is recommended for viewing the browser)
(§) Little things worth knowing
If you hold down the <Option> key while clicking in the zoom box of
a window, only the length will be zoomed. Without covering up your
AutoLook window.
When you double–click on a file in the project window to open the file,
the project window will retreat behind all other windows. You can bring
it to the front with <Command><zero>. Even on small screens this allows
you to have a large project window and use it conveniently as a “mini
Paste preserves relative indentation, at least in the commonest
situations where you would want your indentation to be retained( see
the “Paste preserves indentation” section in the “Editing” chapter).
Windows remember their last saved location, unless you select otherwise
from the Options dialog.
EnterAct takes special care of your text documents, ensuring
that disk files are updated when you leave EnterAct, and windows
are updated when you return to EnterAct (see “Switching to other
applications”). This is the default behaviour. You can turn off the
automatic saving and restoring if you want--but keep in mind that
the "Show Activities..." command can show you the last 10,000
things you did, in the rare case where you chop something important
out of a file and then switch out.
Reformat Selection is handy for making comments pretty again after
you’ve chopped them up (it’s undoable, and some options are available
in the Options dialog).
There are some other things worth trying out, such as full Drag and Drop
for text, code templates, Dual Batch Find -- hey, take a browse through
the rest of the manual when you have a minute.
(§) Source code restrictions (don't panic)
There are three sorts of code constructions that are nominally correct,
but throw off EnterAct’s dictionary–builder. Please read the next
chapter "Source code restrictons" if the very notion bothers you.
Or just go ahead and use EnterAct, but remember that if you do
run into a problem while building your dictionary there are simple
workarounds for all problems in the "Source code restrictons" chapter.
(§) Onwards
If you’ve tried things out for yourself while taking this tour, I
expect you know enough about EnterAct to begin using it full–time for
code creation and review—aside from knowing when to poke the <Enter>
and <Option> keys, there isn’t much to the basics. Eventually, alas,
you should probably read the rest of the manual. Personally, I enjoy
reading manuals.
To acquaint yourself with hAWK and Read Resource, add the “hAWK
User’s Manual” and “Read Resource Manual” to an EnterAct project and
follow the instructions therein. Learning Read Resource is a 5 minute
job. hAWK is rather more complicated, but it’s a powerful, widely–used
little language and learning it should prove well worth the effort.
Running hAWK programs is easy, at least, and many useful programs are
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Source code restrictions (ayeee! I knew it!!) - don't panic
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Why not just compilable code?
EnterAct is able to identify terms in your code and correctly deduce
the type and definition of each term without doing extensive
preprocessing or semantic analysis. The benefits are lightning speed,
considerable tolerance of first–draft errors, and full information
retrieval, definition finding, browsing, and automatic marker placement
available right from the beginning of the code creation process. This
is all made possible with EnterAct’s Heuristic Adaptive Reentrant
Parser, which is based on a description of the way people actually
write code and the importance they attach to various constructs,
rather than on the textbook prescription. The drawback is that EnterAct
cannot deal with absolutely everything that is possible in C/C++/Java, and
some minor restrictions must be satisfied in order for the
dictionary–builder to deal properly with your code.
In practice, only the “illegal aliases” will present a significant
problem if present, in that the only workaround is to remove them
(have you ever seen one? me neither...).
Obviously-unnecessary parentheses will result in extra or missing
dictionary entries for some terms. Troubles with aliases and
parentheses are extremely rare, since they obfuscate the source code
for beginner and expert alike. To overcome problems with nested comment
starts or “all-or-nothing macro’s”, you just need to make EnterAct
aware that they are present, as explained below.
§ Aliases
Defined equivalents for certain keywords and punctuation should be
avoided. A defined equivalent or alias takes the form
#define Record struct
for example. EnterAct won’t know that “Record” is supposed to mean
“struct”, and the dictionary–builder won’t work well at all.
Keywords that should not be aliased:
asm enum pascal Pascal struct typedef
union void class
Punctuation that should not be aliased:
; : , \ " ' {} () [] / * =
You will never see aliases for any of these in published code, or in
any code intended to be read by more than one person, for the simple
reason that such a creature as
Record fileData BEGIN int x SEMI END SEMI
would be rather difficult for anyone but the author to read.
Other aliases, such as
#define EQ ==
are perfectly OK, by the way.
§ Obviously unnecessary parentheses
These are just as rare as the aliases above. This restriction applies
only outside of function bodies and refers only to parentheses that
would result in a variable declaration resembling a function
declaration. An example would be
Peter (Harvey);
Right now you know as much as EnterAct does when it runs into this sort
of thing—is it a variable declaration or a function declaration? You
may have deduced that the above declaration is almost certainly for
a function “Peter” returning an (implicit) int, since you would never
type those parentheses in a simple variable declaration,
int (x);
—these are an example of what is meant by “obviously unnecessary
parentheses”, namely parentheses that make the code harder to read,
not easier. If you avoid these excessive parentheses when declaring
variables outside of a function, that’s all that’s needed. Once again,
you won’t see them in any published code, and even beginners feel that
such parentheses make life harder, not easier.
§ Nested comment starts
This refers to two consecutive comment starts with no intervening
comment end, eg
/*#define DEBUG /* some comment here */
where the intent is to define or undefine DEBUG by removing or
replacing the first comment start. If your code employs this (lazy)
sort of construct, then instruct EnterAct that this is not an error
by selecting Options… from the Edit menu and removing the check mark
from the box titled “Detect nested comment starts”. There is an
illustration of this in the “Options” chapter, by the way. As a
side-effect, EnterAct will not be able to warn you if a comment end
has accidentally been omitted.
If you value the notion that EnterAct can fully trap any single failure
to properly start or end a comment (something that many compilers,
including THINK C, don’t do), then leave the check mark in the “Detect
nested comment starts” box, and remove the nested comment starts from
your code. Simplest, use "//" style comments instead.
§ Preprocessor tangles
Although these do pop up, they're easy to fix up.
Conditional #defines which duplicate important punctuation can
cause trouble, such as
#ifdef GO_LONG
long GetArrayIndex(void) {
short GetArrayIndex(void) {
—EnterAct will complain about the '{' being there twice, and
the simple fix is to put the curly brace (which isn't conditional
anyway) after the conditional part:
#ifdef GO_LONG
long GetArrayIndex(void)
short GetArrayIndex(void)
EnterAct's parser can sometimes spazz out because it's trying to
handle C and C++ and first-draft code and all possible values of
a #define all at once. For example,
typedef struct A
#ifdef __cplusplus
: public B
used to generate a complaint, and there may still be similar constructs
out there that cause a problem. The fix is to provide the full C and
C++ introductions separately, as in
#ifdef __cplusplus
struct A : public B
typedef struct A
And one more tangle: if you put something that's deliberately
uncompilable in your code, avoid all punctuation except commas
and semicolons (some few others might work). For example,
#ifdef A_Compiler
#ifdef B_Compiler
error - won't you please make up your mind?!
would trip EnterAct, whereas
#ifdef A_Compiler
#ifdef B_Compiler
error, please make up your mind
while lacking punch, would work fine from EnterAct's view.
§ All–or–nothing macro’s
This final restriction is one that you may run into, but the workaround
is easy.
An “all–or–nothing” macro is a macro that looks something like
#define P(x) x
#else /* some other compiler */
#define P(x)
—so P(x) either does nothing at all to its argument or it “eats” the
argument, but either way the macro itself disappears from the code.
If such a macro is the very first thing in a statement then EnterAct
will deal with it correctly, for example "P(typedef int INT16;)"
would result in INT16 being recorded as a typedef’d equivalent of
However, if the all–or–nothing macro is not the very first thing in
the statement, as in
int myFunc P((int x, long y));
then EnterAct will mistakenly record “P” and not “myFunc” as the
function name, and in general it will misrecord any similar statement
where an–or–nothing–macro isn’t the first thing in the statement.
In case you’re wondering, the intention of
int myFunc P((int x, long y));
is to produce either
int myFunc (int x, long y);
int myFunc ();
—in other words either a proper modern prototype or an old–fashioned
declaration, and this sort of thing is useful when writing code that
will be compiled using different compilers.
What to do? Call up the Macro's to skip dialog from the EnterAct menu,
and enter the name of the macro there.
(PLEASE NOTE you may not realize you have an all-or-nothing macro until
after you have built your dictionary. If this is the case, you should
completely rebuild your dictionary to ensure that all definitions are
correct. To completely rebuild your dictionary:
• hold down all three of the <Shift>, <Option>, and <Command> keys
while using the mouse to select Update Dictionary from the EnterAct
(This button reads “New projects” if no project is open at the time.)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Introduction
Any collection of TEXT or PICT files from up to 6 disks can be added
to an EnterAct project. The project window displays three lists of
files in your project, and behind the scenes your project contains a
dictionary of C/C++/Java term definitions, prototypes, and general notes.
To create and make use of a project:
• use New Project to create an entirely new project, or use Save As
with a project window in front to build on an existing project
• if you have nonstandard file extensions (beyond the usual
.c, .h, .cp etc) use the "File Extensions..." dialog to make your
project aware of them
• add files to your project, the easiest way being to drag folders
or files or aliases onto your project window (note there is no
need to select a pane)
• bring your dictionary up to date with Update Dictionary
• pick AutoLook from the EnterAct menu
• thereafter, bring your dictionary up to date whenever you want your
dictionary to reflect new or altered definitions.
• to switch to a different project that you've had open recently,
<Option> or <Command> click in your current project window's
title bar to pick from a popup list (please see "Switching to
other projects" below -- <Option>clicking will close all your
text windows, whereas <Command>clicking will not)
• things work best if you include definitions for all the
names in your source code, especially toolbox terms but also
PowerPlant or TCL, and ANSI headers.
NOTE if a folder's name is in parentheses, the files in it will not
be added to your project. To exclude a folder such as "Old Source",
change its name to "(Old Source)".
The three lists of files in the project window can be used to open
files, by double-clicking on the file names listed there. You can set
up a multi-file selection by holding down the <Option> key and clicking
on or dragging over file names, or select all files of a certain type
by using the buttons in the Find dialog. Bullets (•) will appear beside
selected files. This list of files can be used with multi-file
searching or passed as input to a hAWK program or one of the
“Index” commands under the EnterAct menu. You can also remove
the selected files from the project with Remove •'d Files.
To exclude a file from being built into your dictionary, hold down the
<Command> key and click on its name (more on this later).
Other things you can do with the lists of project files:
• Find all or part of a file name (useful with enormous lists, have
the project window in front and select the appropriate list before
using Find or Find Again)
• Copy a selected file name
• use the up and down arrows to move up and down the file lists, and
the left and right arrows to change panes
• type your way to a particular file in a pane, by typing the first part
or any distinctive part of the name (priority given in that order)
• open a file by selecting it and issuing the “Go to” command
The project window goes to the back whenever you open a file from it,
and is listed under the Windows menu as the first file. Any project
files that you have open when you close a project are remembered, and
reopened as you left them when you reopen the project.
The dictionary is required by regular lookup (click just after a term
name and press the <Enter> key), and by the AutoLook window which
displays definitions and prototypes automatically as you edit or mouse
around. More on this later, of course.
Only one project can be open at a time. You don’t need to have a
project open to use EnterAct as an editor.
§ Project files
An EnterAct project can track any set of TEXT or PICT files. The source
and header files don’t have to add up to a compilable
application—anywhere from one file to part or all of the source and
documentation for several applications can be an EnterAct project. The
only practical limit is available memory, since your entire dictionary
is kept in memory: allow EnterAct 7 Meg if you can, otherwise you
may have to delete some of the larger unneeded header files from
your project.
An EnterAct project can contain files from up to 6 disks. If your
project files are split across several disks, you should have all the
disks on–line (mounted) before updating your dictionary or doing things
with a multi–file selection. EnterAct tracks your disks by name, and
many other applications do the same, so please ensure that all your
disks have different names. If you ever find it necessary to move a
considerable number of files from one folder or disk to another, the
simplest way to deal with the change in any EnterAct project that
refers to those files is to throw the project away and create an new
one. Or, you can use Remove •'d Files (<Option>drag over the file names
first in the project window so that bullets (•) appear to the left of
the names) followed by Add Files and then Update Dictionary afterwards
to update your project. And a third way, slightly more complicated:
• before moving the files, select all files for multi-file ops
(call up the Find dialog and click "All")
• run the hAWK program "$EchoFullPathNames", and use
Save As to save the resulting list of full path names
• move the files
• edit the disk or folder names in your list of full path names
to reflect the new locations
• create a new EnterAct project, hold down the <Shift> key,
and select Add Files from List… - double-click on the file
you created that contains the full path names.
(A fourth way to relocate files, activating the "Relocate files
automatically" option in the Options dialog, works only if all
your source and header files have unique names within the
context of their disks, and works only if you change the folder
where they reside - it doesn't work if you change disks. Use of
this option is NOT recommended, unless you're quite sure that
your files have unique names on their disks.)
EnterAct can handle the following changes to file and folders
without requiring you to make a new project:
• renaming a folder
• moving a folder around within one disk
• moving a file to a different folder, provided the file
name is unique on the disk, if you activate the "Relocate
files automatically" option (see just above, not recommended
for casual use)
As mentioned, EnterAct cannot track files if you move them
to a different disk, unless the two disks involved have the
same name.
Tip: if you often restore your project files from another disk,
try using a smart copy utility such as CopyDoubler(tm) or equivalent:
this will preserve all folders involved, and EnterAct won't lose
track of any files due to two or more files having the same name.
Second-best for this case, make aliases for all the source folders
involved in your project, and place the aliases in your EnterAct
folder. Then you can build a new project quickly after restoring
your files, by dragging all the aliases at once onto your new
project window.
§ Creating a project
Select New Project from the EnterAct menu at any time. When you start
EnterAct by double–clicking on its icon, you’ll see the New Project
dialog if you cancel the Open Project dialog that appears first during
the startup. Since the the project will always be saved for you
automatically, there’s no such thing as an “Untitled” project: you’ll
have to give it a home on your disk before doing anything with it.
You can also use Save As to create a copy of an existing project. This
is a quicker approach if you want a basic set of files to be added to
a fresh project. To create a “starter” project, once you have a list
of files in mind:
• create a project that contains just the basic files, and give it
a name that reflects its status as a “starter”
• bring the dictionary up to date, so this only has to be done once
for the basic files
• set the font, size, and screen placement of the project window.
Thereafter, to use a “starter” project as the basis of a new project:
• open the starter project
• immediately use Save As, and give it an appropriate name
• proceed as with a new project, adding files and building the
Candidates for inclusion in a “starter” project include toolbox headers
(omitting the ones you don’t need reduces memory needs) and the on-disk
manuals supplied with EnterAct. If you’re an object-oriented sort, then
many of the files in your class library of choice will qualify
as well.
§ Selecting your <system> folder
When you create a new project, a second dialog will appear asking you to
select the folder to designate as the <system> folder: this is the
folder where the "Add Mac Headers" command will search for your
Mac headers ("Quickdraw.h and friends), and it is also the folder used
to distinguish between All ".h" and All <.h> (or .c) in the Find dialog
when you are selecting files to search.
If you cancel the "Select <system> Folder" dialog when creating
a project, the folder that contains EnterAct itself will be used
by default. Rather than move EnterAct to your compiler's folder,
life is simpler if you make an alias for the folder that holds your
choice of toolbox headers, and put it in the folder where you will
keep your EnterAct project (personally, I keep them all in my
EnterAct Stuff folder). Then when you're asked to select a
<system> folder, select the alias you made. You can use a folder
that contains the toolbox headers, but things are easiest if the
folder you use does not contain two different versions of the
toolbox headers or some other important set of headers.
You can change the designated <system> folder for a project at
any time by using the "Select <system> Folder...." command under
the EnterAct menu.
§ Three panes—.c, .h, plain text
Any files you add to your project whose names end in .c, .C etc
(source files) will be placed in the left pane. Header files
(ending in .h, .H etc) will go in the middle pane, and any other
TEXT files that you add will end up in the right pane. PICT’s
will also be placed in the right pane.
Here's a complete list of file extensions that are recognised by
c C h H cp cpp c++ asm CP CPP C++ ASM hp hpp HP HPP Cpp
java Java jav Jav JAVA JAV
Of these, the ones starting with h or H are added to the middle pane,
and all others are added to the leftmost pane.
If you have special file extensions after a period, eg “.Proto”, that
you would like to have treated as source or header files, see the
“Custom file extensions” section a few pages on.
The dictionary-builder does not look at files in the right pane, which
is reserved for documentation. However, it will extract definitions
and prototypes from all files in the left and middle panes. If you don't
want a file in the left or middle pane to be parsed by the dictionary
builder, hold down the <command> key and click on the file name
in the project window to place a dash '-' beside it.
In each pane, the files are sorted alphabetically by name. Since
EnterAct is not a compiler, there’s no need to set up code segments.
If you add more than one file with the same name, truncated full path
names will be shown to the right of the names so that you can tell
which one is which (usually).
§ Adding Java files
Nearly everything for Java files is the same as for C++ files.
For best results, find the source folder for the standard java libraries
somewhere (eg CW9) and drag it onto your project.
§ Add Files—the one-at-a-time way
The Add Files command will let you repeatedly add files (one at a time)
to your project, until you cancel the dialog. The appropriate pane for
each file will be chosen for you. The type of the file you add can be
§ Adding files from a list
The Add Files from List… command appears in place of
the Add Files command when you hold down the <Shift> or <Option> key.
A standard Open dialog will appear, in which you should select a text
file that contains a list of full path names of files to be added to your
project, one name per line. Within EnterAct, a list of full path names
can be generated by selecting the desired files in your project for
multi-file operations (hold down the <Option> key and click on the files
in your project window), and then running the hAWK program
$EchoFullPathNames. See the “Search” chapter for multi-file
selections, and Appendix 2 for hAWK.
Recommended, for VERY important projects take a minute to produce
a list of all files in your project:
• with the project open, call up Find and click the "All" button
to place bullets beside all files (just make sure all disks for
the files are mounted)
• select "hAWK", pick the $EchoFullPathNames program from the
top popup menu, and click "Run"
• Save the resulting document as "MyProj Files" or equivalent.
Later, if you need to recreate the project, you can do so quickly
with the Add Files from List… command. However, these days
it's simpler to create aliases for all the source folders involved
in your project, so recreating the project just involves dragging
the folder aliases onto a new project window.
§ Add All In Folder—the fast way
To add all files in a folder to your project:
• select Add All In Folder
• select a folder that contains files to be added
• click on the button with the folder's name at bottom
• do another folder, or Cancel
When you click the bottom button, all TEXT files in
the folder will be added to your project. Files in subfolders will not
be added. This command will also repeat until you click the Cancel
button. As with Add Files, there’s no need to select a project pane
(Clicking on the "CEDARL_Source" button would add all files in that
folder to the project, and also all files in subfolders if the <Shift>
key was down while picking the "Add Files" menu item.)
To add all files in all subfolders to your project as well, hold down
the <Shift> or <Option> key while picking Add All In Subfolders (the key
command won’t work with the <Option> key, just the <Shift> key). Then
select a folder and click on the bottom button with its name.
.Note that <Command><period> will interrupt this all-inclusive
version of Add All In Folder, in case you start in the wrong place.
This <shift> version of Add All is the exact equivalent of dragging
a folder or folder alias onto your project window.
You can also select and add individual files with the Add All
command, but note this will have exactly the same effect
as selecting the folder that contains the file, adding all
files in the folder (and optionally subfolders).
§ Add Mac Headers
The Add Mac Headers command will search the folder that contains
EnterAct and all sub–folders for the file “Quickdraw.h”. Wherever it
is found, all files in that folder will be added. If not found, you will
see a message from EnterAct mentioning that “Quickdraw.h” wasn’t found
anywhere. You can add these headers yourself with the Add All
In Folder command.
If you hold down the <Shift> or <Option> key while selecting this
command, then in addition Add THINK Headers will also be done (see just
If EnterAct complains that it can't find your toolbox files (or just as
bad, that if found more than one version), you can add the toolbox files
yourself--the easiest way is to make an alias for the toolbox headers
you want, and place it in your EnterAct folder. Then you can add the
headers by dragging the alias onto your project window.
§ Add THINK Headers
This command will add all files in the folder containing “THINK.h” to
your project. These include “asm.h”, “pascal.h”, “SANE.h” etc.
If you're using CodeWarrior or MPW, this command doesn't do much.
§ Add Standard C Headers
This command will add all files in the folder containing “stdio.h” to
your project.
§ The active pane
When you click in one of the three file lists it becomes the active
pane, as indicated by highlighting of the file name you click on, and
activation of the scroll bars for that pane. You can also switch
between panes by using the left and right arrow keys.
Some project-related commands such as Update Dictionary and Find In
Next File are independent of the active pane, while others act within
a particular pane. Here’s a list of commands and features which apply
to the active pane:
• the active pane is relevant only when the project window is in
front, in which case one of the file names in the active pane will be
highlighted, and the scroll bars will be active
• to scroll the currently-selected file in the active pane into view,
press <Enter>
• as you drag about in the active pane the currently-selected file
will change to keep up with your mouse, with full autoscrolling
• to move up and down the list of files in the active pane, use the
up and down arrows. <Option><up arrow> selects the first file in the
pane, and <Option><down arrow> selects the last file
• to change panes, click in the pane you want or use the <left arrow>
and <right arrow> keys
• type part of a file name to advance to a particular file in the
active pane, eg type "mou" to advance to either "Mouse.h" or
"MAIN_Mouse.h" -- a match on the first part of the name is tried
first, and if that fails then a match anywhere within the name counts
• Copy will copy the currently-selected file name in the active pane
• double-clicking on a file name opens the file, and the
currently-selected file in the active pane can be opened with the Go
to command
• the active pane is searchable with the Find and Find Again commands
when the project window is in front, or just behind the Find dialog.
Note that when the Find dialog is immediately in front of the project
window the “Find” button will search the list of file names in the
active pane, whereas the “Find In Next File” button will search through
the contents of those files marked with bullets (•). Searching through
the active pane for part of a file name or a file extension is handy
when you have a great many files in a pane
• Remove File removes the currently-selected file in the active pane
from the project, deleting both the file name and the associated
dictionary entries.
§ Remove File
To remove one file from a project, bring the project window to the
front, select the file by clicking on it, and then select Remove File.
If you have built a dictionary for the project, the dictionary will
be automatically updated for you.
§ Remove •'d Files
The “•” refers to files in the project window that have been marked
for multi–file operations (a bullet • appears to the left of the file
name). Before issuing this command, first mark the files that you wish
to remove with bullets (<Option>drag over the files in the project
window). You can also mark all files of a particular type by using the
buttons in the Find dialog.
Any dictionary entries associated with the file will also be deleted.
See the next chapter for a description of your project dictionary.
By the way, this is the only command in EnterAct that will pay
attention to bullets beside PICT file names. All other commands which
deal will your list of bulleted files (such as Find In Next File, or
passing the list as input to a hAWK program) will quietly ignore the
PICT files, since all other multi-file commands deal only with text
§ Custom file extensions
The File Extensions command under the EnterAct menu allows you
to specify additional file extensions beyond the standard .c, .C, .h,
.H etc. Type in your own extensions (up to 48 extensions, each up to
5 characters), and pick which pane the file should be added to. For
example to have “.Proto” files added to the middle pane, type in
“Proto” (don't type the period) in one of the extension fields and
click the corresponding “Mid pane” button. Extensions are
case-sensitive, so “PROTO” is not the same as “Proto”. If you have
multiple versions of the same extension, you should enter them
If a project is open when you pick File Extensions the extensions you
enter will apply to that project only, as indicated by the “This
project” button. If no project is open at the time, the extensions will
be used for any new project you create (the bottom-left button will
read “New projects” in this case).
Please note any file that is added to the left or middle panes will
be parsed, and terms contained will be built into your dictionary, as
explained in the next chapter on dictionaries. This means the files
must be in C/C++/Java (or at least “C--”), otherwise the dictionary builder
will complain. To get around this for an individual file, <command>click
on the file name in the project window to place a dash '-' beside it.
One use for this that you might like to explore later is creating your
own “.Note” files. The “.Note” extension will remind you of their
contents, namely hyperlinked notes on any subject that can be called
up with a click and press of the <Enter> key. This is described at
length in the “Lookup” chapter, which you’ll get to eventually if you
just keep reading along.
Here’s what the File Extensions dialog looks like:
("This project" reads "New projects" if you don't have a project open)
§ Distinguishing ".h" from <.h>
The All ".h" and All <.h> buttons in the Find dialog let you set up a
multi–file search for just one kind of header (ie system or your own),
and since bullets • are shown beside selected files selecting one or
the other kind will give you an on–screen way of telling which are
which. Similarly, the All ".c" and All <.c> buttons allow you to select
source files in either your project folder or your system folder
for multi-file operations such as searching. The "system" folder
is the one that contains EnterAct.
Note for this to work properly you must select the appropriate
<System> folder either when making the project or at any time
thereafter using the "Select <system> folder..." command.
Technically, the Find buttons mentioned above bullet files in the left
or middle pane based soley on their disk location. In particular, any files
with custom file extensions such as “PROTO” or “Notes” will end up with
bullets if they they fall in the category selected (<.h> and <.c> for
the <system> folder, ".h" and ".c" for elsewhere).
§ Copy and search in the project window
When you have a file name selected in the project window, you can Copy
it and then Paste it into a text window. This helps sometimes with
With the project window in front, you can type as in a Finder window to
advance the selection in the current project pane to the first file name
that begins with the characters you typed. You can also type any unique
part of a file name to select it, for example if you have the source pane
selected and "NPXWE_DialogHandler.cp" is the only file name in the pane
that contains "Dial", then typing "dial" will select that file. Neat!
And, if you have an enormous project, the Find dialog will let you
search for part or all of a file name in a particular pane. Select the
pane in the project window that you wish to search, call up the Find
dialog, and then continue as though you were searching for something
in a text document.
§ Project memory needs
EnterAct will be keeping your entire project dictionary in memory, for
rapid access, and this does place a practical limit on the size of a
project. Roughly, the memory needed will amount to 500K for basic
operations plus 16% of the size of all source (left-pane) files plus
120% of the size of all header (middle-pane) files, with “size” meaning
the size of a file’s data fork in bytes, rather than the disk space
used. Note that toolbox and other header files can take a large memory
bite, so if memory becomes tight your greatest savings can be realised
by removing header files that you don’t really need built into your
As a rule of thumb, give a small project about 2 Meg to work with,
and allow about 7 Meg for a larger one (say 1 Meg of source code with most
toolbox headers).
For more details, especially on toolbox headers and their memory needs,
please see the document “EnterAct memory needs”.
§ Multi-file selection
The general notion is to select one or more of the project files listed
in your project window, and then issue a command that acts on all
selected files. The classic use is for multi-file searching.
To create a multi-file selection for your current project:
• (Coarse tuning) in the Find dialog, click on the various buttons
that select all files of a particular type
• (Fine tuning) hold down the <Option> key and click on or drag over
file names in the project window. This acts as a “toggle”, selecting
files if they were not selected and vice versa. The cursor will change
to an “eye” when it’s over the project window with the <Option> key
Each file included in your multi-file selection will have a bullet (•)
to the left of its name in the project window.
Your multi-file selection can be used in the following ways:
• to carry out a multi-file search; enter the text to be found in the
Find dialog, and click the “Find In Next File” button there, or use
the equivalent command under the Search menu. For more on this, see
the “Search” chapter.
• to remove files from your project; use the Remove •'d Files command
described earlier in this chapter
• as input to a hAWK program; for example, to generate a list of full
path names for all text files in your multi-file selection:
• select the hAWK command under the EnterAct menu
• use the “Program:" popup menu to select “$EchoFullPathNames”
• click the “Run” button, and wait a bit... the list of full
path names will be shown to you in a fresh window.
• as input for one of the “Index" commands, as described in
the “‘Index’ commands” chapter.
For more on hAWK see the “hAWK User’s Manual”.
(Coarse-tune your multi-file selection with buttons in the Find dialog,
fine-tune it by holding down the <Option> key and dragging over files
in the project window)
§ Project context restoration
When you close a project, or quit with a project open, the project will
keep a list of all project documents that are open at the time. That’s
your “context”. The next time you open the project, all of those
project documents will also be reopened, and placed and scrolled much
as you left them, and the Browser window will also be brought back if
you left it open. This is all automatic, so in the rare event that you
don’t want your context restored, do a Close All before closing the
project or quitting.
Some details: your windows will be put back exactly where you left
them; file errors are suppressed during context restoration, so if a
document seems to be missing try double–clicking on it in the project
window; text documents will be restored with your insertion point or
selection range scrolled into view, to avoid confusion; however, if
a document is already open, only its window order will be restored;
and if a document has been edited (anywhere) while the project was
closed, it won’t be scrolled. Lookup windows and documents that
haven’t been added to your project (including “Untitled” windows) are
not restored. However, AutoLook will be restored.
If you’re about to switch from one project to another, and want the
project being closed to remember and restore the open documents, close
the project before closing any of the documents that you want
remembered—then open the other project.
§ Switching to other projects
<Option> or <Command> click in the title bar of a project window to
view a popup list of other projects that you have had open.
When you pick one from the list, your current project will close and
the one you picked will open. If you use the <Option> key, you will be
asked to save any documents that need saving, and all text windows
will be closed. If you use the <Command> key, all your text windows
will be left open. Using the <Option> key to close all windows
between switches is the better approach if all of the files you
are dealing with are in your projects, since it keeps your screen
from becoming buried under a sea of windows.
§ Tips
When you double–click on a file name in the project window to open a
file, the project window will at the same time move to the back behind
all other windows. If the project window becomes hidden, you can bring
it to the front again by selecting it from the Windows menu or using
the menu key equivalent <Command><zero> which is always for the project
window. Since the project window goes all the way front or back with
a key–stroke or double–click, you can if you wish make the project
window relatively large and treat it as a sort of backdrop mini–Finder
If you begin the names of your own header files with a common character
or group of characters, they will end up grouped together in the middle
pane of your project window, and similarly for the other panes.
Remember you don't have to type the prefix to select a file
in the active pane, you just need to type some distinctive part of
the name.
If you're short on memory:
To save on memory needed for dictionaries, create one or more “generic”
projects which include header files that are often needed—and exclude
headers than aren’t often needed. Select Update Dictionary before
putting your generic project away. When you want to create a new
project, open the appropriate generic one and use Save As to give it
a new name. This way you won’t have to weed out unneeded headers to
minimize memory needs, and your dictionary will already be up to date
for the basic headers.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Introduction
Once built, a project’s dictionary will contain entries for virtually
every C/C++/Java term in every source (left pane) or header (middle pane)
project file that is not restricted in scope to the body of a function.
For functions and methods the dictionary entry will
be the prototype or equivalent, and for all other terms the entry will
consist of the entire statement in your source code in which the term
was mentioned or defined. Regular use of Update Dictionary will keep
your dictionary current as you develop your source code.
As explained in the next chapter, the main point of having a dictionary
is to give you instant displays of those definitions and prototypes.
The AutoLook window shows them automatically as you edit, and more
detailed and permanent displays can be generated by double-clicking
on a name and pressing the <Enter> key. You can also jump to the
definition of any dictionary entry, as explained in the “Seeing where
a term is defined” chapter. The project dictionary forms the basis for
the display in the Browser window. And there’s a hAWK built-in function
that lets you determine the type of a C term within the context of your
current project (see the hAWK program “$Whazzat”, which
translates C declarations into English).
The AutoLook window can also display definitions for local variables.
For this to work, in addition to having a dictionary you should be
working inside a function in a source file.
§ What’s in a dictionary
After you’ve built your dictionary with the Update Dictionary command
(see the next section), it will contain entries for everything of
interest in your current project’s source (left pane) and header
(middle pane) files that you would want to use in more than one
function. Specifically there will be an entry for every:
• function—all types including static, in–line, method
• struct, union, enum, class
• enum constant
• #define—constant and macro
• typedef
• variable—all types including static, low–memory
—provided only that the term is defined or mentioned outside of a
Note that members of classes, structs and unions are included, as
are prototypes or definitions of methods within class definitions.
Local variables are not included in your dictionary, but the AutoLook
window can look at your function to find the variable's defining
type name (which should be a keyword or something in your
Dictionary entries for functions and methods will contain the prototype
or equivalent. For all other kinds of terms, the dictionary entry will
consist of the complete C statement in which the term occurs in your
source code.
All variants of a particular term will be included as separate entries
in the dictionary. For example, if your source code contains the
definition of a function and also a prototype for the function, then
two entries for the function will be made in the dictionary.
When EnterAct runs into conditional inclusion such as
“#ifdef SomeThing ... #else ...#endif”, it picks up definitions
in the first part and ignores the "else" or "elif" sections. The
parser also ignores anything inside the standard
“#if 0 ... #endif” construction.
§ Building your dictionary
To exclude a file from being built into your dictionary, hold down
the <Command> key and click on the file's name in the project
window. The cursor will change to an 'X' while you do this, and
a dash '-' will appear to the left of the file name to show that it
is excluded.
If you are adding files from a list (via <Shift>Add Files...), you can
exclude a file from being built into the dictionary by placing an
exclamation mark at the beginning of its path name, eg to exclude
the file
add a '!' so it reads
After you’ve added all your files to your project, select Update
Dictionary from the EnterAct menu. If the dictionary–builder stumbles
over a statement that’s too mangled to parse, you’ll see a message
explaining in general what the problem is. You’ll also be shown the
file in question, with the cursor placed at the position where the
error was detected. Generally, most problems reported will be
well–localised and fairly easy to fix—typical problems are lack of
balance for critical delimiters, and missing or very badly spelled
keywords. If you don’t see what the problem is, consult the “Dictionary
build problems” section of the “If there’s a problem” chapter.
EnterAct’s dictionary–builder will properly interpret a great many
first–draft errors, including missing semi–colons, lack of balance in
some delimiters (these vary according to context), slightly misspelled
keywords, and some others. Your source code should mostly make
sense, but it doesn't have to be perfect.
In a contrary sort of way, using EnterAct will almost certainly
reduce your first–draft errors. This is simply because you now have
instant access to all spellings and types of struct members, all
function and method calls, etc, so a major source of errors
is now gone.
§ Keeping it up to date
EnterAct does not update your dictionary automatically. Generally, you
should select Update Dictionary whenever you change or add something
that you’d like to have in the dictionary. Changes that take place
entirely within the body of a function will not affect what’s in your
dictionary. Any changes outside of a function body, including adding
a new function, adding or changing an enum constant or struct or class
member etc will be changes that you’d normally like to have reflected
in your dictionary.
Update Dictionary checks each file's modification time against the
time it was last updated by Enteract, so there is no need to "make"
an EnterAct project as a separate step.
Update For Front File Only will rebuild only that part of your
dictionary that is determined by the front text window. Unlike the
other two update commands, this is a “manual override”, and rebuilds
the dictionary for the front file whether or not it needs rebuilding.
Normally you won’t need to use this command, because a full update with
Update Dictionary for all changed files is almost always very quick.
There are two special cases in which you’ll probably want to rebuild
your entire dictionary:
• enabling the “Detect nested comment start” option (see “Option”
chapter), after having done a dictionary update with this option
• adding one or more new “macro’s to skip” (see the section on
“All-or-nothing macro’s” in the “Source code restrictions chapter)
To completely rebuild your dictionary, hold down all three of the
<Shift>, <Option>, and <Command> keys while using the mouse to select
Update Dictionary (note the key equivalent doesn’t work with this
A small point, but worth noting: if you make a significant change to
a header file that’s #included in a great many source files, don’t be
reluctant to bring your dictionary up to date. EnterAct’s dictionary
builder only needs to scan changed files once, no matter how they are
#included. The dictionary update will take just a few seconds at most
(the tedious part, saving the new dictionary to disk, is done
transparently while you continue to work). For example, on a
relatively slow machine with a 68040 running at 25 Mhz, a typical
incremental update will take 5-10 seconds.
§ How long will it take?
Typically an update zips along at two to three files per second on a slow
68040 machine once it gets going. There is a bit of overhead at the end
of an update while the browser is rebuilt, roughly three seconds.
Project dictionary saving is done transparently in the
background unless you close the project or Quit or issue some other
command that requires a fully-saved project. You can go back to editing,
looking things up, searching etc right after the last file is parsed.
On a Quadra 840 or faster, update speed is simply astonishing.
As mentioned above, all changed files including ".h" files are scanned
only once during an update.
Your regular dictionary update will probably involve no more than
four files, and for this your total time "lost" will typically be under
under six seconds. On a Quadra 840, blink and you miss it.
If you need to interrupt the dictionary update, press
<Command><period>. This also interrupts multi–file searches, and
printing, and hAWK programs, by the way. You can finish the job off
properly later by reselecting your original dictionary update command.
§ Show Dictionary
(This command is not especially useful, since in practice most
dictionaries are very big, and you'll run out of memory.)
This command produces a “raw” dump of all the text in your dictionary,
consisting of all the definitions or declarations that the
dictionary–builder extracted from your code. At the top will be a
comment listing the number of definitions of each type. The entries
in the dictionary dump will be grouped together by file after a comment
giving the file name, and within each file will appear in the same
order as they occurred in the original file. You can use Save As if
you wish to save your raw dictionary.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
You can expect that better than 90% of your routine information needs
will be satisfied by the AutoLook window. For remaining needs, regular
lookup (press <Enter>) pulls up definitions of terms to separate
windows, and also works when your spelling is off but “distinctively
close”. And reverse lookup (<Shift><Enter>) shows definitions of
structs, unions, and typedefs that contain a particular member, again
in a separate window.
Please note that definitions of local variables appear only in the
AutoLook window, and if you want them in a separate window
you'll have to do the Copy-New-Paste thing.
Lookup and many other features (such as jumping to a definition) are
fully functional with first-draft code. All lookup windows, including
AutoLook, are fully editable, but can't be saved.
EnterAct's lookup features can be used to help out less "language
aware" editors. If you feel more comfortable working that way,
see the last section in this chapter (but read just below about
<Enter> for lookup, <Shift><Enter> for member lookup, and the
all-important AutoLook window first, please).
§ AutoLook
The AutoLook command calls up an automatic lookup window which
updates by itself to show dictionary entries as you type, edit, or
click around with the mouse. It will instantly retrieve and display a
definition for the words that lie just before your insertion point, or
within your current selection (which can be part of a larger
word). And it’s just as editable as a regular text window (Cut Copy
Replace etc), though you can’t save changes to it.
AutoLook is context-aware: it can determine if a name is a local
variable, and when dealing with members or methods it tries its
best to look in the appropriate inheritance chain. If you're in a
plain document rather than a source file, AutoLook still works,
but with less accuracy.
AutoLook can be used to look up a simple name, such as
"noErr": just click after the name and its definition will appear
instantly in the AutoLook window (for this one, you'd need to
add Mac Headers, or at least Types.h, to your project).
And AutoLook can be used to resolve a complicated "reference
chain". Taking a C example such as
if you clicked after "parID" you would see in AutoLook that it
is a long member in an FSSpec; and if you clicked after "sfFile",
AutoLook would show that it is the FSSpec member in a
StandardFileReply struct. And if you clicked after "mySFRPtr"
in the function where I took this example, you would see that
it is a local variable of type "StandardFileReply *", together
with the definition of a StandardFileReply. Actually, AutoLook
is much easier to use than to describe--try it! Just click after
any name of interest, anywhere.
• AutoLook shows definitions instantly for terms to the left
of your insertion point, or within your selection
• If you're working inside a function in a source file, then the
AutoLook window will also display definitions for local variables.
• If you're working within a method, lookup shown for members
and methods will be more accurate than if you're in a plain
• Your spelling must be exact for most terms - if you don't see what
you expected, press the <Enter> key to look up a top-level term,
or <Shift><Enter> to look up a struct or class member (see below)
• AutoLook shows supporting definitions for a name when
appropriate (eg if a name is a variable of type FSSpec, you'll
also be shown the definition of an FSSpec).
For another example, if there are entries in your current dictionary for
“Window”, “WindowData”, and “WindowDataPtr”, then all three entries
will appear in succesion in the AutoLook window as you type
“WindowDataPtr”. Selecting “Ptr” will call up the definition of “Ptr”,
whereas selecting (or clicking after) “contained within the
WindowDataPtr” will call up the definition of “WindowDataPtr”.
In both of these latter cases, the full definition of the "WindowData"
struct will appear in the AutoLook window.
If the definition of the word involves obvious typedefs,
#defines, or structs or unions, definitions for them will be appended to the
AutoLook display—for example, if you double-click on a global variable
gEvtDetails you won’t see just
"EventDetails gEvtDetails ;"
you’ll also see what an EventDetails thing is defined to be.
(as of v3.5, we skip the "middlemen", for example the typedef for
"EventDetails" is not shown in AutoLook, since it adds little
to comprehension)
As mentioned, the AutoLook window produces fast accurate lookup for
data members, when you're working in a method. Click after or
double-click on the data member's name, as usual, and the
declaration for the data member will appear in the AutoLook
window, followed by any supporting definitions -- eg "Thing
*dataMember;" would be followed by the definition of "Thing".
The AutoLook window will tell you which class
definition the declaration was found in, either the class that owns
the method you're working in, or any of the classes it inherits
from. This "data member" lookup for AutoLook is case-sensitive,
and the beginning of the name you're looking up must match the
beginning of the data member's name exactly, to speed things up
and cut down on spurious matches. If you're not working in a method
or your spelling is slightly off, AutoLook will still often take a stab
at showing you a definition, but it may just be guessing.
EnterAct's parser doesn't resolve overloaded method names, so you
may see more definitions than you want when you look up such a
§ Regular lookup (press <Enter>)
The AutoLook window changes as you work, doesn't always show all
variants, and works only with correct spelling. To produce a more
permanent display of a definition, or a display listing all variant
definitions of a name, or to pull up a definition for a name when
you’ve forgotten the correct spelling, press the <Enter> key. You can
either double-click on the name or type it in or click just to the
right of it, then press <Enter>. As a special case, note that local
variables are not in your dictonary and so definitions for them will
show only in the AutoLook window. This may change in a future version.
Hey, the top of the function isn't that far away. To toggle between
your working position and the top of a function, use the "Go Back"
command, or mark both locations using the Locations menu.
To produce a more permanent display of a local definition,
you'll have to manually copy it to another window.
Lookup windows also provide a context for jumping to one of
several definitions for a term, as described in chapter 11,
"Seeing where a term is defined." In brief, to jump to a specific
definition for a term:
• press <Enter> to look the term up to a separate lookup window
• pick the one you want; either <Option>click in the lookup
window's title bar, or keep pressing <Enter>
• <Option>double-click on the term you want (for a two-part name
such as "Class::method", do the double-click on one name and then
drag to the other name before releasing the mouse).
Back to pushing the <Enter> key: definitions that match or come
closest to the term you’re looking up will be displayed in a new
“lookup” window. It looks like a regular text window, but the title
of the window will be the term you’re looking up, preceded by
two bullets (••). Text in the window can be edited (Cut Copy
Replace etc), but changes are temporary.
In the display box along the bottom of the window you will see the name
of the file from which the definition was taken, followed by a number
such as “1/4” indicating that the definition is the first of four
available in the window. This number can range from “1/1” to “1/60”.
In all lookup windows, to view other definitions:
• hold down the <Option> key (or the <Command> key)
• click-and-drag in the lookup window’s title bar
• select from the resulting popup menu describing the definitions.
Or, press the <Enter> key to view the next available definition,
<Option><Enter> to view the previous one.
(Double-clicking on “KeyDetails” and pressing the <Enter> key produced
the “••KeyDetails” lookup window. The cursor is caught in the act of
an <Option>click in the title bar of the lookup window.)
When your spelling is exact, the lookup window will contain all variant
definitions of the term. For example, there will often be a defining
instance and prototype for a function, and quite often a struct and
a typedef with the same name will exist.
Unlike AutoLook, regular lookup works even if your spelling is off.
There are no arcane rules to memorize concerning what to type if you
can’t remember the exact spelling of a term: just type your best guess.
Do use the correct case though, because regular lookup is
case-sensitive, the same as C itself. OK, regular lookup will compensate
instantly for a single case error, but otherwise it will start looking
for best matches through your whole dictionary, and this takes a
If your spelling was off, the lookup window will hold definitions for
terms that best match what you typed, in order according to how well
they match. In this case, you control how many matches are available
in the lookup window (see “Number of entries per lookup” later in this
chapter, it's a field in the Options dialog).
When your spelling is incorrect, EnterAct first checks for common
errors such as full spelling when an abbreviation is needed, use of
a common synonym, permutations, and single case errors. Up to this
point, regular lookup is instant. If no match is yet found, EnterAct
then checks all entries in your dictionary and locates the ones that
best match what you typed, based on runs of matching characters. This
phase may take several seconds, but is still much faster and easier
than searching through files yourself. Very much faster.
As each definition appears in a lookup window, a selection is made for
you. For functions, the function name and parameter list are selected,
and for all other terms the name of the term itself is selected.
Here’s a general example illustrating typical use of regular lookup:
• you type the name of a function in one of your working windows, but
the AutoLook window doesn’t change: this means your spelling was off
• press the <Enter> key, and a lookup window appears, holding several
definitions that come closest to your spelling
• the first one shown isn’t the one you wanted: press <Enter>
repeatedly to advance through the definitions. Normally the one you
want will be among the first three. Or, hold down the <Option>
or <Command> key and click-and-drag in the title bar to pick
from a popup menu of alternates
• viewing the function you want, use Paste Selection Behind to copy
the function name and parameters which have been selected for you,
return to your working window, and paste the function name (now
correctly spelled) and parameter list over your guess—all in one step.
§ <Enter> for lookup, advancing, scrolling
Pressing the <Enter> key in a normal text window means “look this up”,
but in a lookup window it can also mean “advance to the next
definition”. The different behavior corresponds to your intent. Here
are the rules for <Enter> in a lookup window:
• to look up a name shown in a lookup window definition, double-click
on it or click after it or type it in and press <Enter>. This is the
same as in a regular text window.
• to cycle to the next definition; if you haven’t altered the default
selection made for you in the lookup window, press <Enter>. If you have
altered the selection, use Select All before pressing <Enter>. If your
selection is so large that it couldn’t represent a word to be looked
up, or if it agrees with the name of the definition already being shown
in the lookup window, EnterAct will cycle you to the next definition.
The same rules apply to <Option><Enter>, which takes you back to the
preceding definition in a lookup window, but also does “sounds like”
lookup as described as few sections ahead.
By the way, using the <Enter> key to just scroll the top-left of your
selection into view or to toggle between showing the top and bottom
portion of a large selection still works, the same as in ordinary
editors. Once again, it comes down to your intent: try the <Enter> key
out to do lookup, advancing through definitions, and scrolling your
selection and you should quickly find that you can treat it as a “Do
What I Mean” button. On the rare occasion when it doesn't advance you
to the next definition in a lookup window, whack it twice quickly.
That'll teach it.
§ Looking up the clip (press <Command><Enter>)
To look up the last word on the clipboard, hold down the <Command> key
while pressing <Enter>. EnterAct’s private clipboard is updated when
you switch in and out. So to look up a term encountered while using
some other editor:
• Copy just the term
• switch to EnterAct (an appropriate project with built dictionary
should be open)
• hit <Command><Enter>
A lookup window will appear after you press the <Enter> key, showing
the dictionary entry that best matches what you typed, or those that
come closest if your spelling erred, just as if you typed the word in
a text window and pressed <Enter>.
OR just leave your AutoLook window in front -- when you return
to EnterAct, the AutoLook window will automatically display
whatever info it can for the last word on the clipboard. This
lets you use EnterAct as a high-speed lookup helper when
you're working mainly with some other editor. Just arrange
your windows so that you can see the AutoLook window when
you're in the other editor, then having a definition in view is
as easy as Copy, click on the AutoLook window, click on your
other editor's window.
§ Reverse lookup (press <Shift><Enter>)
To retrieve all struct, typedef, and union definitions that contain
a word or phrase, select the word or phrase, or click after just a
single word, and press <Shift><Enter>. Reverse lookup is not
case-sensitive, but otherwise your spelling must be exact. It’s very
fast, though not instant.
Results are shown in a lookup window, and you can view the different
definitions either by pressing <Enter> to advance to the next
definition, <Option><Enter> to view the previous one, or by
<Option>clicking in the lookup window’s title bar.
Here’s the lookup window that results from typing "ioFDirIndex" and
pressing <Shift><Enter>, with the dictionary containing most toolbox
(<Option>click in the title bar for the popup listing definitions in
any lookup window. “iofdirindex” would work just
as well as “ioFDirIndex”, and “ioFDir” would have produced similar
results, perhaps with a few more definitions shown.)
Reverse lookup works with a single word or a phrase up to 255
characters, and just looks for a match in struct, union and typedef
definitions regardless of where the text occurs. The most common use
is to look up a member name, but you can also use it to look up a
distinctive word or phrase in a comment that you recall seeing, perhaps
in one of your own “popup notes”, as described in “Looking up your
notes” later in this chapter.
As of version 3 of EnterAct, the text you're looking up must begin
with the start of a word for reverse lookup, but need not end with
a complete word.
Tip: type the member name using proper case, and check the AutoLook
window: it will show a list of all structs, classes, and unions that
contain that member name. And in most cases you can press <enter>
instead of <shift><enter> to produce a "reverse lookup" window. The
only real exceptions are names that are #defined, such as
#define STANDARD_FIRST_MEMBER long next;
--in this case you would have to press <shift><enter> after typing
STANDARD_FIRST_MEMBER if you wanted to see what structures made
use of it, since pressing <enter> would just show you the definition of
STANDARD_FIRST_MEMBER. But heck, only IBM and MicroSoft commit
that sort of barbarism these days....
§ “Sounds like” lookup (press <Option><Enter>)
When you can’t remember what case conventions were used for a name,
or your recollection of the spelling is very very vague, type in your
best guess and try <Option><Enter> instead of just plain <Enter>. This
activates “sounds like” or “phonetic” rather than regular lookup. Upper
and lower case are treated as the same, vowels are used to determine
what the surrounding consonants sound like, and consonants are
converted to standard phonetic equivalents in your guess. This “boiled
down” version of your guess is then compared with similarly boiled-down
versions of all names in your dictionary, and you will be shown the
definitions of the ones that come closest in the resulting lookup
The different definitions available can be viewed in the same way as
with regular lookup windows: use <Enter> and <Option><Enter> to cycle
forwards and back, or <Option>click in the title bar and choose from
the popup menu.
Sounds-like lookup should be kept in mind as an “emergency backup”,
worth trying if regular lookup doesn’t bring up the definition you want
As an example, suppose you’re after the definition of ParamBlockHeader,
but misremember it as PARAMHEAD. Regular plain-<Enter> lookup would
fail in this case, since it is case-sensitive. Pressing <Option><Enter>
would work, but might also call up spurious matches (who knows what,
perhaps kPrimeHidden) since it largely ignores vowels. On the other
hand, if you misremember CopyFile as KoppeePheill then sounds-like
lookup will work, and I imagine you won’t be complaining about the few
extra spurious matches that it throws up.
§ Viewing other entries in lookup windows
<Enter> and <Option><Enter> take you forwards and backwards through
the different definitions available in any lookup window, as described
in the section “<Enter> for lookup, advancing, scrolling” a couple of
pages back.
For a quick overview of all entries in the lookup window, hold down
the <Option> or <Command> key and click (and drag) in the lookup
window’s title bar. A popup menu will appear, listing the first line
from each entry (or at least a good part of it), and you can go to the
entry by selecting it from the menu.
The first letter in each menu item indicates the type of the entry ('v’
for variable, ‘(’ for function, ‘#’ for define etc). For details, see
“Hints with lookup” below.
(<Option>click-and-drag in the title bar)
§ For faster lookup
If lookup on average takes longer than you’re willing to wait when your
spelling is off, the simplest cure is to trim unneeded files from your
project, thus reducing the size of your dictionary. See “Project memory
needs” in the “Projects” chapter for a guide to trimming files, and
also the document “EnterAct memory needs”. Regular lookup for exact
spelling is always instant, and reverse lookup nearly so.
§ Hints with lookup
(Optional reading, for diehard powerusers)
When you type in a name and press <Enter>, you know what “kind of
thing” you want, but EnterAct doesn’t. Supplying EnterAct with a quick
hint will help speed up the lookup if your spelling doesn’t match an
entry, and it will in all cases limit the entries that are retrieved
to the type that you specify with the hint.
A hint for lookup consists of one character added after the name you
wish looked up. Normally you’ll need to first type a space and then
the one–character hint, to separate it from the name. However, the hint
for a function “(” and the hint for a #define “#” can’t be part of any
name, so the space is optional for these two.
Here are the hints you can supply, with examples: in all cases you
should select an insertion point just to the right of the hint just
before pressing <Enter> so that EnterAct can pick up the hint
correctly, or select the word and the hint. For all except the function
and #define hints, a bit of space (blanks or tabs) between the name
and the hint is necessary.
Type Hint Example
---- ---- -------
function, method ( SomeFunc(
struct, class s MyStruct s
variable v globalVar7 v
#define # BIGNUM#
union u IntOrFloat u
enum e ErrorCodes e
enum constant c eNoMemory c
typedef t MyStruct t
In the display box of a lookup window you will see one of the above
hints for each entry, between the file name and the current entry
number. This is just to remind you that EnterAct keeps track of what
kind of thing each term is, and that it will understand the above hints
if you supply them.
When should you supply a hint? Almost never. Perhaps when you have a
struct, a typedef, and a variable that have very similar names, you
don’t remember the exact spelling, and you want just one of them
without the nuisance of the others. Since flipping through lookup
entries is as fast as pressing the <Enter> key once the lookup appears,
the only common reason to supply a hint is to speed up the lookup
process itself. But in this case you should first try trimming
unnecessary files from your project, as this will also speed things
up by reducing the size of your dictionary.
§ Number of lookup windows
With too many lookup windows on–screen at once, your screen will be
too cluttered. If too few are available, that will hamper you when you
have a complicated problem to wrestle with. The upshot is that the
maximum number of lookup windows on–screen at once must be under your
control, so you can vary this number as the situation demands. You can
change this number at any time by typing a new number in the “Number
of lookup windows” box in the Options dialog. The default number is
4, but you can vary it from 1 to 10.
The “Number of lookup windows” includes any that you mark for keeping
around, and determines when a lookup window that is not marked for
keeping around will go away on its own. When you press <Enter>
to see a new lookup and the lookup window limit has already been
reached, one of the old lookup windows that was not marked for keeping
around will quietly go away, and the new one will replace it. There’s
no predicting which one, so if you want a lookup window to stay up
until you explicitly close it, select Keep Lookup Around while it is
the front window ( see “Keeping lookups around” below for details).
§ Number of entries per lookup
When your spelling doesn‘t match any term in your dictionary exactly,
the number of entries that are retrieved in the lookup window is under
your control. To change this number, select Options and type a new
number in the “Number of entries per lookup window” box (see
illustration just above). The default of 4 suits most cases, but you
may prefer 3 or 5. The maximum of 20 entries is useful only when your
recollection of the correct spelling has gone right out the window.
§ Keeping lookups around
The command for this is under the Windows menu. When you select Keep
Lookup Around with a lookup window in front, the lookup will be marked
for keeping around, which is to say it won’t close unless you close
it yourself. Other lookups not marked for keeping around may quietly
close when you ask for a new lookup after having hit the limit on the
number of lookup windows on–screen at one time.
When you select Keep Lookup Around for a lookup window, the beginning
of the window title will change from •• to ¶¶ to show you that it is
marked for keeping. A ¶ is a Paragraph mark, which starts with P, and
that stands for Permanent.
A lookup window marked for keeping will close only if you select Close
or Close All, or close the project, or leave EnterAct. In other words,
it’s as permanent as a regular text window.
Since the AutoLook window changes so often, if you want to preserve
an entry you should look it up in the usual way, by double-clicking
on or clicking just to the right of the word (or partial word) and
pressing the <Enter> key. You can do the lookup right in the AutoLook
window if you wish.
After you’ve used the AutoLook window for a bit, it serves as a
spelling checker for terms. If you don’t detect a slight
flicker in the AutoLook window out of the corner of your eye when you
type the name of a term that should be in your dictionary, take a
glance at the AutoLook window—if the definition or prototype isn’t
there, you have a spelling error.
§ Looking up your notes
Here’s how to build your own hard–won notes and observations about
programming the Macintosh into your dictionary, for quick retrieval
by name. You might call them “popup” notes, but as you’ll see, they’re
just a variation on looking up C terms and the notes appear in the
AutoLook window or a regular lookup window.
Note files consist of fake C constructs, the sole content of each
construct being a comment which contains the specific note. Suppose,
for example, one of your notes concerns the modification date
(“modDate”) for a file. To be able to retrieve the note, you first need
to think of a memorable name for it, such as “modDateNote”. Then, in
your note file, you would set up the dictionary entry like this:
struct modDateNote
Paste the note in here, within a comment
that makes up the entire "struct" body.
The note goes inside a comment, which makes up the body of a struct.
Placing the note inside a comment is necessary, to prevent the
dictionary builder from trying to interpret your text as C code. There
are other constructs you can use, such as
#define modDateNote /*
Paste the note in here, within a comment
that makes up the entire "define" body.
int modDateNote /* your note here
in a comment */;
but a struct is definitely the best, since reverse lookup can then be
used to retrieve a note based on some distinctive word or phrase that
it contains.
Since notes are always placed inside C comments, you should avoid C
comment starts and ends (/* and */) within the note itself.
It remains only to persuade EnterAct to build such a file into your
dictionary. EnterAct will do so for files that are in the left or
middle pane of your project, and by default if a file name ends in “.c”
or “.h” etc it is added to the left or middle pane respectively. However,
a slightly nicer approach is to give your note files an ending that
describes what they are. A reasonable choice would be “Notes”, and then
your note files would have names like “File.Notes”, “Memory.Notes”,
“Interface.Notes”. To instruct EnterAct that files with names ending
in “Notes” should go in the left or middle pane, select the File
Extensions command and type in the file extension (eg “Notes”) that
you choose for your note files—see the “Custom file extensions” section
in the “Projects” chapter for an example. Which pane these files go
in (left or middle) is up to you. Using a custom extension rather than
the default “.c” or “.h” for your note files will also help prevent
confusion if other people examine your work.
Now add the note files to your project, select Update Dictionary, and
you can retrieve any note to the AutoLook window by typing its name
in any text window, and pressing <Enter> will place the note in a
separate new lookup window. If the name of the note consists of the
exact topic followed by “Note” then it will be easy to remember. And
if you place a comment in your source code containing the name of the
note, such as /* see modDateNote */
then all you have to do is double-click on the note name (and press
<Enter> if you want a more permanent view than the one shown in the
AutoLook window).
A note can be of any length, and if you edit it heavily you can
probably clean up the appearance afterwards with Reformat Selection.
For an example of a note file, see the file “hAWK_notes.h” on disk 2.
As a specific example,
if ((**availRgn).rgnSize > 10) /* see RegionNote */
yPos = 5;
y = *(((int *)(*availRgn)) + yPos);
while (y != 32767)
xPos = yPos + 1;
might look like Greek to me if I come back to review it, but by
clicking to the right of RegionNote in the comment and pressing
<Enter> I can view my hard–won note on regions that explains in more
detail what’s going on:
Often it’s simpler to just place a “go to” link in your code
(consisting of a file name followed by a marker name, as detailed in
the “‘Go’ commands” chapter). “Go to” links have two advantages over
popup notes: any text in any document, including support documents,
can be marked for use a link, and the text at the link can include
illustrations. But “popup” notes as described above have two advantages
over “go to” links: they appear in politely placed and sized windows,
as do all lookup windows, and you can view several notes from the same
file in separate windows. A mix of “Go to” links to access existing
or complex documents, and popup notes to retrieve details on specific
programming tasks might be best.
§ EnterAct as a "definition finder" for other editors
To use EnterAct as a "definition finder" with other editors:
• read enough here to learn how to create a project, build
a dictionary, and show the "AutoLook" window. Knowing
how to call up "lookup" windows by pressing the <Enter>
key is also useful. That's all above here.
• when you're using the other editor, also run an EnterAct
project with contents roughly corresponding to the code
you're working on - have the "AutoLook" window open,
as the frontmost text window in EnterAct. Your project
dictionary should be reasonably up to date.
• to look up a term with EnterAct; Copy it in the other editor,
and switch to EnterAct. If you don't immediately see the
definition in the AutoLook window (rare), press
<Command><Enter>. To look up the class or struct that
contains a particular member, press <Shift><Command><Enter>.
§ Looking it up with THINK Reference or Toolbox Assistant
You'll see "Find in THINK Reference" and "Find in Toolbox Assistant"
under EnterAct's Search menu: to get them working, create a folder
named "Tools" or "(Tools)" next to EnterAct at the same level, and
drop aliases of THINK Reference and QuickView into it. When you
want to look something up, either select a term or click just after
it and issue the appropriate menu command (the command key
equivalents <Command><-> and <Command><4> are worth memorizing).
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Seeing where a term is defined
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ <Option>double–click
To see the file in which any dictionary term is defined, hold down the
<Option> key while double–clicking on the term. EnterAct will enter
the term in the Find dialog (the equivalent of Enter Selection), open
the file where the term is defined, and scroll to the first instance
of the term in the file.
Except for functions, methods, structs, classes, unions, and enums,
for which you’ll almost always be scrolled to the exact defining
instance, with no tripping over a mention in a comment or variable
declaration or prototype.
(Note you can look up the definition of a full method name, in the
format "class_name::method_name", by <Option>double-clicking
on the class name, dragging over to the method name to select it
as well, and then releasing the mouse. Or if you prefer you can
look it up by selecting both names and then using the Find
Definition command.)
Here's an example of looking up a class definition:
(those are old-style window, but the idea is the same....)
If you are viewing just a method name, without the class name:
• bring up your AutoLook window (you'll find it's useful all the
• click after or double-click on the method name in your source
• AutoLook will show a complete list of prototypes for the method
• select the one you want, class name and method name inclusive,
in the AutoLook window and use Find Definition
• or <Option>double-click on the class name, drag to the method
name, and release the mouse
For example, to view the definition of "DoSpecificCommand" in
the class "TFaxPage", when viewing just
"someObject->DoSpecificCommand(1,2)", you would click just
after "DoSpecificCommand" to see the following in the
AutoLook window:
OSErr TFaxDocument :: DoSpecificCommand
(short stdCommandNumber,
long misc)
OSErr TFaxEdit :: DoSpecificCommand
(short stdCommandNumber,
long misc)
OSErr TFaxPage :: DoSpecificCommand
(short stdCommandNumber,
long misc)
--then select "TFaxPage :: DoSpecificCommand", and use the
Find Definition command to jump to the definition. Or <Option>
double-click on one of the words, drag to the other, and release
the mouse.
If your spelling of the method name is off, and nothing shows in the
AutoLook window, click just after your guess at the name and press
<Enter>. If your guess was close enough, the resulting lookup window
will hold entries for all methods with the correct name. Hold down
the <Option> key and click in the title bar of the lookup window to
view a list of the methods -- if you see the right one, select it,
and your desired one will appear in the body of the lookup window,
where you can <Option>double-click or use Find Definition.
§ Find Definition
Find Definition is useful with parts of a word (such as just the
WindowData part of WindowDataPtr )—just select the exact term you want
to view the defining instance of, without regard for what comes before
or after it.
Find Definition ignores trailing spaces or tabs, and also accepts hint
characters in much the way that lookup does.
§ If there are multiple definitions
If you have several methods with the same name, use the
AutoLook window to pick the right one as described just above.
In the general case, you can jump to a particular definition of a
term as follows:
• select the term or click after it, and press <Enter> to look it up
• in the resulting lookup window, hold down the <Option> key and
click in the window's title bar to view a popup menu listing all the
definitions and abbreviated full path names for their locations
• pick the one you want, then <Option>double-click on the term
as shown in the lookup window.
If the term is a static function or variable and you happen to be
viewing the file where it is defined, then <Option>double-clicking
on the name anywhere in that file will take you to the definition
in that same file.
Note if you want a list of all definitions of a term, the simplest
way is still to do a Batch Find, then trim the results.
§ Other ways of finding definitions
The AutoLook window will display definitions instantly when you select
or click after a term, greatly reducing the need to “find” definitions.
It will also show most class method definitions, and definitions for
data members (these details are subject to last-minute improvements).
And of course you can retrieve the definition of a term to a separate
lookup window by clicking after the term and pressing the <Enter> key.
“Go to” links, as explained in the “‘Go’ command” chapter, can be used
to jump to any marked location in any file. This includes function and
method definitions if you are using Automark to mark your source files
in the default way.
The "Cross-Reference" index command (chapter 22) can generate a
cross-reference of C (only) terms in your source code that is compatible
with EnterAct’s "Go to" command. These “file-name line-number”
references can go out of date if you edit your files, but are handy
for files that don’t change often.
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§ The Browse command
The window produced by this command shows a “family tree” of the
classes in your project, as of your last dictionary update, and also
allows you to quickly view any class or method definition. It will
close when you close your project, and will update automatically when
you update your project dictionary.
In the browser, "user"-defined class names are underlined, whereas
<system>-defined classes are not.
The solid black horizontal and vertical lines connect each child to
the first of its parents. If a class inherits from multiple parents,
light colored lines connect the middle of each parent to the left or
right end of each child. For example, given
class A : B, C, D {...
you would find in the browser window a set of solid horizontal and
vertical lines connecting A to B, and light colored lines would connect
the middles of C and D to the left or right end of A.
If a class contains other classes or structs as members, they will
be listed beneath the class name, separated from it by a white line.
To view the definition of a class, double–click on the class name. This
works much like <Option>double-click or Find Definition in a text
window. This works with both a "main" class name and any of its
member class or struct names.
To view a method definition, click and hold on the owning class name:
after a brief pause (your double–click time, actually) a popup menu
will appear listing all of the class’s methods. You should then select
the method you want and release the mouse button, as if you hadn’t
guessed. This also works with member class names (as of this
writing, it's untested with member struct names.)
To view a popup of all methods in a class AND all methods that
it inherits, hold down the <Command> key and click and hold on
the class name. This list can be quite long, and may take several
seconds to generate--please be patient the first few times you
try it. Inherited private methods are not shown, and virtual methods
are indicated with a "v" before the name.
If your family tree of classes involves a great deal of multiple
inheritance, the many light colored lines may become too tangled to
decipher, and even obscure class names. To display just the colored
inheritance lines for one class, click once on the class name (all
colored lines not connecting to the class will disappear). To add
lines for other classes, click on the class names with the <Shift>
key held down. Similarly, you can suppress the colored lines for one
class by <Shift>clicking on it. To show all colored lines again, click
once on the white background between classes. Double-clicking to
show a class definition does not suppress any colored lines, and neither
does the click-and-hold to view a method popup.
Instead of trying to follow the colored lines, you can view the parents
of a main class by holding down the <Option> key and
clicking on its name to view a popup of mom and pop etc. Note that
releasing the mouse over one of the parents will take you to its
definition, a feature I included mainly because a popup is supposed
to do something.
Classes without proper parents (orphans, if you like) will always
appear in the left–most column of your browser window. A quick look
down the left column will reveal whether you have any unintentional
orphans, perhaps due to misspelling the parent class name in the class
(Note EnterAct works fine with CodeWarrior etc classes, for which
there may be many base classes in the leftmost column.)
§ Finding classes in the Browser window
To bring a particular class into view, type the first part or some
distinctive part of its name. The name will flash once.
You can also use the Find dialog and the Find Again command to
find classes in the browser window (eg if you're looking at the
source for a class and want to see where the class is in the
browser, use Enter Selection to enter the class name in the Find
dialog, then bring the browser to the front and do a Find Again).
§ Method and class popups
(This is a summary of popups, as described above)
• to view the methods associated with a class, click and hold
on the class name.
• to view all inherited methods as well, hold down the <Command>
key while you click and hold on the class name. If the list is
gigantic, it may take several seconds to generate the popup, so
please be patient the first few times you try this.
• to view a list of the immediate parents of a class, hold down
the <Option> key while you click and hold on the class name.
§ Browsing classes without the browser
Nothing new to seeing class definitions—click to the right of the class
name and press <Enter>, or just look in the AutoLook window.
You will typically find the class name of an object as the first name
in the statement where it is defined, as in
TClassName *objectName;
You can also, of course, look up a class by typing the name and
pressing <Enter>, and in all cases your spelling just needs to be
reasonably close, not exact. In either case, the definition will appear
in the AutoLook window if you have it open.
§ Browsing methods without the browser
(The approach below is for use when your spelling of a method
name is incorrect, or the owning class is determined at runtime.
If your spelling is correct or the class is "fixed", you will see
the appropriate prototype in the AutoLook window when you
click after or double-click on the method name. To go to the
definition, select the full "class_name::method_name" in the
AutoLook window, then use the Find Definition command, or
<Option>double-click, dragging to select both names before
releasing the mouse.)
Method browsing is a bit trickier, since if you have something like
and there are several different classes with Draw() methods, then
EnterAct does not know specifically which Draw() method you want. If
there is only one method in your project with a given name, then the
lookup window will contain just one entry, but if there are several
then the lookup window will contain all of them (up to a maximum of
60). For example, if you were to press <Enter> with an insertion point
to the right of Draw above, then the lookup window might contain
entries for void Circle::Draw(), void Square:: Draw(), void
Oval::Draw() and so on. When there are several entries like this, you
can cycle through them by pressing the <Enter> key, and back up by
pressing <Option><Enter>. There are some illustrations of this just
This raises the question of how to find where a method is defined. The
general approach is described in the chapter “Seeing where a term is
defined”, but the approach for a method has one extra step:
• double-click on the method name, and a list of all methods with that
name will appear in the AutoLook window;
or, press <Enter> and cycle through the lookup window until
you find the method you want, based on the name of the owning class
• then select the entire name, consisting of the owning class name,
the two colons, and the method name, in general
• and then select Find Definition.
• (or <Option>double-click, ya ya you know already)
There is one exception to this: if there is only one method in your
project with the name in question, then a standard <Option>
double–click on just the method name will jump you to the file where
that method is defined. However, if there are several methods with the
same name in different classes, there’s no predicting which definition
you will see if you just <Option> double–click on the method name—best
to look up the method first, and use Find Definition on the full name
of the exact one you want.
By the way, when viewing the full “className:: methodName” of a method,
you can look up the definition of the owning class of the method by
clicking at the right end of the class name, before the colons, and
pressing <Enter>. If the instance of the method name you’re viewing
doesn’t have the class name attached, look up the method name as
decribed just above to see the full method name including the owning
class, and then do your lookup for the class in the lookup window shown
for the method.
If you want to see where a method is defined, but can’t remember the
exact spelling of the name, type your best guess and press <Enter>.
The true name you wanted will probably be among the first few entries
in the lookup window, and then you can proceed with an <Option>
double–click or Find Definition right in the lookup window to get to
the file you want to see.
If you want lookup for a method when you’re not sure of the spelling,
and want to restrict the lookup to just methods, type a bit of the
class name and two colons just before the method name—even C::method
will do (even if the class name doesn’t contain a “C”—it’s the two
colons which signal that a method is wanted).
EnterAct is not a fancy bells–and–whistles browser, but it does allow
you to look everything up quickly. And, it has two advantages over any
other browser: your code doesn’t have to be perfectly compilable, just
reasonably close; and your spelling when you want lookup for anything
(including methods and classes) doesn’t have to be perfect, just close
enough to be distinctive. Try that on your SmallTalk!
A method-browsing example:
Here we've typed "EstablishPort" in a new window, and then pressed
the <enter> key: the corresponding lookup window holds entries for
all EstablishPort methods. The cursor is caught in the act of
<option>clicking in the title bar of the lookup window to select
the entry for LOffscreenView::EstablishPort.
After the LOffscreenView::EstablishPort appears in the lookup window,
<option>double-clicking on it takes us to its definition.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Documents and windows
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ New, Open, Close
New under the File menu means a new text window. To create a project,
select New Project from the EnterAct menu. A new lookup window appears
automatically whenever you look something up. New PICT windows can’t
be had, no matter what you try.
Open under the file menu allows you to open any TEXT or PICT document.
To open a project, select Open Project from the EnterAct menu.
Close will close the front window, whatever it is, and the key
equivalent <Command><W> is often handy. Close Project will close the
project window whether it is in front or not. Only one project can be
open at a time, so if you select Open Project while a project is open
you will be asked to confirm putting away the current project. The same
applies if you select New Project.
To close all text windows, select Close All from the Windows menu. This
will not close your project or the Find dialog.
EnterAct provides some support for unix and DOS files. Specifically,
you can open, change, and save them, and change from one type to
the other using the little popup menu at bottom-left of the windows.
§ Save, Save As, Revert
Save applies only to proper text documents (not lookup windows) and
to PICT’s. Saving a PICT will alter only the window location that
EnterAct saves with any file. To save the contents of a lookup window,
Copy what you want and Paste it into a regular text window. Projects
are saved automatically, when you update the dictionary, add files,
or close the project.
Save As can be used with text and PICT documents, and with a project
as well. In particular, you can set up a project to use as
“stationery”, with the font and window location preset, and commonly
needed files already added—for details see the “Projects” chapter,
section “Creating a project”.
Revert applies to text and PICT documents only (with PICT’s only the
position on your screen is reverted).
§ Close and Save Documents
These two new commands are under the Windows menu, supplementing
the old Close All and Save All. The Close Documents and Save
Documents commands affect only windows which already have a
corresponding file on disk: in particular, “untitled” windows are left
alone. By contrast, Close All also closes lookup windows and asks you
to save any “untitled” windows—and Save All also asks you about
saving “untitled” windows.
§ Autorevert
When you select Autorevert for an open document, EnterAct will check
the disk file for the document every 10 seconds, and refresh the
document’s window if the contents of the file have changed. This
continues until you select Autorevert for the document again (it’s a
toggle) or until you close the window. To remind you that the
document’s window is being autoreverted, a “disk-to-window” icon will
be shown in the window’s display box.
Typically EnterAct will not detect that a file has been changed until
it is closed by the program that is changing it.
While implemented in a general way, Autorevert is primarily meant for
use with hAWK programs that print ongoing progress messages to disk.
Several of the supplied hAWK programs print messages to the file
“$tempProgress”, and by monitoring this file via Autorevert you can
watch how programs are progressing as they run. For more on this use
of Autorevert see Appendix 2.
Every decent app needs one nutty gizmo. Hence Autorevert.
§ Modify Read Only
EnterAct watches out for Projector 'ckid' resources, and won't let you
change a file if it has been checked out of SourceServer as
"read only". When a document can't be changed for this reason, a small
pencil with a slash through it will be shown in the display box of
its window.
When you need to edit a file that has been checked out as "read only",
select "Modify Read Only" from the File menu. This makes the file
fully editable, and alters the 'ckid' resource slightly so that
SourceServer will know the file has been changed when you check
it back in. "Editable" meaning you can change the text in the window
and save the changes, just as with a regular document.
No icon is displayed for "modifiable read only" files, mainly because
your author can't figure out what the heck that means. Whatever
else it does, it severely compromises version control.
If you want to ignore 'ckid' read-only stuff altogether because it
doesn't apply to you, deselect the "Ignore 'ckid's" option in the
Options dialog (see illustration just below).
§ Saving window locations
Saving window locations is nice, provided you aren’t pestered all the
time to save your changed location when you close a window. In
EnterAct, saving window locations takes the place of neatly tiling and
stacking windows. By default, EnterAct will save window locations
whenever you save a text or PICT document. If you would rather not have
window locations saved, call up the Options dialog and uncheck the
“Save document window locations” item. Any saved locations will also
be ignored when a document is opened if you uncheck this item.
§ ... without being pestered
Beneath the “Save document window locations” item in the Options dialog
there’s another check box, “...but don’t pester me about saving
locations”. Both of these options are on by default. The “don’t pester”
part means that you will not be asked if you wish to save a text window
when you close it if all you’ve done is change the window’s location
on the screen.
The location of the project window is always saved (this is automatic)
regardless of your options.
§ Newly opened windows can be long or short
If the “Save document window locations” item in the Options dialog has
a check mark, and if a document you open has a window location saved
with it, then EnterAct will restore your document to its saved
location. Otherwise, EnterAct won’t have a remembered location for the
window, or will ignore it (this is especially true of a new text
window). You can roughly control the length of these windows with the
radio button options “Windows open short / long by default” in the
Options dialog. Long windows will reach all the way to the bottom of
your main screen when they open. Short windows will indeed be
relatively short on a large screen, but will fill most of a small
The default is short windows. Note that you can grow just the length
of any text window down to the bottom of the screen by holding down
the <Option> key while clicking in the zoom box. And it won't cover up
your AutoLook window.
The default width of a new window is fixed at a moderate size, about
74 characters in Monaco 9 (this is also a near–maximum nice width for
printing). For existing documents, the width will be based on the first
20 lines of the text, within reasonable limits.
Note that if a document is being opened during restoration of a
project’s context its location will be where you last left it, not
necessarily the same as where you last saved it.
§ <Option>–Zoom zooms just the length
If you hold down the <Option> key while clicking in the zoom box of
a window, only the length will be affected. If you’re zooming out (the
first zoom is usually an “out”), the bottom of the window will drop
down to the bottom of your screen, rather in the way a menu drops down.
Zooming in is not affected by the <Option> key.
The window you're zooming will stop short of covering your AutoLook
window if it's in the way.
§ Number of windows at one time
Restrictions on the maximum number of windows on–screen at one time
are as follows:
regular text, PICT memory-limited
lookup 10 or fewer (see below)
project, Browser, AutoLook, Find - one of each at a time.
Note you can print any number of EnterAct text files by selecting them
in the Finder and then selecting the Finder’s print command, since the
files will be opened, printed, and closed one at a time.
While the hard upper limit on lookup windows is 10, you can set the
maximum number on–screen to any number between 1 and 10 using the
Options dialog. The default number is 4.
§ The Windows menu
Consisting of: Close All, Close Documents, Save All, Save Documents,
Keep Lookup Around, and a list of your open windows, with the project
first and others in order from front to back on your screen.
Close All affects text, lookup, and PICT windows. If it needs saving,
you’ll be asked. Lookup windows will be quietly closed, since they
cannot be saved. The combination of Close All with remembered window
locations lets you arrange groups of documents to work with at one
time, and switch between groups with a minimum of nuisance.
Save All will save any text or PICT documents that need it (note lookup
windows aren’t saveable). If a text window hasn’t been saved yet,
you’ll see the standard Save As dialog. If you use MultiFinder or
System 7, and you decide to switch off the “Safe switching under
MultiFinder” option in the Options dialog, I would strongly recommend
that you use Save All or preferably Close All before switching to
another application.
Close Documents and Save Documents do the same as the Close and
Save All versions, but affect only documents, ie windows that
correspond to an existing disk file.
Keep Lookup Around applies only to lookup windows. The maximum number
of lookup windows on–screen is fixed (although you can change this
number at any time in the Options dialog), and when this limit is
reached the next lookup window that you call up will quietly close one
of the old lookup windows to make room. To avoid having a particular
lookup window disappear later on you, select Keep Lookup Around when
the lookup window is in front. The two bullets •• at the beginning of
the lookup window’s title will change to ¶¶, showing that it won’t go
away until you yourself close it. Note especially that Close All will
close all lookup windows, whether or not they are marked for keeping.
To bring a window to the front, select it by name from the lower part
of the Windows menu. If a project is open, it can always be brought
to the front with the menu key–equivalent <Command><zero>, which is
worth memorising. No other windows (except dialogs) have key
equivalents—if your memory is that good then in my humble opinion you
don’t need EnterAct in the first place.
§ The display box
All text windows including lookup windows have a small “display box”
along the bottom in the horizontal scroll bar area. For a regular text
file this displays the name of the file; in a lookup window it shows
the name of the file from which the entry was taken, followed by the
(abbreviated) type of entry, the number of the current entry shown,
and the total number of entries available in the lookup window.
When you drag the mouse to select text in a text window, the display
box will change to show the line number that the mouse is currently
on, followed by the number of characters selected. If more than one
line is selected, the display box will show the number of lines
selected rather than the current line number. To determine how many
lines there are in a file, use <Option><down arrow> or Go Bottom and
click on the last line of the file. To determine the number of
characters in a file, click at one end of the file and then
<Shift>click at the other end of the file.
A selection on one line, line number displayed:
A selection on several lines, number of selected lines displayed:
The little popup with "M" in it at bottom-left of the window allows
you to change the file format:
(as of v3.7.8 there is a command to turn coloring on and off in the
little popup as well).
§ Printing
To print a text file, bring its window to the front and select Print.
A Page Setup beforehand will be needed if you wish to print in a
nonstandard way, such as sideways or with an unusual paper size. To
stop a printout, press <Command><period>.
Printing of PICT’s or other kinds of files is not supported, just text.
However, any illustrations in a text document (see next section) will
print properly, with automatic nudging to avoid clipping a picture off
at the bottom of a page.
EnterAct does not clip long lines of text, but folds the “hangover”
back to the left margin on a new line. The line-break is not always
as good as you yourself would do it, but at least you will never lose
any characters off the right edge when printing.
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§ Introduction
EnterAct provides all the standard text editing commands, which should
be familiar from elsewhere (THINK C, for example), and so the emphasis
in this chapter will be on EnterAct’s editing enhancements. Briefly,
they are:
• everything that changes a document is undoable one way or another,
except Revert. In addition to the usual Undo/Redo under the Edit menu,
you can also undo any one of your most-recent thousand activities, and
limited file reversion is also available (see the “Show Activities”
• "code templates": type a template name, press <command><return>,
and it expands into the full "template", which can be any old chunk
of text. And <command><return> advances you through the template
• Paste Selection Behind combines Copy, switch to the next window,
and Paste in one command
• the indentation of your code will commonly be preserved when you
Paste or Paste Selection Behind
• the selection in the next–to–front window is shown in a frame,
useful with the Paste Selection Behind and Find commands
• Reformat Selection can “pretty up” a comment or selection of text,
rebreaking lines to your specified width.
• Syntax coloring, for line comments, strings, and ticks
• Graphic nesting display
• full Drag and Drop for text
• you can paste and delete PICTs in text documents, see
"Illustrating your text" near the end of this chapter.
“Balance”, “Show Activities”, and “Options”, under the Edit menu, are
described in their own separate chapters later in this manual.
§ Undo
EnterAct has one level of undo and redo, via Undo/Redo under the Edit
menu. The undoable and redoable actions are: typing, Cut, Copy, Paste,
Paste Selection Behind, Clear (Backspace), Shift Left, Shift Right,
Reformat Selection, Replace, Replace and Find Again, Replace All,
and Drag and Drop.
Revert is not undoable, though discarded changes can often be recovered
with Show Activities. All other “undoable” changes (such as changing
the font) can be undone by reusing the same command (such as changing
the font back).
Just clicking the mouse or selecting a range of text does not affect
undo. Changing the window does make the last change temporarily
undoable, but you can restore the ability to undo the last change by
bringing the appropriate window to the front again.
To selectively undo past activities or revert files back past the last
saved version, see the “Show Activities” chapter. For these purposes,
EnterAct records your last 10,240 activities in full to disk.
§ Typing, Cut, Copy, Clear
“Typing” means hitting a sequence of keys that produces text,
intermingled with any number of <Backspace>’s. A new typing operation
begins whenever you change the insertion point or select characters
and then type something. As with all actions, just changing the
insertion point or selecting characters does not affect your ability
to undo—it’s the subsequent change to your text that does it.
When you type <Return> the resulting new line will have the same
indentation as the line above it, unless you hold down the <Option>
key, in which case you’ll end up flush at the left margin.
Cut and Copy are as you would expect, but there is one special feature:
if you want to take a screen-shot in EnterAct, first Copy a single
character, and then immediately after taking the screen-shot paste it
into your scrapbook.
As an aside, please see "EnterAct's magic clipboard" for a way to run
hAWK programs on whatever you Copy with EnterAct. The basic
sequence is: you write the hAWK program you need, and start it
running; and then whenever you need the program's results, Copy
some text to give it the appropriate input, and Paste the results.
Typically the menu bar will flash to show that your program has
done something with the current clipboard's contents (this and
all other aspects of the program are under your control). This
effectively gives you programmable Copy/Paste using what has
been called the best little language in the world, and some example
programs are provided to get you going.
"Clear" has the same effect as the <Clear> key, and <Backspace> is also
the equivalent of a Clear if a range of text is selected. If no text
is selected, <Backspace> will delete one character, whereas Clear will
§ Paste preserves indentation
At least, it does if the range of text you select to be pasted over,
or the insertion point for the paste, satisfies the requirement: “all
tabs or spaces to the left at the start”. Also, the text must have been
cut or copied with EnterAct.
“All tabs or spaces to the left at the start” means that the first
character you select for replacement should be the first character on
the line that is not a space or tab. If you have just an insertion
point for the Paste, then the same applies—there should be nothing but
spaces and tabs from the insertion point to the left margin. Starting
at the left margin will also do.
The basic rule is you shouldn’t “see” any printing characters between
the left margin and the start of your selection or insertion point.
If this rule is satisfied when you are about to Paste, then the paste
will preserve your relative indentation, removing the need to Shift
Left or Shift Right afterwards.
About the only special action you should take to have Paste preserve
your indentation is to open up a new line with a <Return> just before
you paste in a block of code, which you probably do anyway.
A selection with all tabs/spaces to the left at the start:
The cursor positioned on a blank line, tabbed in the appropriate
amount, just before pasting in the above selection:
After the paste (no shifting needed):
Paste Selection Behind also preserves indentation. And so does
Drag and Drop, if the drag starts within EnterAct.
§ Drag and Drop for text
Dragging and dropping text is almost entirely standard in EnterAct,
and all you need to know about D&D is:
• you drag text around by making a selection and then dragging
(mouse-down on the selected text, then move the mouse with
the button still down). As you drag about, a cursor will move
with you showing exactly where the drop will take place if
you let go of the mouse button
• when you drag text within its source window, you are "moving"
it, ie it will be deleted from its original location and inserted
where you see the cursor flashing as you move about
• to duplicate rather than move the text when you're still in the
source window, hold down the <option> key as you start or end
the drag
• if you drag the text to a different window, the original text
in your source window will not be affected ever
• I lied, if you drag the text to the trash it will be deleted from
your source window
• if the D&D starts and ends within EnterAct, your indentation
will be preserved
• to cancel a drag, release the mouse when it's over the top part
of the title bar or over the original selection when you're still in
the source window, or over the title or scroll bars when you're over
some other window; or for that matter let go when you're in the
menu bar at top of the screen
• all Drag & Drops of text (even to the trash) are undoable.
As you drag about in the source window, you can persuade EnterAct
to scroll the text in the window by moving your mouse to the edges
of the window (scroll bars, and small margins at the top and left).
Inactive windows, in accordance with Apple's guidelines, do not
scroll the text automatically as you drag around in them.
Unless or course you want them to: in which case open the Options
dialog, click on the "Edit" pane, and check the box called "Autoscroll
inactive windows when dragging". This applies only if the drag starts
in EnterAct. DON"T get too used to this, or you might forget that
it violates the guidelines! Cancelling a drag is slightly harder due to
autoscrolling, but the drag does cancel if you let go of the mouse
while autoscrolling.
§ Code templates
Save those fingers. All templates are stored in the text file
"EnterAct Code Templates", which is very easy to modify (please
take a look at it). Add this file to the folder where you keep
EnterAct, at the same level. If you save changes to your "EnterAct
Code Templates" file using EnterAct, your new templates are
instantly available (no need to quit and restart).
To use a template, you type its name and press <command><return>.
And <command><return> will also advance you to the next logical
insertion point in your template (or in any code for that matter).
Templates don't have to contain code, and template names can
contain any non-blank characters, not just letters and numbers.
To force <command><return> advancing to stop at a particular point,
put an '@' sign in the template. Then <command><return> will stop
at the '@' sign and select it. There's an example just below.
(For templates that contain C/C++/Java code, <command><return> will
advance to almost all logical insertion points, with no need for
'@' signs in the template. But feel free to put them in anywhere.)
Keep all your entries flush-left, and EnterAct will adjust your
indentation when pasting your template in. Just open up a new line
and tab in to the right position before typing the entry name and
pressing <command><return>.
Here are two templates, from the "EnterAct Code Templates" file:
for (; ; )
#include "@.h"
Each entry begins with "ENTRY" on a separate line, followed by the
name of the entry on a separate line, then the body of the template
definition, and finally "END" on a separate line. To use the "for"
template, you would type "for" and then press <command><return>.
That would paste in the body of the template, and advance your
insertion point to just before the first ';'. Every subsequent press
of <command><return> would advance you to the next logical insertion
point in the template. In the "i" (for "include") template, typing "i"
plus <command><return> would replace the "i" with
#include "@.h" [plus a new line]
and select the '@' sign so you could type in a file name.
You can use templates to hold arbitrary chunks of text. For example,
if you find yourself typing "if (theErr == noErr) {}" a lot, you could
reduce this to "e" plus <command><return> with a template
entry such as
if (theErr == noErr)
Tip: add "EnterAct Code Templates" to your "Locations" menu so you
can change your templates on the fly. Remember, when you change
your "EnterAct Code Templates" with EnterAct the updated templates
are instantly available.
hAWK command lines are handled specially: if your template name
expands into a hAWK command line, it will all be selected, and if
you press <command><return> a second time, Enteract will run the
specified hAWK program. Here's a sample hAWK command line entry
from the code templates file:
hAWK -f$EchoFullPathNames -- MFS
EnterAct treats any selection beginning with "hAWK" as a hAWK
command line. If you type "echo" in a text window and then press
<command><return>, then "hAWK -f$EchoFullPathNames -- MFS"
will be pasted in as usual for a code template, but because it's
a hAWK template, the entire line will be selected. The special
symbol "MFS" stands for all files in your multi-file selection
in your current project (the files with bullets on their left in the
project window). So to run this program for real you should first
select some file for multi-file operations in a project (see the
Search chapter) and then type "echo<command><return><command>
<return>". You will end up with a list of full path names for your
selected files in the "stdout" window.
§ Selection: front, non–front
EnterAct uses your chosen highlight color to show the selection in a
text or project window when it is in front. In text windows that are
not in front, the selection is framed with a black box. With Drag and
Drop enabled (which it is by default), you can drag any selection
around, or make a copy within the same window by holding down the
<option> key as you drag.
The selection in the second-front text window is not shown
differently from other non-front windows, but this is the selection
that will be affected by the Paste Selection Behind command
(described in the next section), and it also shows where your search
will start from when the Find dialog is in front of your text window.
§ Paste Selection Behind
Paste Selection Behind does the following three actions in one : Copy
what is selected in the front window; switch to the window just behind
it; and Paste the copy in over the selection in that window. You’ll
see your selection in the next–to–front window just beforehand, as
described above. If you can’t see what is selected in the next–to–front
window, you can either trust to memory (it’s undoable) or do a “manual”
Copy, switch windows, Paste.
Paste Selection Behind is especially handy when switching back and
forth between your working text window and a lookup window, but it can
be used with any two text windows.
Your indentation will be preserved with Paste Selection Behind under
the same circumstances that apply to a Paste (see “Paste preserves
indentation” above).
If you want to undo a Paste Selection Behind but have switched to a
different window, bring the two windows involved in the Paste Selection
Behind to the front alternately until Undo becomes enabled. The two
windows involved are the one you pasted into, and the one you copied
(before Paste Selection Behind: I typed "PutResInfo", but nothing showed
up in the AutoLook window so I pressed <enter> to produce the
"••PutResInfo" lookup window--WriteResInfo is what I wanted)
(after Paste Selection Behind)
§ Font, font size, tabs
Sizes for your font are restricted to sizes that are actually installed
in your system. The default font for text windows in EnterAct is Monaco
9, with 4 spaces per tab.
You can also change the font for the project window. The default here
is also Monaco 9.
For projects only, holding down the <Option> key while changing
the font or size will give you a bold style.
Tabs in EnterAct are of the relative sort, meaning that when you press
<Tab> your insertion point advances to the next tab stop. Tab stops
are placed a fixed number of spaces apart, and you can change this
number with the Tabs dialog. Note that if you change the font it may
throw off your nicely–aligned code, so it’s best to pick one font for
code at the beginning of your programming career and stick with it.
§ Shift Left / Right
Shift Left and Shift Right will shift one or more entire lines left
or right by a tab stop, allowing you to repair or alter the relative
indentation of your code or text. For simplicity, you should select
one or more entire lines before calling these commands. They are
(the effect of Shift Left on the above selection)
§ Reformat Selection
Reformat Selection will rebreak the lines in your selection, but the
result may not always be an improvement. It is designed to work with
multiple paragraphs, provided you don’t indent the beginning of the
first line, and that you separate paragraphs with a blank line.
(the above after Reformat Selection, with the default settings)
Reformat Selection doesn’t work well on C code, although it may on
occasion help to tidy up a complicated “if” statement. It works best
with one or more paragraphs of text, either an entire comment or part
of a comment, or paragraphs in a text document.
Since Reformat Selection is undoable there’s no harm in trying it. The
maximum selection that can be reformatted at one time is roughly the
standard Text Edit limit, 32,000 or so characters.
The specific reformatting that Reformat Selection does is governed by
the two "Reformat" options in the Options dialog. The default action is
to rebreak lines with a “ragged right” format and a maximum line
length of 74 characters, a nice width for printing Monaco 9. In the
Options dialog (near the bottom) you can alter the maximum number of
characters per line, and also select a “full justification” look if you
want to knock people over with your comments. The maximum number
of characters per line is restricted to a range of 30 to 150.
§ Syntax coloring
Color can be applied to comments, strings, and constants inside
ticks -- if you don’t like the default colors, there are a few
commands to change them, under the Edit menu.
This is a simple implementation of coloring. The goal here was to
color only those things that might usefully be colored, things that
don’t immediately catch the eye and yet are of some importance.
Keywords are not colored; if they don’t immediately catch your eye
yet, just be patient, with a bit more programming under your belt they
Syntax coloring might improve with future versions, but one thing
you can say about EnterAct’s coloring: it doesn't flicker!
If you grow bored with merely colored comments, try out the
"Comment options..." command under the Edit menu.
§ Graphic nesting display
Hold down the <Option> AND <Command> keys with a source file
frontmost and vertical lines will appear showing the scope of
each statement block (ie anything inside {} curly braces). It’s
OK to scroll with these keys down, but you should release them
before further editing (I think).
§ Arrow keys for moving around
The up down left right arrow keys will move your cursor by one
character or line. If you hold down the <Option> or <Command> key an
arrow key will take you all the way in the appropriate direction.
<command><up arrow> and <command><down arrow> are especially
useful for taking you to the top or bottom of your document.
§ Illustrating your text
As you can see from this manual, there is a way to put PICT's in a
text document. You can place dialog and screen snapshots,
structure mockups, flowcharts, state machines, in short, any old
PICT, into your spec, design, and test documents, even into your
code files (EnterAct’s style of illustration goes unnoticed by
compilers, PROVIDED you place the picture inside a /*comment*/).
EnterAct's illustration capabilities are two in number: paste,
by dragging a PICT in from another application; and delete, by
"swiping" a PICT. Both of these are undoable.
To Paste a PICT into a document: drag & drop it from another
application (such as the Scrapbook). Note EnterAct cannot serve
as the source for your PICT, only as the destination.
To delete a PICT: "swipe" a small text selection within the PICT,
to produce a dialog that asks if you want to delete the PICT: click OK.
"Swipe"? That means do a fast mouse-down drag mouse-up. Beat
your double-click time while selecting a blank line or three. Or if
you prefer something more elegant, you can click on one line within
the PICT and then <shift>click at your leisure on a different line.
Pasting and deletion of PICTs are undoable operations. For a Paste,
the undo item will refer to a Drag&Drop Paste, and for a delete of
a PICT the undo menu item refers to a "Clear".
PICTs are not recorded in your activity log. If you really need persistent
undo for PICTs, please contact your author at the address at top of this
manual. Be persuasive, because it wouldn't be easy.
The position of each PICT is marked in the text by a
<return><option-space> pair, and "blank" space is opened up for
the PICT with a series of <return>s. Pasting or deleting a PICT makes
a permanent change to the resource fork of your document (where the
PICTs are kept) but the inserted text for the PICT position is not
saved for you. To avoid surprises, Save after every Paste or delete
of a picture.
You can Paste up to 400 PICTs into one EnterAct document.
PICTs can also be manually inserted by using a combination of a
resource editor and text editing, as explained next. However, using
EnterAct's Paste is far more convenient.
(PLEASE NOTE the following "manual" approach is no longer practical,
and is preserved here for information purposes only. This is because
EnterAct now always renumbers your PICTs when you use the above
paste/delete approach, and uses the sequence 1,000, 1,001...1,400
without any gaps. This is "Teach Text" compatible, but makes any
manual insertion of PICTs impossibly tedious. You win some, you
lose some.)
Illustrations come in two parts: PICT resources, placed in the resource
fork of your document using ResEdit or equivalent; and “picture
markers” in the text of your document, each consisting of a <Return>
followed immediately by an <Option><space>.
If you have more than one illustration in a document, the PICT’s should
be given ID numbers in the same sequence as they are to appear in your
document. The numbers should be between 128 and 32,767, and if you
anticipate coming back later to insert new pictures between old ones
you should space the numbers out a bit, using for example the sequence
1,000, 1,100, 1,200.... All PICT’s should be made purgeable, as
EnterAct does not insist on keeping the PICT’s in memory. In ResEdit,
you can mark the PICT as purgeable at the same time as you set the ID
number, using “Get Info...” with the PICT selected.
For each PICT you wish displayed, you’ll need a <Return>
<Option><space> pair at the position where you wish the illustration
to appear. The simplest approach is to first use ResEdit to install
your PICT’s in the document, then open the document using EnterAct and
insert an <Option><space> at the beginning of the line where you want
the first picture to appear. As you type the <Option><space>, the
picture will begin to appear—you should then type enough <Return>’s
to open up blank lines for the picture to occupy, so that it doesn’t
overlap any following text (however, you may certainly overlap picture
and text if you want). If you need to see the picture fully redrawn
while doing this, click in the up or down arrow of the vertical scroll
bar. Repeat for any following pictures.
To sum up, the PICT’s in the resource fork of your document should have
ID numbers that are in the same order as you want them displayed; for
each picture there should be a <Return> <Option><space> followed by
enough blank lines to make room for the picture.
To insert a PICT between two existing PICT’s, give it an ID number
between the numbers for the flanking PICT’s when you paste it in with
ResEdit, and put the “picture marker” of course between the flanking
Note that if you add PICTs using a resource editor and then later use
EnterAct to Paste a PICT into the same document, your PICTs will
be renumbered automatically using the sequence 1,001, 1,001,
1,002... up to 1,400 without gaps.
If your pictures end up displayed in the wrong order, you can be sure
that their ID numbers are not in the correct order. A missing picture
means that either the PICT or the <Return> <Option><space> for it is
missing. A picture can be moved around between two flanking pictures
just by cutting and pasting the picture marker, but to change the order
of pictures you will have to change the PICT ID numbers to the sequence
you want. Excess PICT’s won’t be displayed until you enter a picture
marker, and excess markers don’t hurt, but may be triggered
unexpectedly if you add a PICT at the end of your file.
A file with two PICT illustrations that have been pasted in
using ResEdit:
The "Activities" PICT in "EnterAct Log": the small black rectangle is
the <Option><space> that marks the picture insert position (shown
selected). Several <Return>'s follow, to open up enough room for the
For a whopping big example, examine this document and its resources.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTE you can also Balance a delimiter by double-clicking on it.
§ Checks everything
...except those angular brackets that you find only in
#include <SystemHeader.h>.
The full list is (), [], {}, /* */, " ", and ' '.
Balance will also detect nested comments and any single
improperly–formed comment start or end. Two improper comment
delimiters in a row (improper start followed by improper end, or vice
versa) will not be detected, but that’s a one–in–a–million case that
you’ll probably never see.
Because Balance detects nested comments, it will signal an error if
you use a comment start or end within a comment (nested comment starts
are excepted if you deselect the “Detect nested comment starts” option
in the Options dialog)—see “Nested and bad comments” below.
For strings in double quotes " ", the line continuation character '\'
must be the last character on the line if the string is continued to
the next line:
"This string is \<Return>
properly continued."
"This string will trigger<Return>
a Balance error."
"So will \<space><Return>
this string, due to the space before Return."
Balance will behave in different ways depending on where you are in
the code. To Balance an entire file, select an insertion point at the
very top of the file (<Option><up arrow> will take you there). To
Balance a specific delimiter, either click just to the left of it or
select the delimiter (note for comment starts and ends this means both
Given an insertion point, Balance will first look to the immediate
right for a delimiter that wants balancing, and then to the immediate
left. When several delimiters are side by side, you can avoid having
to remember this by just selecting the delimiter you wish balanced.
Clicking between the characters of a comment start or end also counts
as a “hint” to find the other end.
If your range of characters selected doesn’t consist of just a single
delimiter, or if your insertion point is not right next to a delimiter,
then Balance will try to find the smallest enclosing pair of
delimiters. Your selection range will expand to the next enclosing pair
as you repeat the Balance command.
§ Shows the error location
Any unmatched or mismatched delimiter will be selected and shown. In
the case of mismatched delimiters, you can switch between the two
delimiters by selecting Balance again. If the delimiter is an “orphan”,
the second Balance will just produce a beep, since there’s no other
end to show.
(if there’s a mismatch, a second Balance will show the other end)
§ Balancing a file
Given an insertion point at the top of a file, Balance will balance
the entire file. If you hear a beep and the cursor does not move from
the top of the file, that means the entire file is balanced. Either
Go Top or <Option><up arrow> will take you to the top of a file.
Balancing a file by starting from the top will always work correctly.
You can also Balance a file by starting at the very bottom, but this
may not work properly if the file contains any assembly–language
sections (see “The asm problem” at the end of this chapter).
§ Balancing a specific delimiter
Balance looks for a “hint” from you, as indicated by your insertion
point or selection, before going ahead. As mentioned above, you can
Balance one specific delimiter by selecting it just before the balance,
or by selecting an insertion point just to the left of it. If the
delimiter is not next to another delimiter, you can click on either
side of it. With comments and strings it is best to start the Balance
off with a “hint”, that is, select one end of the comment or string
or click next to one end, since if you start in the middle of a comment
or string the text will be checked as strictly as possible, without
allowance for it being within a comment or string.
(Balance will take the selected ')' as a hint)
§ Nested and bad comments
Balance will detect all nested comments, and any comment that has one
end missing. In the case of a comment with one end missing , you will
be shown a “good” end in the vicinity of the bad one, and you’ll have
to deduce on your own where the other end should be. Comment errors
can sometimes be subtle and difficult to see, such as a space between
the '*' and the '/'.
(The first comment shown here is not ended properly. Balance detects
the start of the second comment as an attempt to nest comments, and
shows it as an error.)
(An immediate second Balance will show that the lower comment
is correct, implying that the error was in the comment just above.)
If you leave the “Detect nested comment starts” check box checked in
the Options dialog, then any files in your EnterAct project are
guaranteed to be free of these comment errors after a successful
Update Dictionary, since the dictionary–builder checks comments
The one price to be paid for EnterAct’s improved comment checking is
that you should not use a comment start or end within a comment. Such
things as
will be treated as errors, both by the Balance command and by the
dictionary–builder. If you do need to use a comment start or end within
a comment, the general cure is to place some character between the star
and the slash. A space will do, or you could be pedantic and place each
character in separate single quotes, for example instead of /* use / *
or '/''*'.
Well, OK—some of you deliberately double up your comment starts to save
on typing. If you do this, select the Options command under the Edit
menu and uncheck the “Detect nested comment starts” check box. This
affects the dictionary builder also.
§ Starting in the middle
If your selection doesn’t indicate a hint, Balance first looks
backwards in your file for a delimiter; when it finds one, it then
looks forwards for another delimiter, hoping to match them up. Of
course, if you supply an opening delimiter as a “hint”, or start from
the top of the file, Balance will proceed in the forward direction
On rare occasions you may wish to balance the contents of a comment
or string as though it were code, and not just text. To do this, click
or select a range of characters within the comment or string, away from
either end. Balance will then check all delimiters as it works
outwards, until it encounters one end of the comment or string and
“realizes” that it has been fooled.
By the way, EnterAct also accepts “C++” style comments, as in
//comment beginning with two slashes, to end of line
but only to the extent of skipping over the contents when balancing.
If you start the Balance within this sort of comment it may just
beep at you.
Before Balancing:
After the first Balance:
After a second Balance:
§ The asm problem
If Balance runs into an “asm {...}” construction while looking
backwards through your code, it just plain won’t know that it’s inside
an asm. Any error you’re shown in this one circumstance is not to be
trusted, since it will almost certainly be due to a delimiter inside
an assembly–language comment (they start with a semicolon).
When you balance a file from the top, all asm constructions will be
handled properly. The dictionary–builder, by the way, also handles
asm’s properly. Be warned that in other cases if you ask Balance to
run backwards through a block of assembly language it will hiccup if
it runs into a delimiter within an assembly–language comment. This is
a bug, but I haven’t found a cure that wouldn’t slow balancing down
to a crawl.
Because of this problem it is best to always balance an entire file
by starting from the top rather than from the bottom, unless you’re
sure that the file contains no assembly language.
To Balance an assembly–language block, or a function containing
assembly language, select or click next to the opening curly brace '{'
at the top rather than the closing curly brace.
Otherwise, this will only be a problem if you’re balancing inside a
function that contains a block of assembly language. Then, you should
select opening delimiters rather than closing delimiters before
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(both Find and Replace strings are limited to 255 characters)
§ Introduction
Single and multi–file searches in EnterAct are controlled by a modeless
Find dialog. The one important novelty is that you fine–tune your
multi–file selection by holding down the <Option> key and dragging over
the files in the project window (bullets • appear beside each file
included in the search). Your multi-file selection can also be used
to remove files from a project, or used by a hAWK program as a list
of files to take input from.
Replace, Replace and Find Again, and Replace All are all undoable.
The commands Find, Find Again, and Enter Selection all function when
the project window is in front, and the “find” commands also function
when the project window is just behind the Find dialog. Find commands
will search the currently active pane, useful if you are trying to spot
one file in a long list, or pick out files with similar names. Enter
Selection will enter the currently-selected file name in the Find
§ Find is modeless
This requires a few minor adjustments in the way you search.
There is no Cancel button in the Find dialog box—it has a Close box
While the Find dialog is the front window, search commands that deal
with single files will apply to the window just beneath the Find
dialog. Replace All is excepted because it can cause multiple changes,
so to use this command you must have the text window in front.
Find and Find Again also function if the Find dialog is in front of the
project window, searching the current pane as though it were a text
list of file names (actually, that’s what it is…).
The “Find” button is the equivalent of the Find Again command. When
you click the Find button or select Find Again, the window just beneath
the Find dialog will be brought to the front, and the next instance
of your find string shown. The Find dialog will stay on–screen, moving
just behind the window being searched, so to find again you can if you
wish leave your mouse stationed over the Find button and double–click
(not a true double–click, the first click brings the Find dialog to
the front, and the second does the Find Again).
Buttons for multi–file searching are incorporated directly in the Find
dialog (more on this in “Multi-file searches” below). To modify your
multi–file search selection of files, hold down the <Option> key and
drag over the file names in the project window. You’ll see the
“eyeball” cursor while doing this.
§ Find options
Select “Match Words” if you don’t wish to match a longer string that
contains your find string in a form that makes a different word. For
example, the string “Open” will also match “Opening”, “Opened” etc
unless you select the “Match Words” option in the Find dialog.
A special case: if your string begins or ends with punctuation, such
as “->structMember” then leave “Match Words” unselected.
“Wrap Around” will continue your search from the beginning of your
document if the next Find runs off the bottom end of it.
This also affects the Replace commands: to Replace All instances in
a file, it’s simplest to select an insertion point at the top of the
file beforehand; to Replace All instances below a certain point, click
just before the position where you want the replacing to start, and
leave “Wrap Around” deselected.
“Ignore Case” treats upper and lower–case letters as the same.
§ Batch Find options
If you click the "Batch" check box, your multi-file search will be
done all at once, and the results presented in a text window
(file name, line number, and the full line where found). To view
a particular found instance in the original file, click on the result
line and use "Go to...".
For Batch finds, if you select "List markers" then the line that lists
a particular location will include the containing function name.
Here's an example result (results appear in the stdout window):
Batch find results for: «nextName»
«CEDAR_AutoLook.c» 3513 |ResolveOneLink| Boolean ResolveOneLink(StringPtr t1, short nextName, Handle *hTextP, long *primaryLinkP)
«CEDAR_AutoLook.c» 3524 |ResolveOneLink| // Note nameLink0 is set only if nextName == 0.
«CEDAR_AutoLook.c» 3841 |GetSomeTypeNameForMember| /* typeLink1 is the index of a type name, nextName is sNameChain index
«CEDAR_AutoLook.c» 3843 |GetSomeTypeNameForMember| for nextName (and if nextName is 0 set nameLink0), return TRUE;
Once again, to jump to a particular instance, click on the line that
contains the file location and use "Go to...".
Please see "§ Skip '-' : excluding files from a search" below if you wish
to skip certain files easily while searching or carrying out some
other multi-file operation.
§ Dual Batch Find
Translated into English, the dialog that appears when you click the
Dual Batch Find button in the Find dialog lets you do "Find two
strings wihin a certain number of lines or characters of each
other". This is a multi-file operation, that is it looks in files
that you've bulleted for multi-file searches, and it's a Batch
operation in that it presents its result in the stdout window.
To find the two strings on the same line, enter a zero for the
number of lines. Zero characters means the two strings must
be found right together with no characters in between.
Dual Batch Find is a sort of mini-grep for dummies (like me).
hAWK can perform full grep searches if you need the extra power
(but in practice I've found that setting up grep searches is too
error-prone for casual use).
Both strings that you enter in the Dual Batch Find dialog obey
the "Match Words" and "Ignore Case" options that you select
in the main Find dialog.
§ <Tab> and <Return>
A plain <Tab> will jump your cursor from one edit field to the other,
and a plain <Return> is the equivalent of the “Find” button. To enter
a <Tab> or <Return> in either the find or the replace text, hold down
the <Command> key while typing the character.
§ Find again
This menu command is the equivalent of the “Find” button in the Find
dialog, and finds the next instance of your find string in accordance
with your Find options (see above). Find Again searches the front
window, or, if the Find dialog is in front, the window just behind the
Find dialog.
Find Again also works with the project window, allowing you to search
for part of a file name in a long list of files. It searches the active
pane only (the one with filled-in scroll bars).
§ Enter selection
Enter Selection will replace your current find string with whatever
text you have selected. It works with any text window including lookup
windows, and also the project window (in case you wish to search for
a file name). If your Find dialog is on–screen, you will see the new
find string in the dialog.
§ Recent finds are remembered
Your most–recent find strings will be stored in the popup “Find:” menu
at top–left of the Find dialog. Selecting an item from the popup will
copy it to your find string box.
Two minor limitations apply: find strings containing <Return>s or more
than 48 characters will not be remembered by the popup menu.
§ Replace
Replace can be thought of as a Paste for short strings (up to 255
characters). The replacement text is taken from the replace string in
the Find dialog. No checking is done to see if the selection that will
be replaced corresponds to your find string, so the replacement string
can in effect be used as a second (small) clipboard. To set up a choice
between two “Paste” alternatives, enter one selection into the
replacement string in the Find dialog, and then Copy the other
selection. Then Paste or Replace in your document as appropriate.
If the Find dialog is in front, Replace will affect the window just
behind the Find dialog.
Replace is undoable provided the window in which the Replace was done
is in front, and provided you don’t perform some other undoable action
before undoing.
§ Replace and Find Again
This command is the exact equivalent of Replace followed by Find Again,
and is undoable.
§ Replace All
Unlike other search commands, Replace All cannot be called when the
Find dialog is in front—you must specifically bring frontmost the
window in which you wish to use Replace All. This small awkwardness
is an attempt to remind you that Replace All is the one editing command
that can make a real mess of your document. However, it is undoable—as
with other undoable operations, you need only have the correct window
in front before undoing.
If you have selected the “Wrap Around” option in the Find dialog,
Replace All will indeed replace all instances of the find string with
the replace string throughout your document. If “Wrap Around” is not
checked, replacement will be done only below your current position in
the text. To prevent a single instance of the find pattern from being
replaced, select at least the first character of the instance in your
document just before Replace All (selecting all of it will do).
§ Multi–file searches
Any file in your project can be added to a list of files to be
searched. Files that are included in a multi–file search will have a
bullet • just to the left of the name in the project window.
“Coarse” setup of the multi–file search is done with the small buttons
in the lower–right of the Find dialog. These allow you to select all
files of a particular type—.c, ".h", <.h>, or plain text. The “None”
button will clear the multi–file search selection, and the “All” button
will add all of your project text files to the list. A counter in the
Find dialog shows how many files will be searched.
To “fine–tune” your list of files to be searched, hold down the
<Option> key and click on or drag over the files in the project window.
The cursor will change to an eye, and bullets beside the file names
will appear or disappear as you drag up and down over the files. There
is an illustration of this near the beginning of this chapter.
Once your files are selected (and you’ve entered what you want found
in the find string in the Find dialog) select Find In Next File or
click the equivalent button in the Find dialog. As the search
progresses, you will see the bullets beside file names in the project
window disappear as each file is searched. The counter in the Find
dialog will also count down the number of files remaining. If an open
file is searched by Find In Next File, it will be searched from the
beginning of the file. When an instance is found, Find Again will
locate other instances in the same file. To continue the multi–file
search with the next file, select Find In Next File again.When all
files have been searched, you’ll hear a beep, the counter in the Find
dialog will read zero, and all bullets will be gone from the project
Even if you don’t find anything, it puts on a nice show.
A <Command><period> will interrupt a multi–file search, and also clear
the list of files to be searched.
To generate a list of all instances of your search string, click
the "Batch" check box before doing your Find In Next File. Results
of the search will be shown to you in the "$tempStdOut" window
in the format «file name» line-number line-where-found, and
to view a particular instance in its original context click on the
line and use "Go to...".
Note that the "Find in Next File" button changes to read "Batch Find"
if you click the Batch checkbox in the Find dialog, and the corresponding
menu item under the Search menu changes as well.
By the way, your list of bulleted files in the project window can also
be used to remove those files from your project (see “Remove •'d Files”
in the “Projects” chapter), and used by a hAWK program as a list of
input files (see Appendix 2, and the hAWK User’s Manual on disk 2).
§ Skip '-' : excluding files from a search
In the Find dialog, the "Skip '-'" checkbox lets you exclude project files
that are marked with a dash '-' when carrying out a multi-file operation
such as searching. These dashes are primarily used to exclude files
from a dictionary build, and are placed by holding down the <Command>
key and clicking on the file's name in the project window. But you
may also wish to skip over these files when multi-file searching: if
so, you should turn this checkbox on in the Find dialog before
carrying out the search. Note if the "Skip '-'" option is on, then files
with a '-' beside them will not be passed to hAWK in your multi-file
selection, and they will not be removed from your project when
you pick "Remove •'d Files", whether or not they have bullets beside
them. Neither will they be selected or deselected for searching if
you click on the "All" or "None" buttons in the Find dialog.
If you have the "Skip '-'" checkbox turned on, then when you fine-tune
your multi-file selection by <Option>clicking in the project window
you will not be able to place bullets beside files that have a dash '-'
beside them. But note that "Skip '-'" takes precedence, so if you
put bullets beside files that have dashes and then turn on "Skip '-'",
those dashed files will not be included in multi-file operations.
At any time, the "Files to search:" number in the Find dialog
accurately shows the total number of files that will be searched,
so if "Skip '-'" is on then dashed files will not be included in the total.
To run a multi-file operation (such as the hAWK program
"$EchoFullPathNames", or a Batch Find) on just files that
are not marked with a '-':
• select "Skip '-'"
• mark the files with bullets (eg by clicking the All ".c" button
or by holding down the <Option> key and clicking on project file
• run the multi-file operation.
To run a multi-file operation on all EXCLUDED files, ie those
that are marked with a '-':
• deselect "Skip '-'"
• click the "All" button in the Find dialog
• select "Skip '-'"
• click the "None" button in the Find dialog
(this will leave bullets beside files marked with a '-')
• deselect "Skip '-'" again so the bulleted files won't be ignored
• run the multi-file operation.
§ THINK Find commands
Located under the Search menu near the bottom, three commands allow
you to make use of the THINK Project Manager's "Find" results from
within EnterAct. To use these commands, you must use THINK C 6 or
later, and set up EnterAct as the Project Manager's editor as described
in Appendix 4 here.
After completing a "batch" find in THINK C, you can use the THINK
Find Again and THINK Find Previous commands to step through the
results. These two commands work only with the results of a
batch find.
To start or continue a multi-file search using the THINK Project
Manager's multi-file search rather than EnterAct's, use the
THINK Find In Next File commands after setting up the (non-batch)
search in the THINK Project Manager. Note this means you can perform
and even alternate between two separate multi-file searches, THINK's
and EnterAct's.
Find in THINK Reference does the same thing as the command of the
same name in the THINK Project Manager's editor: it passes your
currently-selected text over to THINK Reference, where you'll be
shown any entry it has on the name in question. Note this works only
with THINK Reference version 2 or later.
To use EnterAct's "Find in THINK Reference" command under any
circumstances, create a folder named "Tools" or "(Tools)" next
to EnterAct and drop an alias of Think Reference in it.
Find in Toolbox Assistant is much the same, just drop an
alias of QuickView in your Tools folder.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
“Go” commands
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Of the four “Go” commands under the Search menu, the most important
is the “Go to” command. This command allows you to jump to any marked
position in any project file, and since the marker position is
maintained as you edit, so is your ability to jump to it. The standard
suite of “go” capabilities is also available.
§ Go to Top/Bottom
The Go to Top and Go to Bottom menu commands do the same thing as
<command><up arrow> and <command><down arrow>, namely take you to
the top or bottom of your text window. They also function in the
project window.
§ Go to
The “Go to” command allows you to jump to a fixed position or a marker,
based on the text you have selected in your front window. The position
or marker can be in any project file.
For example, you can jump to a specific marker in a specific project
file with “Go to”. And there is an easy way to generate the file name
and marker name text (pick the marker from its popup marker menu while
holding down the <Shift> key), as explained in “Going to markers” a
couple of pages ahead. A typical link of this form in your code might
look like
/* See «MyProject Log» «Conversation with J.B. re New Features» */
where the project file is “MyProject Log” and the marker name is inside
the second set of Euorpean quotes «». You could jump to the marker in
your “MyProject Log” file by clicking anywhere on the line mentioning
the file and marker and then selecting “Go to”. Selecting the
entire file name and marker name including the surrounding «» quotes
would also work. Since markers are maintained by most editors
(EnterAct, THINK C, and MPW for example), links of this form will also
be maintained as long as the marker exists and the file is in your
current project.
If both file name and marker name are in «» quotes, then both file
and marker name can be highly abbreviated, eg
/* See «Log»«J.B. News» */
—as with regular lookup, your spelling just needs to be
“distinctively close”, in terms of runs of matching characters
when comparing against file and marker names in your project.
“Go to” also works with file names or marker names alone, or with line
and character positions in a file, or with file name followed by line
and character position. And it also accepts full path names.
The following terms are used below to help summarize selection
• file_name: the name of a project file, optionally enclosed in
European-style quotes, ie «». Your selection will be extended to
include any trailing file extension (such as “.c” or “.NOTES”),
provided your basic selection is not by itself the name of a project
file. This could also be a full path name.
• marker_name: the name of a marker in a project file, optionally
enclosed in European style quotes «». Note the name of the marker
should be specified, not the text (if any) that is selected when you
jump to the mark.
• text_position: line number, optionally followed by character position
on the line, for example 123 6 to specify the 123rd line in a file,
just before the 6th character. The first line in a file is line 1, and
the insertion point before the first character on a line is character
position 1.
• other_text: by itself, text that is none of the above; following a
file_name, text that is not a marker_name or text_position.
• insertion_point: an empty selection.
“Go to” acts on selections in the following ways:
• file_name : open the project file, or just bring it to the front if
• marker_name : equivalent to selecting the marker from the
window’s marker menu
• text_position : go to the position specified
• file_name marker_name : open the project file or bring it to front, and
go to the marker specified
• file_name text_position : open the project file or bring it to front,
and go to the position specified
• file_name other_text : open the project file or bring it to front, then
use “Find” on the other_text in an attempt to
locate it
• other_text : display a dialog in which to enter a line number
to jump to.
• insertion_point : if the text of the link is quoted, ie file_name or
marker_name if present are within «» quotes, then
clicking anywhere on the line is sufficient to select
the link for goto purposes. Otherwise, you will be
shown the line number dialog, as with “other_text”
Note if both file name and marker name are in «» quotes you can use
extremely abbreviated versions of the names: the file name just has
to be "distinctively close" to the name of a project file, likewise
the marker name to a marker in that file.
Selections intended for the “Go to” command are called “Go to” selections
or “Go to” links in this manual. Here are some examples:
(a file_name link: note selecting the “.h” is optional)
(file_name in quotes followed by line number and character position
on line—for “Go to”, any insertion point on the line will do)
(instead of an insertion point, you can select all of the file_name
(unquoted version of the same)
(file_name marker_name: with both in quotes, your selection can be
an insertion point anywhere on the line, here between the file and
marker names)
(without quotes, you must select the entire file_name marker_name)
(a marker-name link in the document “Proj Interface.DSGN”? Probably.
But it could also be a file name, or a marker in some other document.
The context of your current project and front window will determine
what «Modifier keys» is, and where you go to. Note for “Go to”
purposes, you could also just click in the line rather than selecting.
The one important restriction on “Go to” is that if you specify a file
name, the file you are going to must be in your currently open project.
If it isn’t, you can add it with the Add Files command.
To resolve ambiguity, file names take precedence over marker names.
And if you should have a marker name that looks like a text position,
enclosing it in quotes«» will force treatment as a marker name.
The file name can be the name of a PICT file, by the way, allowing you
to use single pictures as popup illustrations. And “Go to” works with
file names selected in the project window, performing the same as if
you double-clicked on the file name to open the file.
Spaces or tabs before, between, or after the components of a “Go to”
selection will be ignored. Hence the enclosing «» quotes are required
if a file name or marker name begins or ends with “white space”.
Otherwise they’re optional, but quotes do help “Go to” selections to
stand out quietly from the surrounding text. And if both file name and
marker names are quoted, clicking anywhere on the line is
equivalent to selecting both parts for “Go to” purposes, a handy
shortcut. Quotes are included when you copy a marker name (and file
name) from a marker menu, as explained in “Going to markers” on the
next page.
If you have included a file name in your “Go to” selection but are
immediately shown the line number dialog instead of the desired file,
this means you haven’t yet added the file to your project. If you see
a message that the file couldn’t be found, this means the file has been
moved, renamed, or deleted since you added it to your project, and the
solution is to delete the file from your project and re-add it. If a
line that you go to seems to be the wrong line, this normally just
means that the file has been edited (lines added or deleted) since the
line number was specified. And if going to a marker doesn’t work, this
usually means that the marker has been deleted from the file (note that
if you delete the actual text marked then you lose the marker, even
if you immediately undo the delete).
File-name line-number links are of limited use, since the line numbers
can quickly become obsolete. Links of this form are however generated
by EnterAct and by hAWK programs when displaying lists of positions
(see the next section). File-name marker-name links are better for your
own use since their locations are maintained for you, and you’ll find
in the “Going to markers” section below an easy way to generate the
necessary text for them. And any existing mention of a file name or
marker name in any of your project documents is now a “Go to” link,
as you no doubt gathered -- just add the corresponding document to
your project.
§ Going to included files
To jump to the top of an included file such as
#include "thisheader.h"
click on the line and select "Go to...".
Note if you have more than one header file with the same name
in your project you might not get the right one.
(To toggle between a source file and its corresponding header,
such as "File.cp"/"File.h", use <command><tab>.)
§ Going to text positions
Text positions compatible with the “Go to” command are displayed by the
Show Activities command, for example:
Sat Jan 16, 1993 10:51:48 pm PASTE «hAWK_FilesandClip.c» 390 4
=>inserted 50 characters:
«if (!dirs && !(fpb->ioFlAttrib & 16)) /* a file */»
To see the place where this paste took place, you would select
“«hAWK_FilesandClip.c» 390 4”, or just click in the line
somewhere, and then “Go to”. For details, please see the “Show
Activities” chapter. For now, note that the Show Activities
command can update the text positions (and even file names) for
you, to keep them as current as theoretically possible, which is to
say almost always useful.
Many hAWK programs generate file-name line-number text that is
compatible with the “Go to” command. For example, $CompareFiles shows
document differences in this form, and $XRef generates file name and
line number listings for C terms in your source code. Several of
the Index commands under the EnterAct menu also generate line
Text positions can be used to link documents together, but you’ll
usually find it better to use marker names instead (see just below).
The reason is that marker positions are maintained as you edit files,
whereas line numbers can go out of date quickly.
§ Going to markers
The ability to “go to” any marker in any project file means you can
use a file name followed by a marker name as a true “hyperlink”,
especially useful for placing references to supporting documentation
in your source files or other documents.
To generate the necessary text for establishing a file-name marker-name
• open the file that contains the marker
• hold down the <Shift> and <Option> keys, and click-and-drag in the
window’s title bar to access the popup marker menu; select the marker
you want
• the link, in the form «file name» «marker name» , is now on the
clipboard, ready for pasting.
• (note <Shift> <Command> will also work when picking from a marker
EnterAct places «» quotes around both the file name and the marker name.
To generate file-name marker-name link text for all markers in one or
more files, use the "Index Marker Names" command under the EnterAct
menu, as described in the "'Index' commands" chapter.
With quotes around both the file name and marker name, you can “select”
a file-name marker-name for “Go to” purposes by clicking anywhere on
the line if it's the only link on the file, or between the two quoted
bits of text otherwise. Your selection will be expanded to include the
quoted file name and marker names when you pick “Go to”. And with
both file and marker name in «» quotes you can use highly abbreviated,
even slightly incorrect versions of the names, provided those names
are distinctively close to the names of a file in your project and a
marker in that file (in terms of case-sensitive runs of matching
To go to the position referenced by a file-name marker-name link,
click on the line containing the link text,
and then issue a “Go to” (see next illustration).
On the chance that too many new things at once have pushed some old
things out the bottom of your memory stack, a reminder that to jump
to the definition of a term that’s in your current project dictionary
just <Option> double-click on it. File-name marker-name links are
mainly for jumping to places in your (unparseable) supporting
Tip: if you want to be able to jump to an illustration in a text file,
mark its location and then copy the marker name for pasting elsewhere.
§ Go Back
This command takes you back to your last signficantly different
position in a text file. Usually the two positions will be in the same
file, and a typical use is to “toggle” back and forth within a function
between the spot where you’re creating code and the top of the function
where the locals and parameters are declared.
Whenever you move your insertion point or make a new selection, you
define a “significantly different” position to go back to if you: bring
a different text window to the front, or; click more than 3/4 of a
window away from your previous position. You can alter your current
position without spoiling the memory of your previous position by
inching along—click half a window away, scroll, click half a window
away, scroll….
You can also toggle between two positions in a file with markers, or
“go to” links, or by pressing <Enter> to switch between the top and
bottom ends of a large selection.
(Note the link text
«hAWK User's Manual» «F Running hAWK programs»
could have been abbreviated as say
«hAWK Man»«running»
—when both file and marker name are in «» quotes, the file
and marker names just have to be reasonably close to the
actual names.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Markers and the Locations menu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Introduction
A “marker” is a marked location in your text consisting of a start
point, an end point, and a name to be associated with the marked
position. Typically, you’ll place markers in your C source files
all at once with the Automark command, and you’ll place markers in
supporting documents one-at-a-time with the Mark command. Marks can
be placed in header files with Automark, but you may prefer to use
Mark. To bring up a popup menu of a window’s markers, hold down the
<Option> or <Command> key and click in the window’s title bar.
EnterAct's default behavior is to automatically generate markers
for all functions in source files and all struct/class definitions
in header files as you open or save the files, and to not save those
markers with the document. If you manually insert markers in a
document that goes in your project's rightmost (documentation)
pane, these markers will be saved with your document when you
save the file (this manual is an example). You can force EnterAct
to save source and header file markers with your files by
enabling the the “Save source/headers marks” option, but the
only use for this at present is to allow the “Index Marker Names…”
command to index marks in your source files.
At present EnterAct does not support #pragmas for inserting
special markers in source files.
Markers do stay attached to the proper position as you edit the file
around them, but any editing that’s done inside the marked range will
correspondingly expand or shrink the range associated with the marker.
If you remove all of the text that is within the marked range, you will
also remove the marker, and this is not undoable. Markers do not
survive cutting or pasting—they stay attached to the text only as long
as the text remains in the document.
The Automark command is mainly useful to mark all of the function
definitions in a source file, though it has other options, and can be
used to mark a variety of C constructs, with the option of marking just
the first in a group. There is little need for this command, since
EnterAct's default behaviour is to mark source files for you without
your intervention.
Marker names can be used as links within or between files, in
conjunction with the “Go to” command. Called “Go to” links, these take
the form
«file name» «marker name»
where the enclosing «» quotes are usually optional. Where a link is
present in your text, you can go to it by selecting the file name and
marker name (including «» quotes if present), or by clicking anywhere
on the line, and issuing the “Go to” command. For an easy way to
generate the text for these links, see “Copying marker names” below.
You’ll find details on using “Go to” links in the “‘Go’ commands”
Please note your markers will be maintained properly only by editors
that implement MPW–compatible marks. This includes just about all
§ Mark
To place a single marker, select either an insertion point or the range
of text that you want remembered, and then select the Mark command.
You will be asked to supply or modify a name for the marker: click Add,
and then forever after you will be able to jump to that marker whenever
you want (marks are saved to disk and properly maintained).
§ Marker menus
Every document containing marks has a popup marker menu associated with
its window. To jump to a marker, hold down either the <Option> or
<Command> key or both and click-and-hold in the title bar of your
window. You’ll see a popup menu listing all of the markers attached
to your file. Pick one, and you go there. The markers are in
alphabetical order.
If the name of a marker is present in your text, you can also go to
it by selecting the name and using the Go to command, as explained in
the “‘Go’ commands” chapter.
§ Unmark
To remove one or more markers, select Unmark. You will be presented
with a list of markers to select for deletion. This list follows the
standard Macintosh rules for list selection: click with no keys held
down to select a single marker (this deselects any other selected
markers); click with the <Shift> key down to select a contiguous range
of markers while dragging the mouse; and click with the <Command> key
held down to select a marker that is away from other selected markers
(the markers in between are left unselected).
To quickly remove all markers from a document, use the Automark command
with only the “Clear all present markers first” option checked.
§ Automark
This command is largely obsolete, and not recommended for any
purpose except removing all marks from a file that lives in the
documentation pane of a project. EnterAct's default behaviour is
to mark all source and header files for you automatically, and
this should be all you need.
This command works with any first-draft or compilable C file, whether
or not it has been added to your project.
The Automark command can be used to remove all marks from any file
(source or not), by checking just the “Clear all present markers first”
If you wish to keep special markers that you have manually added, leave
“Clear all present markers first” without a check mark. When a
duplicate name or position is found while adding markers, the new entry
will replace the old one.
The “first of group only” checks have slightly different
interpretations: for #defines, it means mark only the first of a group
of consecutive #defines; for enum constants, it means mark only the
first within an enum {} statement; and for variables it means mark the
first of a group of consecutive variables, whether they occur in the
same statement or in separate statements. If you leave some types
unselected then EnterAct’s automarker won’t count them as separating,
say, two groups of variables or #define’s.
To keep things sane, there is a limit of 499 marks to a file. This is
a 9 foot popup menu, a bit tedious to scroll through even with a 68070.
Marker names are limited to 63 characters, but the range of text you
mark with the name can be as long as you want.
§ Copying marker names
To put text of the form «file name» «marker name» on the clipboard for
a particular marker, hold down the<Shift> key and either the <Option>
of <Command> key while clicking in the title bar of the marker’s window
to access the marker popup menu; selecting the marker from the popup
will put the text on your clipboard. This is the same as going to the
mark by selecting it from the popup marker menu, except that in
addition you hold down the <Shift> key.
Text of the form «file name» «marker name» can be used with the Go
to command to jump to any marker in any project file, and variations
on this theme are available as detailed in the “‘Go’ commands” chapter.
§ The Locations menu
This menu allows you to mark and jump to up to 10 different locations.
You can mark positions in any text file, and they stay recorded in the
Locations menu until you delete them, independent of whatever project
you might have open. This is a generalization of the "Go Back" command,
allowing you to go back to any specific location.
If you edit files with some other editor, your remembered locations
may be thrown off, in which case you could delete and re-add them.
(Function and struct markers that are created automatically by
EnterAct are not thrown off if you edit files with some other editor.)
To add a position to the Locations menu:
• select the position you want, and optionally some text there
• pick Add Current Location from the Locations menu
• a dialog will appear which allows you to set the position's
name as it will appear under the Locations menu: if you selected
some text at the position to be marked, that text will appear in
the dialog. You can edit the name, put in an arbitrary name, or
have no name at all--in this case, EnterAct will concoct a name
for you, made up of the file name, line position, any enclosing
function name and maybe other stuff.
To jump to a position you've added to the Locations menu:
• pick it from the Locations menu.
To delete a position from the Locations menu:
• go to the position (pick it from the Locations menu for example)
• select Delete Current Location from the Locations menu
• if the location can't be found, you will be asked if you want to
delete the location from the menu.
When you hit the limit of 10 marked locations, you won't be able
to add any more until you delete one of the remembered locations.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Options, under the Edit menu
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Introduction
You can change any of the options at any time. Defaults for the options
have been selected to give best performance under average conditions.
Options are saved with EnterAct itself rather than a project. Some of
them you’ll set once and forget, but the number of lookup windows and
the number of entries per lookup determine how cluttered your screen
can get, and how many alternate entries a lookup window will hold, so
you’ll vary these two numbers to suit particular circumstances.
For a discussion of “Safe switching under MultiFinder” see the next
chapter, “Switching to other applications”.
For a discussion of “Save activities to disk” see “Show Activities”
near the end, in the section “Turning activity recording on and off”.
§ Number of lookup windows
This box allows you to set the maximum number of lookup windows that
can appear on–screen at one time. For complicated situations you may
want more than 4, whereas on a small screen you may prefer fewer than
4 to avoid clutter.
§ Number of entries per lookup window
The number in this box determines how may dictionary entries will be
retrieved in a lookup window, if your spelling does not match any term
in the dictionary exactly. If your spelling does match a term exactly,
all exact matches will be retrieved, up to a maximum of 60. You may
wish to temporarily increase the number in this box if your
recollection of the spelling of a term is shaky. On a regular basis,
you may prefer 3 or 5 entries rather than 4—a bit of experience will
§ Remembering window locations
By default, EnterAct will remember the window locations of all your
documents (saved in a small resource with the document). Also, you will
not be asked if you want to save changes to a document when you close
it if the only change is a change in window location (the “don’t
pester” option). You can take advantage of the remembered window
locations to work with groups of documents; arrange each group nicely
on the screen, and then if you later reopen the documents in that group
they will be arranged on–screen where you left them.
§ Long or short windows
If there is no remembered location for a document, or if you have
switched off the “Save document window locations” option, then a
newly–opened window will come up near the top of your screen, with a
relatively short or long length according to what you select in the
option “Windows open short/long by default”. You may not notice much
of a distinction if you have a small screen. This short/long option
always governs the appearance of new text windows, and of text files
created by other applications that have never been saved while using
§ Reformat Selection options
Reformat Selection will rebreak the lines in a selection of text to
improve the appearance of the right margin. Aside from selecting a
“ragged right” or “full justification” look, you can also set the
maximum number of characters per line in the “Reformat line width” box.
The default of 74 gives a reasonable and printable line in Monaco 9.
§ Detect nested comment starts
This option is on by default, meaning that EnterAct will accurately
trap any single failure to properly start or end a comment, both while
building your dictionary and while balancing. If you are in the habit
of doubling up on comment starts, as in
/*#define Flag37 /* if defined, use SlowDraw */
and if you are not willing to mend your ways, uncheck this option:
comment starts within a comment will then be ignored for dictionary
and balance purposes. Just make sure you type carefully!
§ Ignore 'ckid's
A 'ckid' is a resource that SourceServer uses to keep track of
whether a file is modifiable or read-only, and also if the file's
status has been changed from read-only to modifiable by an
editor while the file was checked out. EnterAct obeys these
resources (a "no pencil" icon appears in the window's display
box for read-only), and allows you to make changes to a
read-only file after you select the "Modify Read Only"
Selecting "Ignore 'ckid's" in the Options dialog will force
EnterAct to completely ignore these resources. You’ll be able
to edit a file that was checked out as read-only, and the
SourceServer will never know. This can really screw things up.
Don’t do it. There, you’ve been warned.
§ Relocate files automatically
When this box is unchecked (the default), EnterAct will present
a dialog asking you to relocate a file whenever it loses track of
where a file is. This typically happens when you trash a whole
folder and replace it with a newer version. If you check this
box, then if EnterAct loses track of a file it will attempt to
relocate it without your help, by searching down from the top
level of the disk where it was last seen. If this doesn't work,
you'll still be asked to help.
Check the "Relocate files automatically" box only if you're sure that
each of your source files is uniquely named on the disk where you've
stored it. If you can't guarantee that, then please leave the box unchecked,
and put up with the occasional request to relocate a file -- it's no
more painful than resetting file paths with Code Warrior.
Note that if you just move a folder around on the same disk,
or rename a folder, EnterAct will still keep track of where
the contained files are. To make EnterAct lose track of a file,
you have to move it to a different folder, including the case of
trashing a folder and replacing it with one that has the same name.
(What about renaming the file? From EnterAct's point of view,
if you rename a file then it's a different file, and you'll have to
add it separately to your project.)
§ Automark source files
The "AutoMark source..." check box will create marks for all functions
in a source file when you open it, and marks for struct and class
definitions in headers. The marks are redone (to pick up new functions
etc) whenever you access the popup marker menu for a file after
editing it, or when you Save a file.
“Automark source/headers...” is ON by default.
§ Save source/headers marks
You can force EnterAct to save source and header file markers
with your files by enabling the the “Save source/headers marks”
option, but the only use for this at present is to allow the
“Index Marker Names…” command to index marks in your source files.
“Save source/headers marks” is OFF by default.
§ Append arguments for automarked functions
This checkbox (see illustration above) controls whether summaries of
arguments to functions and methods are appended in the popup marker
menu for source and header files. This is ON by default. It's handy for
distinguishing between functions with the same name that take
different arguments, and for a quick reminder of what arguments a
function takes.
Addin the argument summaries takes a while, so if you have a slow
machine you might prefer to turn this option off. It's OK on a 68040
running at 25Mhz.
§ Record Find, Find Again, Find Definition
If you do a lot of Find's and jumping to definitions, these activities
can clutter up your activity log. Turn this option off if you'd rather
have your activity log hold just the more interesting activities, and
don't mind losing some information about where you went.
This option is ON by default.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Switching to other applications
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Under the Finder (System 6)
There are some nifty INIT’s that will let you switch between
applications under the Finder almost as quickly and easily as if you
were using MultiFinder—On Cue and Master Juggler come to mind.
(OK, you got me - this manual was started in 1990, and there are
a few "fossils" here and there....)
Whatever means you employ to switch to another application from
EnterAct while under the Finder, you will be asked if you wish to save
any documents that need saving, and they will all be closed. The
situation with MultiFinder (or System 7) is different , since documents
can be left open when switching to another application.
§ Under MultiFinder (or System 7 or later)
If you switch from EnterAct to some other application while under
MultiFinder or System 7, you will not be required to close your
documents. This means that while using the other application you could
attempt to access documents that you have left open in EnterAct. If
this potential conflict weren’t handled, you could end up working with
two different versions of the same document, and inevitably you would
lose one version.
One solution to this problem would be to prevent you from opening that
document with any other application if it is left open in EnterAct.
This restrictive “my file and you can’t have it” attitude is
appropriate if an application is meant for use on a network, where
several people could want access to the same file at once.
However, EnterAct is not meant to provide source code management
with multiple users (many packages such as Projector, VOODOO, MW
CodeManager etc can be used in addition to EnterAct to provide full
source code management), so it does not take this approach. Instead,
when you switch, all open documents are quietly saved if they need
saving and have ever been saved before (“untitled” documents present
no problem—you can’t get at them with another application). In
addition, when you return to EnterAct, EnterAct will check your disk to
see if you have altered any of the open documents while you were
away—if so, they will be quietly reloaded. EnterAct, if effect, opts for
the “low man on the totem pole” position when it comes to having
control over file access, and does the necessary behind–the –scenes
work to allow you to leave files open and still be able to open and
change them with other applications.
To make this bulletproof, it will be safest if you close all text
documents when leaving the other application, since that other
application will typically not be able to compensate for files being
changed “behind its back” in EnterAct.
You can, if you wish, defeat this protection by unchecking the “Safe
switching under MultiFinder” option in the Options dialog. However,
EnterAct will not restrict access to open files when you switch, so
you will be entirely responsible for ensuring that you don’t end up
with two versions of the same file floating around. Closing all open
text documents before switching would be sufficient.
Safe switching protection can also be defeated on a per–switch basis,
by holding down any of the <Shift>, <Option>, or <Command> modifier
keys while you switch. Holding down a modifier key while you switch
out from EnterAct means that unsaved changes to files will be left
unsaved, and when you return to EnterAct any files open in EnterAct
that were changed elsewhere will not be updated for you on–screen.
Holding down a modifier key while returning to EnterAct will prevent
just the updating on–screen of any files that were changed elsewhere.
This is, on rare occasions, handy if you change a file with some other
application, realise you’ve made a mistake but can’t revert, and wish
to recover the version of your file that’s still open in EnterAct.
If you wish to have several people working on the same source
files at the same time with EnterAct, your best approach is to
use SourceServer or some other version of source control that
uses 'ckid's to mark files as modifiable or read-only.
§ Check the disk for changes
When you edit source (.c or .h) files that are in an EnterAct project
with some other application, select Update Dictionary when
you reopen the project to ensure that your dictionary is brought up
to date, unless you clearly recollect that you didn’t change anything
outside of a function body. This update typically takes only a few
Only the project you have open will track which files are changed, so
if you switch to a different project you will also need to select
Update Dictionary to rebuild the dictionary if any .c or .h
files in the project were changed while the project was not open,
whether or not the files were changed with EnterAct.
Experience suggests that it's more efficient to update your EnterAct
dictionary when you notice that it's producing lookup that's out of
date (unless more than one person is involved, in which case you may
be better off doing the Update routinely).
§ Working with THINK C
This section describes working with THINK C as a separate application:
to use EnterAct as a replacement for THINK’s own editor (the “use
external editor” Edit option in THINK C version 6 or later) please see
Appendix 4.
If you adopt EnterAct as your C editor of choice, you’ll often change
several files with EnterAct over an extended period, and then switch
to THINK C to bring your application up to date. Fortunately, there
is no need to keep exact track of which files you change, since THINK
C’s Make command can do this for you. Call up the Make dialog, click
the “Use Disk” button, and, after the brief wait while THINK C checks
the modification dates of your project files, click the “Make” button
to bring your THINK C project fully up to date. If you remember exactly
which files were changed, you can instead select them one by one in
the project window and use the “Compile” command to update your THINK
C project.
Conversely, if you use THINK C to make some changes to your source
files, you can bring your EnterAct project fully up to date by
selecting the Update Dictionary command from the EnterAct
menu, as mentioned above. Note this step is not necessary if your
changes while in THINK C were restricted to function bodies, which
should often be the case. This is because EnterAct does nothing with
function bodies except check them for balance in a few key delimiters.
Editing files with THINK C, or any other editor besides EnterAct, will
compromise your ability to revert files to earlier versions with
EnterAct (see the “Show Activities” chapter). That’s worth remembering,
but in practice the need to revert a file is so rare that you shouldn’t
let it influence your editing. If you do need to revert files regularly,
you're better off using some sort of version control software.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Show activities
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Introduction
EnterAct will, at your option, keep track of your recent activities
in full detail. The Show Activities command under the Edit menu
generates a window holding descriptions of those activities, with
details in plain English of what, when, and where. Here are three
typical entries from the “••Recent Activities••” window generated by
Show Activities:
Tue Jan 12, 1993 8:22:23 pm OPEN «PICT saving»
Tue Jan 12, 1993 8:23:17 pm CUT «PICT saving» 45 1 (temp)
<=deleted 289 characters:
«/* save pict "dataH" under the full path name "fileName", on
the volume "volumeName" */
/* open the file, which should already exist */
pb.ioCompletion = 0L;
pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)fileName;
pb.ioVRefNum = 0;
pb.ioVersNum = 0;
pb.ioPermssn = 3; /* = fsRdWrPerm */
pb.ioMisc = 0L;»
Tue Jan 12, 1993 8:23:21 pm CLOSE «PICT saving»
—where, for example, “CUT «PICT saving» 45 1 (temp)” means characters
were cut from the document “PICT savings” starting at line 45 position
1, and the cut was temporary, ie not saved to disk—if it had been,
there would have been a SAVE before the CLOSE. Both file names and data
are enclosed in European-style quotes «».
Activity records are kept on disk in the log file “EnterAct Recent
Activities”. This file is created and managed for you, and is preserved
between sessions. Your most-recent 10,240 activities will be recorded
in full detail, up to the limits of 65,535 characters per insert or
delete, and a total of 1,310,720 characters of inserts and deletes for
the 10,240 activities (typically only 1/4 or less of that is needed).
Everything of interest, including all edits, searches,
open/close/save/save as, switching in and out, etc will be recorded.
Armed with a display of your recent activities, you will typically be
able to:
• remind yourself of what you did recently (another form of “context
• selectively undo or recover the contents of any recent insert or
• generate a reverted version of a file, back to a particular activity
(multiple files can be done one file at a time, back to different
To turn the recording of activities off temporarily, select the menu
item named Recording activities under the Edit menu: it will change
to read Not recording activities. This is a toggle, and selecting it
again will turn recording back on. Your recording status is remembered
between sessions.
If you’re just interested in a quick first look, skim through the
“What’s shown” and “Reviewing activities” sections later in this
To revert one or more files, you’ll need to follow the checklist in
the “Reverting a file” section, since the procedure is relatively
lengthy. For other uses of the “••Recent Activities••” window, an
understanding of the format of a displayed activity is all you really
need. Many obvious points are explained at length below, both to scrub
away the fuzziness from some intuitive notions and to introduce you
gently to what is, at heart, a simple way of keeping track of what
you’ve done recently.
§ What’s recorded
Full details on the following activities are recorded in the log file
“EnterAct Recent Activities”:
• all edits which affect your text, including typing, Cut, Paste,
Paste Selection Behind, Undo, and replacements done with any of the
replacement commands under the Search menu. The only notable edit
exception is Copy
• all search results, in one or multiple files
• session start and end, switching in and out, running a Drag_on Modul
• Open, Close, Save, Save As, Revert, for text, lookup, PICT, and
project windows (when applicable)
• Go to, Go Back, Go to Top, Go to Bottom, and jumping to a definition
After starting EnterAct at least once, you’ll find your log file in
the same folder as EnterAct itself, and you’ll probably be able to
identify it as a “log” file just by its icon. Note that it is not a text
file, at least not entirely, and its contents can be shown only with
EnterAct’s Show Activities command.
For each activity, the following information will be recorded, if
• the name of the activity (eg TYPING, SAVE, RUN DRAG_ON MODULE)
• the time at which it occurred
• the name of the file in which it occurred
• the position in the file at which it occurred, specifically the
starting position if it was an insert, delete, or Find of some sort
• for inserts and deletes, the full contents, and the size of the edi
• for search and replace, the found text and the replacement text
• for Save As only, the previous name of the window.
Inserts and deletes are recorded as separate activities, even if they
result from a single command. For example, pasting over a selection
will be recorded as a delete followed by an insert:
Wed Jan 13, 1993 9:27:52 pm PASTE «Untitled-1» 1 1
<=deleted 35 characters:
«This text was deleted when pasting.»
Wed Jan 13, 1993 9:27:52 pm PASTE «Untitled-1» 1 1
=>inserted 38 characters:
«This text was pasted over a selection.»
The recorded file position of an edit is of course the position as
calculated at the time the activity occurred. Thus, for example, if
you inserted some text at line 100, character position 3 in a file,
the recorded position will be line 100, position 3. However, a
subsequent edit before the position of that insert, for example a
delete of lines 20 through 29 in the same file, will alter the position
you would want to examine if you now went looking for that insert,
assuming you saved your file. Instead of finding the inserted text at
line 100, you would find it at line 90. This is called the “updated”
position of the activity. As you’ll see in “What’s shown” below, you
have the choice of showing either original or updated positions.
§ Recording limitations
EnterAct does not record activities carried out in other applications,
in particular changes to text files. Editing files with some other
editor (such as THINK C) will compromise your ability to recover
reverted versions of files using EnterAct’s multiple undo capability,
in the following ways:
• if the edits elsewhere involved adding or removing lines, you will
probably not be able to usefully revert the file with EnterAct
• if the edits elsewhere were fairly small, and did not involve adding
or removing lines, then you will probably be able to recover a useful
reverted version with EnterAct, but the small changes you made
elsewhere will not be reflected in the reverted version.
Only your most-recent 10,240 activities will be recorded in the
“EnterAct Recent Activities” log file. The contents of your inserts
and deletes will be recorded up to a limit of 1,310,720 characters
total for all activities. In addition,
inserts and deletes will be fully recorded only if they do not
exceed 65,535 characters. For edits exceeding this limit, only the
first 1,024 characters will be recorded for reference.
• 10,240 activities represents several days of work. If you want to
estimate how far back your activity log goes, bear in mind that inserts
and deletes are recorded as separate activities, a run of characters
typed without changing the insertion point counts as a single insert,
and usually for every insert or delete there is one activity of some
other kind such as a save or search. For example, at 4 activities
per minute on average, you'll be logging your last 40 hours.
• large edits are rare enough that you won’t run into the recording
limits. Your average number of characters per activity will probably
be under 50, and, if you’re slightly paranoid like the rest of us, you
will probably deal will very large edits by using Save As rather than
Cut and Paste.
Minor activities, such as scrolling or changing windows, are not
To avoid cluttering your activity log, a Replace All that is just used
for counting purposes is not recorded in detail.
Based on personal experience, the limitation that most affects the
quality of recorded activities is of the “is it plugged in?” variety.
If you turn recording off temporarily, remember to turn it back on
again later!
§ Showing your recent activities
Selecting Show Activities from the Edit menu produces the following
Select the “updated current positions” button to have activity
positions updated as much as possible. Select the “originally recorded
positions” button to leave line numbers and character positions
unchanged from their originally recorded values. For review or single
undo, you’ll want updated positions, but in order to perform a multiple
undo the original positions are required.
You may show up to 10,240 of your recent activities, and as you alter
the number of activities to show the “Memory needed” display at bottom
of the dialog will update. Showing a few activities will take 700K
or so of memory, and showing all 10,240 may require a couple of
meg or more. If you will need more memory than is available, try
closing all windows including your current project.
When you click the OK button, a plain-English description of your
activities will be generated, and shown to you in a window titled
either “••Recent Activities••” if you selected original positions, or
“••Recent Activities (updated)••” if you selected updated positions.
If you’re only interested in your last few activities, adjusting the
number of activities to show to a small number will reduce the time
it takes to generate this description.
"Show full path names for files" is useful if you have more that one
file with the same name. This will require slightly more memory for
all that extra text.
§ What’s shown
Here’s are some typical entries selected from a “••Recent Activities••”
Sat Jan 16, 1993 10:51:48 pm PASTE «hAWK_FilesandClip.c» 390 4
=>inserted 50 characters:
«if (!dirs && !(fpb->ioFlAttrib & 16)) /* a file */»
Sun Jan 17, 1993 5:53:14 pm SAVE AS «HuffCode.c»
Previous name was: «Untitled-1»
Sun Jan 17, 1993 11:47:09 pm GO TO «EnterAct log» 1417 1
Sun Jan 17, 1993 11:50:28 pm OPEN «CEDAR_Files.c»
Sun Jan 17, 1993 11:50:28 pm FIND DEFINITION «CEDAR_Files.c» 3035 1
Sun Jan 17, 1993 11:50:43 pm FIND «CEDAR_Files.c» 43 23
Mon Jan 18, 1993 12:02:54 am SWITCH OUT
Mon Jan 18, 1993 12:07:31 am SWITCH IN
Tue Jan 19, 1993 11:09:56 pm END OF SESSION
Wed Jan 20, 1993 8:00:49 pm START OF SESSION
The first line of the activity record begins with “¶”, and is followed
by the activity number. The oldest activity shown is number 1, followed
by later (younger) activities up to the last thing you did, and its
number may be as high as 10,240.
The second line of the activity record shows the date and time,
followed by the name of the activity. These are present for all
activities, and for some activities (such as SWITCH OUT ) that may be
all there is before the ending “¬”.
If the activity involves a file or window, its name will be shown next
inside European style «» quotes. And if the activity relates to a
specific position in the file, this will be shown after the file name.
The position is for the start of the activity, and consists of the
starting line number followed by the character position at which the
activity started on that line. The first line in the file is line 1,
and the position before the first character on a line is position 1.
The third and following lines hold the data, if any, associated with
the activity. For inserts and deletes, the data will be preceded by
either “<=deleted xx characters” or “=>inserted xx characters” where
xx is the number of characters. In rare cases where the entire edit
could not be recorded, this will be followed by a number telling how
many characters of the edit have been retained, for example
=>inserted 98765 characters (1024 shown)
The contents of an insert or delete will be trimmed if:
• the edit exceeds 65,535 characters; in this case, only the first
1,024 characters will be recorded
• total recorded data would exceed 1.3Meg; in this case the
data recorded for the oldest edits will be progressively trimmed until
enough room is freed up to record the newest edit. The governing
assumption is that the older an edit is, the less important it is,
regardless of size. This approach has been chosen so that you will
retain multiple-undo capabilities as far back as possible.
The data associated with the activity is enclosed in European-style
quotes «», and no characters are appended or altered inside the quotes,
though as described above characters may on rare occasions be trimmed
from the end.
Each activity finishes up with a “¬”, on a line by itself.
The SAVE AS activity has a special format, with the second line
containing SAVE AS followed by the new file name, and the third line
giving the previous name of the window, with accompanying text that
makes this clear.
The number of activities shown will often fall a few short of the
number you requested (typically by 1 or 2 per 100). These “missing
activities” were originally records of your typing. A sequence of
characters typed without moving the insertion point other than by
typing counts as, and is recorded as, a single activity. However,
there is no such Macintosh event as “end of typing”, and EnterAct is
slightly conservative in its estimate of when you have finished typing
in a particular spot. Basically, any recordable activity is treated
as an “end of typing” event if typing was going on. For example, a Save
while typing would trigger a recording of your typing up to that point.
If you then continue typing in the same place, that typing record will
later be deleted, and a complete record of all your typing in the same
place will eventually be made. Normally this is of no consequence, and
now that you know what’s happening you shouldn’t let it affect you in
the slightest.
§ Temporary, obsolete, and undone activities
Though not recorded, the “current relevance” of any activity which
refers to a specific place in a file is inferred when you Show
Activities. As a result of later activities up to the time at which
you show them, an earlier activity may end up being currently classed
• permanent; the document in which it occurred was saved to disk after
the activity in question (ie not closed without saving, or unsaveable
such as a lookup window). More accurately, an activity is permanent
unless it falls into one of the following categories. “Permanent” is
the default category, and permanent activities are not indicated in
any special way in activity records.
• temporary; the window in which the activity occurred was
subsequently closed without saving, but some version of the document
currently exists on disk, so that in principle at least the activity
still has a recoverable context.
• obsolete; not only was the window closed after the activity, but
no reasonable version of the document now exists on disk. This can
happen if you insert text into a new window and then close it without
saving, or if you edit an unsaveable window (such as a lookup window).
This can also happen when you use Save As to replace an existing file
“OldFile” with a new version; at that point, all previous activities
relating to “OldFile”, especially inserts and deletes, become obsolete
since they were later overwritten by a new version and hence no longer
have a recoverable context in any meaningful sense.
• undone; a permanent activity that was subsequently reversed with
the Undo command. All temporary and obsolete edits have already been
“undone”, in the sense that from the point of view of your disk files
they never happened.
If a file is open when you select Show Activities, all edits from the
last save or open of that file up to the present will be classed as
permanent. However, if you subsequently close the file without saving
it and then reselect Show Activities, you will find that those edits
have been reclassified as temporary. And if you later save over the
file by using Save As, effectively replacing its contents with the
contents of some other file, then the activities will be reclassified
as obsolete.
If an activity is classed as temporary, obsolete, or undone, you’ll
see “(temp)", “(obs)", or “(undone)" respectively in the activity
record, following the file name and position numbers. Here are some
examples to help bring this into focus, each followed by a brief
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:55:07 pm OPEN «HuffCode.c»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:55:37 pm TYPING «HuffCode.c» 4 1 (temp)
=>inserted 69 characters:
«This text was typed into "HuffCode.c",and then the typing was
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:55:37 pm UNDO «HuffCode.c» (temp)
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:55:46 pm CLOSE «HuffCode.c»
(Note that the document “HuffCode.c” was closed without saving. The
typing is classed as temporary, which takes precedence over the undoing
of the typing. The same would be true of an obsolete edit that was
undone—it would be classed as obsolete.)
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:58:16 pm OPEN «Untitled-2»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:58:46 pm TYPING «Untitled-2» 1 1 (obs)
=>inserted 87 characters:
«This text was typed into the window "Untitled-2", which was
then closed without saving.»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:58:48 pm CLOSE «Untitled-2»
(Text was entered in a window that had never been saved to disk, and
then the window was closed without saving. The context of this activity
has been lost for good.)
Wed Jan 20, 1993 9:59:51 pm OPEN «RenameTesttemp»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:00:58 pm TYPING «RenameTesttemp» 1 37 (undone)
=>inserted 94 characters:
This text was typed into "Renametesttemp" and then undone.
The file was saved before closing.»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:00:58 pm UNDO «RenameTesttemp»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:01:01 pm SAVE «RenameTesttemp»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:01:02 pm CLOSE «RenameTesttemp»
(Here, the undone typing in “RenameTesttemp” was turned into a
permanent activity by the following save. Only permanent undone
activities are shown as “(undone)”.
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:05:22 pm OPEN «Act1»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:06:13 pm TYPING «Act1» 1 1
=>inserted 70 characters:
«This text was typed into "Act1", made permanent
by the following save.»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:06:14 pm SAVE «Act1»
Wed Jan 20, 1993 10:06:17 pm CLOSE «Act1»
(The typical case, activities that are made permanent by saving to
disk. There is no special indication for permanent activities, this
being the default class).
A permanent activity is there right now in your disk file or on-screen,
and you could, with a bit of work, undo it using the information in
the “••Recent Activities••” window—provided you can untangle it from
the effects of other permanent activities that followed it. An undone
activity was explicitly undone and the result saved, but you could redo
it in the same way you would undo a permanent activity. A temporary
activity wasn’t saved, but you could, with a bit of work, redo it using
the information in the “••Recent Activities••” window—provided you can
untangle it from the effects of other temporary activities that
preceded it. An obsolete activity no longer has a meaningful context:
the window or file in which it occurred no longer exists on screen or
disk, though if it was in a file you might have a backup version
§ Updated file names
When you edit a file and then use Save As to save it under a different
name, those preceding edits really apply to the file with the new name
rather than to the old name. As a typical example, when you open a new
window “Untitled-3”, type in it a bit, and then save it as
“FileCommands.c”, you will later remember the typing as being
associated with the name “FileCommands.c” rather than “Untitled-3”.
In the “••Recent Activities••” window, the file name for the typing
would be shown as “FileCommands.c”.
When you use Save As on a file, or Save a window for the first time,
the file name for preceding activities associated with the old name
will be updated to the new name. This updating is applied backwards
to the point where you opened or saved the affected document (or all
the way back if those activities are too old to be still recorded).
§ Reviewing activities
If you anticipate wanting to jump to a file that contains a particular
edit, in order to view it in context, click the “updated current
positions” while viewing the Show Activities dialog, so that the line
and characters positions shown will correspond to current actual
positions in your files (to the extent that this is possible). If you
just intend to skim through the activities without jumping to any
files, selecting the “originally recorded positions” button will speed
up the process of showing you your activities, at the expense of
showing you file positions that are uncorrected for other activities.
With the “••Recent Activities••” window in front, you can use Find
to search for activities in the usual way. Here are some (rather
obvious) things you can search for:
• activity number, such as “¶314” (¶ is <Option><seven>)
• date, such as “Jan 13”
• time, such as “ 10:51” (put a space before the hour:minute to
disambiguate it from minute:second)
• activity name, such as “START OF SESSION”
• file name (note including the European quotes «» sometimes helps)
• contents of an insert or delete
For activities with file positions, such as inserts and deletes and
search results, you can jump to the file and line by clicking on
the line with the file-line reference, and then picking “Go to”.
For example, given
Sat Jan 16, 1993 10:51:48 pm PASTE «hAWK_FilesandClip.c» 390 4
to open a window for hAWK_FilesandClip.c and jump to line 390,
position 4 on the line, click somewhere on the line (for example,
after the ‘»’…)
…and then pick “Go to”. For more details, see the “‘Go’ commands” chapter
With this use or any use of “Go to”, the file must be listed in one of
your project panes.
If you have selected the “updated current positions” version of your
activities, the “Go to” command will work reasonably well—in fact, it
will work as well as it possibly can. For example, if you
paste some text at line 100, and then paste in 10 lines at line 50,
then the position of the first paste will be updated from line 100 to
line 110, because that’s where you would find it if you went looking
for it now—provided it was a permanent activity. If you didn’t save
the file, thus rendering the activities temporary, then the updated
position of the first paste would still be line 100, because the
influence of the second paste was removed by virtue of not saving it.
In other words, to redo that first temporary paste, you would still
go to line 100.
The limit to which edit positions can be meaningfully updated shows
up for example when you delete a large chunk of text, and that deleted
chunk contained earlier inserts or deletes. If you paste some text at
line 100, and then delete lines 50 through 200, what should be the
updated position of the paste? EnterAct will show the updated position
as line 50, which, if you think about it, is the best that can be
done.The positions of obsolete activities are not updated, there being
no file or window to which the activity can be currently related.
§ Selective single undo
By selecting “updated current positions” when showing your activities,
you stand a very good chance of being able to identify the exact
current position of any previous insert or delete. However, the updated
position will not be terribly meaningful if the insert or delete was
later “engulfed” by a delete (for example a paste on line 100 followed
by deleting lines 50 through 200). And if the activity was an insert
that was later “nibbled at” by small inserts and deletes within the
original insert, you may find that you have to undo several activities
instead of one, or at least mentally compensate for them.
Once you have found the activity in the recent activities window, use
“Go to” to jump to the current position for the activity, as described
in the section above. If it still seems appropriate for undoing after
viewing it in context, the procedure for actually undoing it is, alas,
devoid of novelty:
• to undo an insert, identify the range of the insert in your document
by comparing your document with the text of the insert as shown in your
activity record; then select it and clear it out
• to undo a delete, copy the deleted text from your activity record
and then paste it into your document at the current position for the
If you have edited the document in question with some editor besides
EnterAct, the contents and positions of recorded activities may not
be entirely accurate. But if the edits elsewhere were small, you should
be able to compensate for them and still achieve the undo you want.
The recent activities window does not update as you make changes.
To force an update of positions and activities, close the window
and reopen it.
§ Reverting a file
> Introduction
The procedure for reverting a file to an earlier form based on your
recorded activities is a bit lengthy, so step-by-step instructions are
given below. In order to revert a file you need to specify the file,
and how far back you want to go when reverting the file. The “how far
back” part is specified by an activity number from your “••Recent
Activities••” window, so you’ll need to Show Activities (with original
positions) to identify the right activity number. The actual revert
is done with the supplied hAWK program “$Multi_Undo”, and to provide
the needed input for this program you’ll save your “••Recent
Activities••” window to disk, then add it to an EnterAct project. The
file you wish reverted must also be added to the same project. The
reverted file will be presented to you in the “$tempStdOut” window when
$Multi_Undo is finished, to do with as you wish.
EnterAct doesn't do version control, and this reversion process, in
its present inelegant form, should be used in emergencies only.
It works, but that's all you can say for it.
> Limitations
In order to revert a file (called file A below), several conditions
must be met:
• file A has been saved since its contents were last changed
• All changes to file A, from to the undo point up to the present,
have been made with EnterAct
• From the undo point up to the present, no other file named "A" has
been edited with EnterAct (ie a different disk or folder, but the same
basic file name A)
• The activity corresponding to the undo point is present in
EnterAct's "••Recent Activities••" window (it goes back up to 10,240
• The entire text of each edit on file A is present in "••Recent
Activities••": you normally won't want to check for this yourself, and
the hAWK program “$Multi_Undo”, which you’ll be using anyway, will do
it thoroughly for you. In general, only inserts or deletes below 64K
characters are fully recorded, and older large edits near the beginning
of "••Recent Activities••" may not be fully recorded if it was
necessary to make room for newer large edits, due to the total data
limit of 1.3Meg characters. Rule of thumb: barring a sequence of large
edits, all of your edits will still be fully recorded. These size
limits are only rarely encountered.
The reverted version of your file presented in “$tempStdOut” will not
retain any markers or illustrations from the original. Normally,
markers can be easily replaced with the Automark command. To reinstate
illustrations, you’ll need to use your resource editor to copy the
appropriate PICT’s.
> How to revert a file
If your circumstances meet the above conditions, you can revert a file
(still called “A”) by following these steps:
•1 Open an EnterAct project (any will do)
•2 If necessary, add file A to it
•3 Select "Show Activities..."; click on the "originally recorded
positions" button; and for the number of activities to show, enter
"10240"; and click the OK button to generate the "••Recent Activities••"
•4 Locate the oldest activity you wish undone, and note its activity
number -- this appears just afer the "¶" beginning the activity record,
for example "¶314"
•5 Save "••Recent Activities••" somewhere - NOTE the name must start
with two bullets, but is otherwise arbitrary, for example, "••RA" or
"••For undo". The bullet character is <Option><eight>.
•6 Add your saved version of "••Recent Activities••" to your project,
then close the window for "••Recent Activities••" to save memory
•7 Select both the saved version of "••Recent Activities••" and file
A for MFS operations, by holding down the <Option> key and clicking
on each name in the project window - a bullet • will appear beside the
file name). These two should be the only files marked with a • in your
project window
•8 Call up hAWK and select the supplied program “$Multi_Undo”; the
input option should be "MFS selected files"; use "Set Variables" to
set the value of the variable "howFarBack" to the activity number that
represents how far back (inclusive) you wish to undo. For example,
to undo from the present (the largest activity number) back to and
including activity number 314.
•9 Click the Run button. The undone version of file A will (eventually)
be presented in the "$tempStdOut" window. You can continue working in
EnterAct in the meantime.
•10 Save "$tempStdOut" under a different name if you wish to keep the
results (see “Preserving the undone version” just below for an
•11 If there are other files you wish to restore, add them to your
project if necessary, open your saved version of "••Recent
Activities••" to determine how far back to undo, then close it and
repeat steps 7-10 (especially step 10).
While you're waiting for $Multi_Undo to finish you should avoid editing
either file A or your saved version of "••Recent Activities••".
For more information on running hAWK programs see
the “hAWK User’s Manual” supplied on disk.
> Preserving the undone version
The “$Multi_Undo” program stops one step short of actually reverting
your file, in that the reverted version is contained in the file
“$tempStdOut” at the end, rather than immediately replacing the
contents of your file. If you decide to keep the reverted version, you
can use Save As on “$tempStdOut” to create a permanent copy of the
reverted file. You should do this before your next hAWK or Read
Resource run, because the file “$tempStdOut”, as its name suggests,
is overwritten with every Drag_on Module run.
If you use Save As to replace your file A with the reverted version,
this will not be undoable, and the unreverted version will be lost.
If you’re not absolutely sure that the reverted version should replace
the unreverted version, it’s best to give the reverted version a name
name that is close to the old one (eg the reverted version of
“MyEvent.c” could be called “MyEvent2.c” or “MyEvent_r1.c” etc).
§ Turning activity recording on and off
> Temporarily
When activities are being recorded you will see a menu item named
Recording activities under the Edit menu: it will change to read Not
recording activities if you select it, indicating that recording is
turned off. Selecting it again will turn recording back on. Even if
you are not recording activities, EnterAct will still open the log file
“EnterAct Recent Activities” each time you start EnterAct, creating
it if it is not found. And you will still be able to Show Activities.
Turning activity recording off temporarily is rarely useful. However,
you might consider it if you are about to perform a number of trivial
changes, or very large edits that you don’t need recorded, and want
to preserve the current record of your activities as much as possible.
But if you are aware that vitally important data exists only in your
recorded activities, it would be better to Show Activities and Save
the resulting activity list to disk, to avoid losing the data as older
activities are dropped from the log file.
> More permanently
The “master switch” for EnterAct’s activity recording is in the Options
dialog (under the Edit menu).
You may wish to forego the recording of your activities if you don’t
have enough disk space available to hold the log file (2.1Meg), or if
your hard disk makes so much noise that you can’t work when it’s
active. To turn off activity recording, and also instruct EnterAct
not to look for or create the “EnterAct Recent Activities” log file,
uncheck the “Save activities to disk” option in the Options dialog and
click the OK button: as you do so, the icon of the log file will be
crossed out, indicating that the file will no longer be needed or used.
You may then dispose of the log file if you wish, and EnterAct will
not complain.
To reactivate activity recording, check the “Save activities to disk”
option in the Options dialog and click OK. A log file will immediately
be created if one does not exist at the time. If the log file exists,
recording will pick up again with no loss of previously recorded
- - - - - - - - - - - -
“Index” commands
- - - - - - - - - - - -
PLEASE NOTE the index commands "Functions", "Cross-Reference",
"Potential Locals" and "Check Prototypes" are intended for use
with C code only (not C++ or Java).
The “Index” commands under the EnterAct menu generate a variety of
reports on your source code. With all except the Potential Locals
and Check Prototypes command, set up a multi-file selection first
to serve as input for the command. Potential Locals takes a function
body with parameters as input. Check Prototypes looks at all of
the function definitions and prototypes in your entire project.
All output from these commands is to $tempStdOut.
Functions… builds a list of functions in your selected files: it can
list functions defined in the files together with sublists of the
functions that each defined function calls, or conversely you can have
a list of all the functions called in your source code, together with
sublists showing which functions call them.
Cross-Reference… generates a cross-reference listing: you can specify
the types of term (function, struct, variable etc) to include, the
specific terms to look for (your current dictionary), and the files
to look in (your current multi-file selection). Supporting doc files
in your rightmost project pane can be included in the cross-reference.
You can also specify a list of common words (such as Handle) to skip
for cross-reference purposes.
#Includes and Marker Names generate lists of system or user headers,
and marker names in a variety of formats, in your selected files.
Potential Locals classifies and lists all terms in a function. Just
before this command, select the entire body of the function and the
parameters (ie from the opening ‘(’ of the parameters to the closing
‘}’ of the function, inclusive). In the resulting list, names that have
no definition and are not parameters, and hence are probably local
variables, are listed first. The number of times each name was used
is also listed, and by comparing this list with your original function
you can quickly declare all necessary variables or eliminate
unnecessary declarations, and also spot spelling mistakes.
Standard Metrics issues counts of lines and characters in selected
files, and also shows character frequencies.
Check Prototypes is rather primitive, catching only a difference
in the number of parameters to a function. No need to bullet any
files, just bring your dictionary up to date beforehand. It's intended
for use with C source only, not C++ or Java.
§ Functions…
For use with C source only.
This command can be used to build a “skeleton” for selected source
files, a bare list of functions defined together with the functions
they call. It also works in reverse, and can be used to list all
functions that are called, together with sublists of the functions that
call them. Input is taken from your list of files selected for
multi-file operations (use the Find dialog buttons, or <Option>click
in the project window, see the “Search” chapter). Only files in the
left and middle project window panes will be looked at, and any files
you select in the right (documentation) pane will be ignored. You’ll
see results in “$tempStdOut”: if you decide you want to save the
results permanently, use Save As to save this document under a new name
of your choice, since the contents of $tempStdOut are overwritten by
every Index command or Drag_on Module run.
For proper results, your dictionary should be reasonably up to date
before using this command. In particular, your dictionary should
contain entries for all functions that you wish to see listed. For
example, in order for toolbox functions to show up in the listing
you’ll need to add the appropriate toolbox headers to your project and
update your dictionary.
When you select “with calls” in the Functions dialog, the main list
in the result will consist of functions defined in your list of source
files. Indented under each defined function will be a list of functions
called by the defined function. If you select “as defined” then
function definitions will be listed in the order encountered in your
source files, with a comment containing the file name beginning each
list for each file:
If you select "sorted” then all of the function definitions from all
files will be sorted alphabetically. In this case you can select
“include file locations” to list the defining file for each function:
If you select “with callers” the resulting list will show all functions
that are called in your source code, with an indented sublist for each
naming the functions that call it. Here also, if you select “include
file locations” then the defining file name will be listed with each
function name.
With any function name, you can jump to the definition for it by
<Option> double-clicking on the name. File names in the listings are
enclosed in «» quotes: to open a file, click anywhere on the line
containing the file name and issue a “Go to”.
§ Cross-Reference…
For use with C source only.
The Cross-Reference command generates a cross-reference for all term
types you select, in all files selected for multi-file operations.
Names are listed in alphabetical order, with a sublist for each name
listing file name and line number for each instance, and optionally
the name of the function containing the instance. Only names that are
defined in your current project dictionary will be included in the
listing. Note that you can cross-reference supporting documents with
this command, by putting a bullet (•) beside the name of each
supporting document. The “include containing function names” option
will be ignored for support docs.
To generate a cross-reference just for names that are defined in
certain files, rather than all names defined in your current dictionary
• make a new project, and add to it only those source and header files
which contain functions, variables, structs etc to be included in the
• use Update Dictionary to build a dictionary for just those names
• add any additional files to be cross-referenced to your project
• place bullets (•) beside the names of all files you want to
• select Cross-Reference
• optionally specify a file containing a list of common words to skip,
with the “Skip words in…” button
• specify the term types (function, variable etc) to be included in
the cross-reference, or click the “All types” button
• click OK and your desired list will appear in the $tempStdOut window
Normally your current project dictionary will be the appropriate one
to use for cross-referencing, and you won’t need to make a new project
just for this purpose.
As with all Index commands, use Save As to save $tempStdOut under a
different name if you decide to keep the results—$tempStdOut will be
overwritten by your next Index command or hAWK run.
The “Skip words in…” button in the Cross-Reference dialog allows you
to specify a list of words to skip, typically common names such as OK,
Handle, DialogPtr that you aren’t interested in. The names in the file
can appear in any order, and can be separated from one another by
spaces or <Return>’s. The file “Skip for XRef” which comes with
EnterAct contains a starter list. You’ll find it in the “hAWK Programs”
folder, which is inside the “Drag_on Modules” folder inside your
development folder.
To cancel the use of a skip-list, click the “Skip none” button.
When you select “include containing function names” the name of the
function, if any, containing each reference will be shown to the right
of each reference. Names which occur outside of a function body,
including all names encountered in support documents, will not have
a containing function listed.
The format of each reference such as
«AssocArray.c» 260 SetArrayValue
is «file name» line-number containing-function (if any). To go to a
particular reference, click on the reference line and use “Go to”. To
jump to the definition of a containing function, <Option> double-click
on its name.
§ #Includes…
To list header files that are included in one or more source or header
• select the source and header files for multi-file operations
• select the #Includes… command
• pick either system headers with the <headers> button, or
project-specific headers with the “headers” button, or both
• click OK, and the list will appear in the $tempStdOut window
• use Save As on $tempStdOut to make a permanent copy of the results.
Included file names are listed in the order encountered, together with
line number.
§ Marker Names…
To list the names of all markers in one or more files:
• select the files (any panes) for multi-file operations
• select the Marker Names… command
• pick your preferred format for the names
• click OK, and the list will appear in the $tempStdOut window
• use Save As on $tempStdOut to make a permanent copy of the results.
The «file-name»«marker-name» format is useful for establishing “go to”
links, as explained in the “‘Go’ commands” chapter. The other two
formats can also be used as “go to” links, but work only within the
file that contains the marker.
EnterAct's default behavior is to NOT save marks with source or
header files, so there will normally be no marks listed for these
files. In practise you will probably not need special “go to” links
for functions or structs anyway, since <Option>double-clicking
on the name anywhere will take you to the definition. “Go to” links
are intended mainly for establishing hyperlinks to documentation
files (this manual is already redundant enuff, so please see chapter 17
for details on creating and using «file-name»«marker-name» links).
§ Potential Locals
For use with C source only.
This command helps with the declaration of local variables. To use it,
first select the parameters and body of a function, from the opening
parenthesis of the parameters to the closing curly brace of the
function body, inclusive, as shown above left. Then select Potential
Locals:results will be shown in $tempStdOut.
Names are shown three per line, each followed by the number of times
the name was encountered in the function. The first list, “These look
most like locals:”, consists of those names seen in the function which
have no entries in your current dictionary, and hence they are the best
candidates to be local variables. Note, though, that they could also
be goto labels, or names that for some reason are not defined in your
dictionary. Names in this list with a frequency of 1 bear a close
look—often they have been used but not declared, or declared but not
used, or the name has a typo. Names in the other lists might also need
declaration as local variables, if you have used the same name for a
local and something else (such as a global variable, typically).
§ Standard Metrics
This command reports the total lines and characters in each of your
files selected for multi-file operations, followed by a C-style array
listing the number of times each character was seen. Comment characters
and lines are included in the totals, but blank lines at the end of
a file aren’t counted as lines.
§ Check Prototypes
For use with C source only.
This command checks all of the function definitions and
prototypes in your project dictionary, checking ONLY the
number of parameters for each function. It reports the
names of any functions that are declared with different
numbers of parameters. Before calling this command, you
should bring your dictionary up to date with Update Dictionary
for best results.
There is no need to select any files for multi-file operations
when using this command. You just need a project open with
a built dictionary.
This is a primitive version, and catches only differences in the
NUMBER of parameters to a function. And it's only for C files, not
C++ or Java. Don't trust it to validate prototypes, use it only
to spot the particular problem of the same-named
C function having a different number of parameters in
variant declarations. This typically happens when you change
the definition of a function and forget to change a prototype
for it in a different file.
If no prototypes are shown in stdout, your function definitions
and declarations all had a consistent number of parameters.
Or arguments, if you prefer. I won't argue.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Some thoughts on using EnterAct
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(Worth mentioning again, EnterAct can be used as just a
"definition viewer" to help out other editors -- see
the end of "Lookup", chapter 10)
(As of September 95, the advice below about how to avoid lookup
delays and minimize memory use is sounding a bit dated; however,
it's still true that smaller projects are easier to manage.)
§ Projects are cheap
EnterAct projects are quick and easy to create, the only real penalty
being the amount of disk space used. While an EnterAct project can be
truly enormous and still be usable, lookup will be faster and more
appropriate if you tailor your project to the problem at hand. As an
extreme example, here’s a generic project that would be perfectly
suitable for developing file–handling functions:
Lookup in this size project will always be instantaneous no matter how
bad your spelling, and lookup for your terms will never be confused
by accidental matches against terms in files that you don’t need
reference to. While accidental matches are not common, the speed of
lookup when your spelling is not exact does depend directly on the size
of your dictionary.
At the other extreme, you can create projects with files from more
that one application/driver etc. This can be very handy for comparing
different versions or different approaches to a problem. In practise,
the main penalty comes when you want to jump to a particular
definition, and there's more than one: to choose the one you want,
you have to press <Enter> to look it up and then <Option>double-click
in the lookup window.
The rule of thumb then is that an EnterAct project can consist of
whatever files you want, but performance will be better if you don’t
add files that you don’t need. There is a tradeoff between having
absolutely everything of potential interest in a large, complicated
project, and having several smaller but better–performing projects.
For ultra-compact project backup, in the event that some of your
projects are tedious to create:
• select all of the files in your project for multi-file ops, by
clicking the "All" button in the Find dialog
• select hAWK from the EnterAct menu, and select and run
the program "$EchoFullPathNames"
• use Save As on the resulting stdout window to save your
list of project files
• to recreate your project: create a New Project; hold
down the <Shift> key while selecting "Add Files..." (the menu
text will read "Add Files from List...") and select your text
file of full path names in the subsequent Open dialog; and
bring your dictionary up to date after the files are added.
§ Learning from or reviewing code
If your purpose is to explore rather than create, then you won’t be
typing in many incorrect spellings. Lookup when spelling is correct
is always instant, which is the case if you’re just reading through
code and looking up terms in the code as you go. In this case the only
restrictions on the size of the project are the amount of disk space
and RAM needed, and you can add absolutely all files related to the
application without slowing down the lookup.
(Strictly speaking, lookup is instant only for terms with entries
in your dictionary. Specifically, struct and class member names
are not separately entered in your dictionary, and it can take
a second or more for the AutoLook window to pull up a definition
that contains the member name. Sorry, there's no plan to speed
up member lookup. Member lookup won't hang you up, it will just
be stopped if you start typing or mousing around during the search.)
§ On documenting your work
There is little in this manual on the topic of documentation, primarily
because it’s up to you how, and how much, you document your work in
separate files. But it’s worth mentioning that EnterAct has a variety
of features to help you create and maintain your documentation. Here’s
a list:
• documentation files can be added to the rightmost pane of your
project, for regular double-click access just like source and header
• <Option> double-click or Find Definition can be used on any term
that appears in your documentation to jump to its definition (provided
of course that your dictionary is reasonably up-to-date)
• the AutoLook window will instantly update to display definitions
of terms in your documentation (double-click on the term or click just
after it). And clicking after a term and pressing the <Enter> key will
produce a more persistent separate lookup window
• your own notes on various programming topics can be “disguised” as
C terms, and in this form they can be built into your project
dictionary for instant retrieval to the AutoLook window or a separate
lookup window wherever the name of the note appears (see “Looking up
your notes” in the “Lookup” chapter)
• “Go to” accepts file name followed by marker name, as explained in
the “‘Go’ commands” chapter. These look like
/* See «MY OOP Notes» «Static variables» */
and the text for them can be generated by picking the marker from
the popup menu in the document where it is defined while holding down
the <Shift> key as well as the usual <Option> or <Command> key. The
link location is maintained as you edit, since the marker’s location
is maintained, and if the file and marker names are in «» quotes
they can be abbreviated or even slightly incorrect and still work.
• “Go to” also accepts file-name and/or line-number selections. Text
for this style of “go to” link is generated by the Show Activities
command, and by a variety of supplied hAWK programs. For an example
of line numbers used to index a document, see the “Active Index” at
the bottom of the “hAWK User’s Manual” on disk 2.
• Reformat Selection can be used to even up the lines in one or more
paragraphs of your documentation
• if you have any relevant PICT files, you can add them to your
project for quick access. And “Go to” accepts PICT file names. You can
also add one or more PICT’s as illustrations in a TEXT document (see
“Illustrating your text” in the “Editing” chapter).
• the hAWK program "$CompareFiles" can be run on any two of your
project files to list differences.
EnterAct can track and link all of your supporting documentation. If
you develop naming conventions for your documents, and make use of some
of EnterAct’s linking power, you should find it’s a lot easier to keep
track of things. References will be just a double-click or “Go to” away,
which beats shuffling through a stack of papers or calling up an
accessory outliner all to heck (pardon the enthusiasm).
- - - - - - - - - - - -
If there’s a problem
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Out of memory
If you run out of memory while trying to do something, you’ll see an
Alert saying “Out of memory. Please close up and try again when things
are less busy.” or the equivalent. Open windows take up memory that
you can free by closing the window The project especially can
take a lot of memory (Megabytes), since the entire dictionary
associated with it is kept in memory.
If you encounter frequent “Out of memory” messages, the least
inconvenient but most expensive cure is to allow more memory for
EnterAct, which may involve buying some chips. However, you can
often free up a considerable amount of memory by removing relatively
unneeded files from your project. The rough rule is that your project
dictionary will take up in memory about one–half of the disk space
used by all .c and .h files in the project (a better estimate, 16% of
source files plus 120% of header files). If you don’t need lookup for any
of the terms in a .c or .h file, removing it from your project will free
up some memory. Note that plain text files in the rightmost pane do
not greatly affect memory used, since they are not incorporated into
the dictionary.
To see how much memory is free at any time, select Show Activities from
the Edit menu. At the bottom of the resulting dialog you will see the
amount of memory currently available. Or you can use "About This
Macintosh..." in the Finder, turn Balloon Help on, and point your mouse
at EnterAct in the dialog.
For a guide to estimating memory needs and trimming unneeded files from
your project, see the file “EnterAct memory needs”.
§ Dictionary problems
> Missing dictionary entries
In rare cases, an error in your source may lead to a term not being
recorded in your dictionary, with no message. An example is
int x /* missing semicolon */
long y;
for which EnterAct would record only the “y”, missing the “x”. This
is the one time that EnterAct’s tolerance of errors can be a nuisance,
but if you can remember where the term is defined then visual
inspection should reveal the error, typically a missing semicolon or
a missing or misspelled keyword. If you can’t remember where the term
is defined, and you really want lookup to be available for it, then
the one sure cure is to switch to THINK C and Compile or Check Syntax
until you spot and fix the bug.
> Trouble building your dictionary
If the dictionary–builder trips over a bug in your code and you can’t
spot the problem after reading this section and examining your code,
your next best course of action is to switch to THINK C and compile
the offending file. If you call for technical support and your code
is not compilable, there is only a small chance we can help, since the
possibilities would be too open–ended. Look on the bright side, you’ll
have to compile your code sooner or later anyway.
EnterAct sets moderately strict standards for the part of your code
that is outside of a function, struct, or union body. However, code
that is inside of a function, struct, or union body is primarily
checked only for proper balance in a few key delimiters, typically {},
(), and /* */. As a result, almost all of your first–draft errors will
be simply ignored. Some errors outside of a body can be compensated
for, and the remainder that do trigger a complaint from the
dictionary–builder will almost always be fairly obvious.
Here follows a complete list of the messages you might see after
selecting Update Dictionary or Update For Front File Only.
"Statement too complex to deal with all at once. Any chance you could
This message should be rather rare. You would have to nest brackets
more than 200 deep, or have more than 256 enum constants in a single
enum in order to produce it. I’m not giving an example! The cure would
be to reduce the number of brackets in your deeply–nested construction,
or split a monstrous enum into two parts.
"Typedef cannot have an init. One or the other has to go."
typedef int SHORT = 7;
This should prove rare. “typedef” essentially creates a new keyword,
and you can no more initialize it than you could initialize “int”
itself. Apologies for stating the obvious.
"Illegal word or punctuation after struct or union."
struct int myStruct {... /* int */
struct /myStruct {... /* the '/' */
struct myStruct (...} /* wrong bracket */
Something between “struct” or “union” and the opening left brace (if
any) of the body doesn’t belong. Or, you may have neglected to type
in a name for the struct or union.
"Illegal word or punctuation after enum."
enum Numbers int {... /* int */
enum /Numbers {... /* the '/' */
enum Numbers {one two three}; /* missing commas */
enum Numbers {one, two; three}; /* that first semicolon */
Includes all the sorts of errors for a “struct” or “union”, and also
any error inside the body of the enum where the enum constants are
listed. EnterAct does not record any terms inside a struct or union,
but does record all enum constants, hence checking for an enum is more
strict. Some errors (such as an extra comma) can be shrugged off, but
most others will trigger this message.
"#if has no matching #endif, #else, or #elif."
I’m afraid you’re on your own tracking this error down, since it could
be anywhere in the file after the position shown. It could be due to
a misspelling, such as #eles, or the necessary “if–ender” could be
missing altogether.
"Function(?) has no name."
long (int x, char *tPtr);
So, give the poor function a name.
"Pascal must be followed by a function."
“Pascal” or “pascal” indicates that a function passes arguments and
returns a value according to Pascal rather than C conventions. For more
on this topic, see your THINK C manual.
"Couldn't find end of initialization."
struct MyStruct {int x; long y} instance = {4, 7L;
Typically this is caused by a missing or extra '}', as in the above
example. It could also be caused by a missing semicolon.
"Unbalanced statement. Use the Balance command right after OK'ing this
alert to diagnose the problem."
Since the Balance command checks all delimiters and shows you at least
one end of an unbalanced construction, finding the typo that caused
the lack of balance is usually straightforward. Selecting Balance a
second time can be useful—after the second Balance either you’ll be
shown a mismatch for the first delimiter or you’ll hear a beep
indicating that the other end is completely missing.
"Unbalanced or nested comment. Use the Balance command right after
OK'ing this alert to diagnose the problem."
EnterAct’s comment checking while dictionary–building (and balancing)
is even stricter than most compilers. For details, see the “Nested and
bad comments” section in the “Balance” chapter. As a byproduct of
dictionary–building, all source files in your project will be
thoroughly checked for comment errors.
If the problem is due to consecutive comment starts, and you want to
keep them because that’s the way you do things, select Options from
the Edit menu and uncheck the “Detect nested comment starts” check box.
This will partially disable EnterAct’s ability to trap comment
problems, both when building your dictionary and when balancing.
"Lack of balance in parentheses (). Use the Balance command right after
OK'ing this alert to diagnose the problem."
See above, Unbalanced statement....
"Unbalanced single or double quotes. Use the Balance command right after
OK'ing this alert to diagnose the problem."
See above, Unbalanced statement....
"Unbalanced square brackets []. Use the Balance command right after
OK'ing this alert to diagnose the problem."
See above, Unbalanced statement....
"Left curly brace { is not preceded by struct, union, enum, =, or
function definition."
typedef stork MyStruct {int x; long y};/* stork?struct? */
long ShouldBeFunction{int x, long y); /* '{' vs '(' */
Either the '{' should be something else, such as a '(', or a keyword
just before the '{' is missing or badly misspelled. EnterAct can handle
some typo’s, such as typdef sturct... but at some point (such as
twerpdeaf stork) has to give up and complain.
"Colon must signal class name, method name, or low-memory global."
Note this exludes some uses of the colon which are irrelevant for
dictionary–building, such as bit fields and any usage inside a function
"Something is wrong at or near the position shown. Sorry,
if you can't fix the problem please email tech support."
A Shakespearean sonnet will trigger this message. In general, the error
lies outside of EnterAct’s area of competence. Check for typo’s at or
near the position shown in the file. This message corresponds to the
“Syntax error” message that compilers issue when they give up and don’t
have a clue what’s going on.
My favourite way to generate this error is to accidentally add a junk
file with a name ending in .c or .h to a project. A reminder, Add All
In Folder inhales every text file in a folder.
This message can also be triggered by a preprocessor conditional that's
too tough for EnterAct to handle without your help -- see
"DON’T GIVE UP" near line 108 in this file, and also "Source code
restrictions", chapter 7, for the details. The symptom here is often
that the indicated error position is within a function body, an unusual
case because EnterAct's parser does almost nothing with function
bodies except check them for balance -- this means the parser ran
past the start of the function without seeing it. If you spot the usage
of a macro just above the function, and the usage does not end with
a semicolon, try entering the name of the macro in the "Macro's to
skip..." dialog. This usually fixes the problem.
"Function body was expected but not found at the position shown."
This typically results from a missing left brace '{' at the start of
a function. Rarely, it can be caused by an excess semicolon in an
“old–fashioned” style function definition, between the list of
arguments in round brackets and the start of the function body, eg:
int myFunc(x,y)
int x;
long y;; /* extra semicolon */
The dictionary–builder counts up your arguments, and won’t allow more
semicolons than you have arguments.
§ Lookup problems
For background, here’s a list of common errors that may throw regular
lookup off:
•1 using a synonym
•2 full spelling when a nonstandard abbreviation is wanted
•3 use of an abbreviation when fuller spelling is wanted
•4 full spelling when a standard abbreviation is wanted
•5 case error
•6 permutation of the words in a name
•7 typo
•8 spurious extra character
•9 homonym (sounds the same, spelled differently)
•10 missing definition, due to an error in the source or source file
not included etc
Regular lookup can compensate for the more popular single instances
of 1-3 above with the lookup table of alternate spellings that you’ll
find in EnterAct’s 'TEXT' 1000 resource. Single instances of 4-5 are
thoroughly checked (see next page for the definition of a standard
abbreviation). An instance of error 6 is also caught, provided there
are at most four words making up the name. For all other errors (7-10,
or combinations of errors) EnterAct exhaustively checks what you’ve
typed against all dictionary entries, totalling up runs of matching
characters and showing the best matches. If the definition is just
plain missing, there’s not much that EnterAct can do to help.
“Sounds like” lookup is extremely error-tolerant, including being
case-insensitive, at the expense of ignoring some of the information
(mainly vowels and case) in what you type. It does do the fast checks
for errors 1-6 above, in the same way as regular lookup. On average
it’s less accurate than regular lookup, but useful as a last resort.
Reverse lookup tolerates only case errors, being case-insensitive;
otherwise, your spelling must be exact (current machines are too slow
for error-tolerant reverse lookup, and in any case it would be too
> Memory failure (yours, that is)
The term is in your dictionary but you can’t remember the spelling well
enough to retrieve it? Here are some guidelines to follow:
• Nearly every name in your dictionary will have some distinctive part
that uniquely identifies it, both from your point of view and
EnterAct’s. Spell the distinctive part right, and you’ve got it.
• If a name consists entirely of common words (Handle, Get, etc) you’ll
have to spell more of the name correctly to help EnterAct distinguish
among the possibilities.
• If in doubt, spell it out. If there’s no exact match, EnterAct will
try all standard abbreviations of each of the words in the name.
• When you abbreviate part of a name in your source code, try to follow
one of these standard abbreviation rules: 1) starting from the end of
a word, drop vowels, and when all vowels are gone start over at the
end and drop consonants; 2) truncate the word without regard for
vowels; 3) either of the above rules, but keep the last letter of the
word. If you follow any of these rules and leave at least 3 characters
in the abbreviation then EnterAct will be able to generate the
abbreviation from the full spelling, producing instant lookup (eg
commandKey will retrieve cmdKey, by applying rule 1 but keeping the
last letter of command).
• If lookup for the name is immediate but wrong, add a spurious
uncommon character at the beginning of the name and try again (if name
doesn’t work try zname or xname to force a full search).
• Use the Options dialog to increase the number of entries kept per
lookup window to 10 or more, and try again.
• A single case error will be shrugged off, but otherwise regular
lookup is case–sensitive (eg CmdKey or cmdkey will retrieve cmdKey
immediately, but CMdKey or CMDKey won’t). If you think you have several
case errors, try “sounds like” (<Option><Enter>) lookup instead of
regular lookup.
> Lookup fails
You know the term should be in your dictionary but even typing its
exact name doesn’t retrieve it? This is rare, and is caused by EnterAct
misinterpreting an error in your source code. Looking at the statement
where the term is defined or mentioned in your source code will usually
reveal a simple error such as a missing semicolon or a misspelled
keyword. If not, switch to your compiler and compile your code until
you’ve cleared any bugs in the statement where the term occurs.
> Miscellaneous lookup problems
In the rare case that your dictionary is small and the name you type
doesn’t match any term in the dictionary to any reasonable extent,
you’ll just hear a beep and no lookup will appear.
The hint for #defined macros is the same as the hint for other
#defines—add a '#' after the name, rather than a '('. In general, if
the lookup you see is not what you wanted and you supplied a
one–character hint, try again without the hint.
Looking up classes and methods is discussed in more detail in the
“Browsing” chapter.
If you suspect your spelling may be way off, try increasing the “Number
of entries per lookup window” in the Options dialog to 10 or more, and
then try the lookup again.
If you’re quite sure that a term should be in your dictionary but it
doesn’t appear when you look it up, take a look at the statement where
the term is defined or mentioned: you could have accidentally violated
a required coding convention (unlikely), or you could have a succession
of first–draft errors that has confused EnterAct. A missing semicolon
or misspelled keyword can sometimes result in a term being skipped.
If you employ macro’s to do such things as optionally include or omit
full prototypes, or typedef’s, then you should register them with
EnterAct using the Macro's to skip command, as described in the “Source
code restrictions” chapter.
If you run into a problem that stumps you, please compile your code
before calling for help. However, if you end up fixing bugs in your code
that you feel EnterAct should have been able to tolerate, please call
and let me know. kearle@interlog.com.
§ Editing problems
EnterAct has a single level of undo, and the window that the undo
applies to must be in front in order for the Undo command to be
To undo a Paste Selection Behind, the window pasted into must be in
front, and the window copied from must be just beneath, the way
EnterAct leaves them after carrying out the command. If you can
remember which two windows were involved in the Paste Selection Behind,
just bring them to the front alternately until the Undo is enabled.
If Paste doesn’t preserve your indentation, it’s because you’re leaving
some text at the left of the first line unselected when you select a
range or insertion point for the Paste. In particular, Paste won’t
preserve indentation if you select an insertion point for the Paste
that is to the right of the first visible character on the line
(“visible character” here meaning something that is not a space or
tab). While we’re on the subject, you can switch off the preservation
of indentation for a Paste by typing a single character just before
you Paste, and then deleting it after.
§ Balance problems
If lack of balance is caused by mismatched delimiters, such as '{'
matched against ']', then by repeatedly selecting Balance you can
toggle between the two mismatched delimiters.
If the unbalance is due to a missing delimiter, keep in mind that
EnterAct handles comments properly, so the error will not be due to
an extra delimiter inside a comment. For example, a comment such as
/* 1) load
2) decrement
3) store
won’t trigger an error, unless you start with an insertion point or
selection that is inside the comment.
If you’re attempting to balance a closing delimiter and Balance has
to run backwards through an “asm {..}” block while searching for the
matching opener, you might get a spurious error due to something in
an assembly–language comment—see the “Balance” chapter in “The asm
problem” section for details.
If the problem is due to consecutive comment starts, and you want to
keep them because that’s the way you do things, select Options from
the Edit menu and uncheck the “Detect nested comment starts” check box.
This will partially disable EnterAct’s ability to trap comment
problems, both when building your dictionary and when balancing.
When you Balance an entire file, you will hear a beep whether or not
the file balanced, just to tell you that the balancing is finished.
If the cursor doesn’t move from the top of the file, that means the
entire file is balanced. If there is any error in the file, you will
be shown the first unbalanced delimiter.
When balancing just part of a file, you will hear a beep only if there
is an error. Otherwise, the selection range will quietly expand to the
next largest balanced range. If there is no larger enclosing range
(this is the case when you start with an entire function body selected,
for example) you’ll hear a beep but the selection range will not change
With the exception of strings, only two types of balance errors can
occur; mismatched ends, and missing ends. If Balance beeps and shows
you an unbalanced delimiter, try immediately selecting Balance again.
Then, if the problem is due to mismatched delimiters, you will be shown
the other end. If the problem is a missing end, nothing new will
happen—you’ll hear another beep, but the selected delimiter will not
Strings in double quotes " " are checked for one additional special
error, a missing backslash if the string is continued across lines.
The backslash must be the very last character on the continued line,
just before the <Return>—note that even a space before the <Return>
will “hide” the backslash. Personally, I don’t think this is
reasonable, but that’s the way C is.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
License agreement, tech support
- - - - - - - - - - - -
§ Technical support
You can reach me (Ken Earle) at:
kearle@interlog.com via InterNet.
INTERNET:kearle@interlog.com via CompuServe,
or via real-mail at:
Ken Earle
697 Spadina Ave
Toronto, Ont
Canada M5S 2J1
(reply will be by e-mail, so please include an email address).
§ License
By using EnterAct, you are agreeing to abide by the
terms of this license. If you disagree, don't use it. If you agree,
send money, then come to disagree and want your money
back—well heck, everybody makes mistakes now and then,
just let me know what the problem is and you'll get your
refund. Do so within 60 days though, else I may deem that
EnterAct in your hands has already paid for itself several
times over.
This version of EnterAct carries a charge of zero dollars and
zero cents Canadian, so sending that in is optional. Site licence
discounts are available.
Neither Apple Computer, Inc., nor any other company makes any
warranties, either express or implied, regarding the enclosed computer
software, its merchantibility, or its fitness for any particular
purpose. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some
governments. The above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty
provides you with specific legal rights. There may be other rights that
you may have which vary according to location.
EnterAct and this manual are copyrighted, with all rights reserved.
You may distribute full copies of EnterAct (omitting no files from
the compressed archive that comprises EnterAct), provided you
do not charge for EnterAct itself.
In no event shall Dynabyte or any other legal entity involved in the
creation, production, or delivery of this product be liable for any
direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including loss
of data, lost business profits, business interruption, carpal tunnel
syndrome, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the
software or accompanying material.
EnterAct does not support shared file access. If you use EnterAct on
a network, or as a member of a team working on the same source,
be aware that EnterAct will allow two or more people to open
one file with full read/write access. You must use some separate
form of source code control to avoid losing or accidentally
generating variant versions of files. I have done this, by the way,
with SourceServer, and everything worked fine.
This agreement will be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario
"hAWK", "Read Resource", their associated source code and
manuals, and the Drag_on Modules interface are yours to keep,
free, no matter what. They are governed by the Free Software
Foundation's "copyleft", as described in the document "copying
hAWK", included with your EnterAct package.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Appendix 1 Drag_on Modules
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Drag_on Modules resemble HyperCard XCMD’s and MPW tools in that
they are separately–compiled chunks of code that are designed to
be called from within some application. The calling application is
at liberty to provide any of a dozen or so callback functions, which
mainly enhance text–oriented communication between the calling
application and Drag_on Modules, but these are all optional. The
calling interface has been kept simple, so that if you have an
application written in C or C++ you can add to it the ability to call
Drag_on Modules without hurting yourself—a day or two should do
it. Instructions for doing so can be found towards the end of the
“hAWK User’s Manual” and in the file “Call_Resource.c”. The
source code for “Minimal App7" illustrates the basic process. As
far as the callback functions go, if your application deals with
TEXT documents you’ll be able to support most of them easily, and
if you can’t support one then the Drag_on Modules will get along
without it.
The idea behind Drag_on Modules is to provide a medium for the
inexpensive modular distribution of source code that works best
when it is allowed to interact with full applications. Drag_on
Modules could easily be repackaged as separate applications, but
then the interaction with other applications would be slower. In
the absence of a universal “shell”, the next–best solution offered
by Drag_on Modules and the like is to let each application be a
shell. Admittedly, System 7 has promise as a universal application
coordinator, but while we’re waiting it’s nice to be able to achieve
the same effect with just 2K of overhead per application and the
extreme simplicity of file–based communication for major input
and output.
To help the illusion that there is a shell lurking in the background,
Drag_on Modules communicate by means of standard input, output, and
error files. This allows results from one Drag_on Module run to be
passed as input to a subsequent run, for example.
Two Drag_on Modules are currently being shipped, hAWK and Read
Read Resource is just a simple resource or data fork viewer.
hAWK is a Mac implementation of AWK. You may have seen above
that hAWK has a "three clicks and Run" interface, and it's true:
for example, you could select hundreds of file as input to a
hAWK program by putting bullets beside them in your project
window, and then to call up the program: select "hAWK" from
the EnterAct menu; pick your program from the top popup;
optionally adjust the input option (all or part of the front file,
MFS-selected (ie bulleted) files, or a specific file -- this option
can be saved with the program, so normally there is no need to
change it); and then click Run. The program will run in the
background as you continue to work with EnterAct.
Added for version 3, you can now write hAWK programs that
watch EnterAct's clipboard, and, when your specified conditions
are met, write anything you like back to the clipboard. This
gives you in effect a "magic clipboard", ideal for reducing
repetitive, moderately complicated tasks to a simple Copy
and Paste. For details see the separate document
"EnterAct's magic clipboard".
And in version 3.6, a hAWK program can be invoked by placing
a command line for the program in any EnterAct text window and
then pressing <enter> or <command><return> with the command line
selected. For an example, see "§ Code templates" in the Editing chapter
above. For details, see "Appendix 2 Calling hAWK programs" just below.
Drag_on Modules come with complete source code. Complete code and
instructions for calling Drag_on Modules from your own application can
be found in the file “Call_Resource.c”, as supplemented by the example
of “Minimal App7". If you are interested in creating your own Drag_on
Module, please see the “write your own Drag_on” folder.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Appendix 2 Calling hAWK programs
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hAWK programs can be called via a dialog, by picking "hAWK" from
the EnterAct menu, or by entering a command line in any text
window. The "hAWK User's Manual" explains how to write hAWK
programs, and also how to run programs via the dialog. If you like
the idea of being a power EnterAct user, the section below called
"Calling hAWK with a command line" will have you firing off
hAWK programs by typing a few characters.
§ Calling hAWK from the menu
EnterAct follows the procedure described in the hAWK User's Manual,
in the chapter "Running hAWK programs". The "MFS selected files"
input option corresponds to the bulleted text files in your current
EnterAct project (you can put bullets (•) beside project file names by
using the buttons in the Find dialog, or by <option>dragging in the
project window). Your hAWK program will run in the background
by default, so you can continue working in EnterAct while running
a lengthy program.
If you're using EnterAct to view this and have installed the
Drag_on Modules folder, give hAWK a try right now:
• put some bullets beside some file names in your project window
(if you don't have a project yet, please read at least "EnterAct in
brief" to get going)
• select "hAWK" from the EnterAct menu
• pick the program "$EchoFullPathNames" from the top popup
menu in the resulting setup dialog
• click the Run button
• the stdout window will appear after a couple of seconds,
holding a list of the full path names for your selected project
If you're intrigued, please see the hAWK User's Manual for details.
§ Calling hAWK with a command line
If you need to regularly run a hAWK program, and it doesn't take
its input from the front text window, you might find it handier
to run it with a command line. Command lines aren't too nasty
to construct, and you'll only have to do it once for each program
if you create a code template for the command line. There
are examples below, and it really is fairly easy.
You can enter a hAWK command line in any text window. To run it,
select the entire command line and press <command><return>
or <enter>. This will run the hAWK program immediately, without
any setup dialog to go through. Hey, that's the whole point.....
First let's build hAWK command lines. This is the format of a hAWK
command line (note it can cover several lines):
hAWK -f"Program Name" -f"Library Name"
-s -ss -n
-vVariableName="some value" -- MFS "InputFullPathname"
and this is what that means:
• the command line text must begin with "hAWK" followed by a space
or tab
• there must be one program name, as signalled by -f. If you just supply
a simple program name, it must reside in the "hAWK programs" folder.
Use a full path name if the program is in some other folder. If the
program name (or any part of the full path name) contains a space, then
put quotes "" around the full name, otherwise the quotes are not needed.
• the library names are the same as program name, and these are
optional. Since library names look the same as the program name, the
first one seen is taken as the program name. Libraries are scarce as
hen's teeth, so forget about them.
• variables are signalled by the -v option, eg -vmyName="Ken E" or
-vLevel=1 where the quotes "" are optional if the value contains no
spaces or tabs. Spaces before the '=' sign are optional, but don't put any
between the '=' and the actual value. Variables are optional. In
particular, any variable settings that have been saved with the program
(by using the setup dialog) will automatically be passed along with the
command line, and so you should set these variables on the command
line only if you want to override the default saved values (to see those,
select the program in the setup dialog and click the "Set variables..."
• "--" signals that input files only follow. This is optional, mainly to
make reading easier.
• "MFS" stands for "all files currently selected for multi-file
operations", in other words the bulleted files in your project
window as you're no doubt tired of hearing. This one is optional.
• input file names are optional, and should be provided as full path
names. If any part of the full name contains a space then the quotes ""
are necessary, otherwise they're optional.
You may also optionally use the following output options (ugh was
that English?) in the command line (place them before any "--"):
• -s means show stdout when done
• -ss means show and select stdout when done
• -n means no showing of stdout when done.
If you don't provide an output option, any output option from the
settings saved with the program will be used instead (these correspond
to the "Show/select stdout" checkboxes in the setup dialog). Any output
option you do provide overrides the saved settings.
You may supply both "MFS" and one or more specific input files on a
command line, and unlike the dialog approach you may supply any
number of variables (the dialog is limited to 10).
Here are some example command lines:
hAWK -f$EchoFullPathNames -- MFS
hAWK -f$BoilerPlate -vputInComment=1 -vfile="@.c"
-vauthor="KE" -vcompany="bdibdi" -ss
hAWK -f$FormatFunctionIntro
hAWK -f"Disk:Folder:$SomeProgram" -- "Disk:Folder2:OneInputFile"
The first three there are real hAWK programs supplied with EnterAct,
and if you take a look at the programs themselves it will help you
see what happens with each command line. The last one is made up.
"bdibdi" is pronounced "two little bdi's".
Now the point of this, as mentioned, is to bypass the setup dialog
and call a hAWK program with just a few keystrokes. Since command
lines are more than a few keys long, there are two approaches you can
take to avoid retyping them:
• save them all in a file, and then select them when needed
• create a code template with a nice mnemonic name for each
command line. This is the handiest approach, provided you don't
have several dozen programs you want to run regularly.
Code templates are explained in the "Code templates" section of the
"Editing" chapter, in fact they're nicely explained at the top of the
"EnterAct Code Templates" file which is where they all live. This is
essentially a glossary capability, and to use an entry you type its
name and press <command><return> to expand it. Code templates know
about hAWK templates, and if an entry expands to a hAWK template
then it will be selected for you. To run the template, you press
<command><return> a second time.
Here's a typical code template for a hAWK command line, taken from
the EnterAct Code Templates file:
hAWK -f$EchoFullPathNames -- MFS
This means you can get a list of full path names for bulleted files in
your project by typing "echo" and then pressing <command><return>
twice. The first <command><return> replaces "echo" with the
command line, and selects it: the second <command><return> runs
the hAWK program "$EchoFullPathNames".
To try one out for yourself, open up the EnterAct Code Templates file,
scroll down just a little bit to the "boiler" entry, and change the
values of the "author" and "company" variables to suit your taste.
Save the Templates file, and then (immediately) in any text window
type "boiler" and press <command><return> twice. See what you get.
Not that tough after all.
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Appendix 4 EnterAct as THINK's editor
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EnterAct can be used as a replacement for THINK’s own internal editor.
This means you can take full advantage of EnterAct’s features when
creating your documentation and source, and the THINK Project Manager
will be able to track all the changes you make as though you were using
its own editor.
§ Requirements
To use EnterAct as a replacement for THINK’s own internal editor, you
must have:
• EnterAct 2.5 or later (you do)
• THINK C 6 or later
• System 7
• about 2 Megabytes each for the THINK Project Manager and EnterAct.
§ Installing EnterAct as THINK’s editor
Create an alias of EnterAct, rename it “Editor”, and drop it into
the “Tools” or “(Tools)” folder inside your THINK C folder. Then
start up THINK Project Manager, and under the Project Managers’s
Editor options select “use external editor”—you’ll find this under
the Edit menu, in the “Editor” options for the Project Manager.
Recommended, deselect the “Reopen files” option in THINK’s Editor
options at this point, since EnterAct does a more thorough job of
reopening EnterAct project files, and this should prove to be all
you need.
§ Starting a session
Start the THINK Project Manager and open a THINK project in your usual
way. The first action you undertake that requires viewing a text file
will trigger THINK to start EnterAct. Most often you’ll double-click
on a file listed in your THINK project, but you might also select the
“Open” command, or double-click on the result of a batch find to view
a particular instance, etc. In all cases, when EnterAct starts up you
will be offered the opportunity to open an existing EnterAct project
or create a new one. After you’ve opened or created a project, or
cancelled, the text file will open in EnterAct.
§ Working with EnterAct as THINK’s editor
EnterAct and THINK projects serve different purposes, and typically
even hold different lists of files—an EnterAct project, for example,
can contain source files that are included for reference only, and
system and other header files can be explicitly listed in the project
window, and your dictionary updated for them, right from the moment
you create the project. So you’ll need an EnterAct project to handle
your code creation, documentation, and review, and a THINK project to
handle compiling and testing.
For the most part, when you want to compile or test you should be in
THINK, and when you want to edit or view files you should be in
EnterAct. To switch from EnterAct to THINK, click in your THINK project
window. To return to EnterAct, click in your EnterAct project window,
or any open text window that belongs to EnterAct. Though EnterAct may
be more tightly coupled to THINK in future versions, this simple
approach has the advantage that all of the THINK commands you use
regularly are still where you expect under your THINK menus, with one
extra click on your THINK project window required to place you back
in the right context for them.
Of course, opening any text file when in THINK will automatically
switch you over to EnterAct in order to display the file. And if a file
is listed in both your THINK and EnterAct projects, you can
double-click on either instance to open the file, with the same results
If all of your changes to source files have been made with EnterAct
acting as THINK’s replacement editor, or with THINK’s own editor, then
you can bring your THINK project fully up to date with the “Bring Up
To Date” command under THINK’s “Project” menu, and there is no need
to “Make” or “Scan Disk” to detect which files have changed. Your
EnterAct projects will typically need to be brought up to date only
for significant changes made outside of function bodies, and if all
changes were made with EnterAct you can use the Update Dictionary
command under EnterAct’s “EnterAct” menu.
Please note that both EnterAct and the THINK Project Manager will
automatically note changed files only for the project that is currently
open, and if some other project includes a changed file then you will
need to use THINK’s “Make” command or EnterAct’s Update Dictionary
to bring the project fully up to date.
In brief: there is nothing special you need to do when using EnterAct
as THINK’s editor.
§ Using THINK’s Find commands from EnterAct
Three commands at the bottom of EnterAct’s Search menu allow you to
invoke THINK’s Find commands: specifically, you can view the next or
previous matches from a batch find, or call THINK’s “Find In Next File”
command from EnterAct.
THINK Find Again and THINK Find Previous refer to the results of a
batch find done in THINK, and allow you to step through the matches,
viewing them with EnterAct. The batch find must first be carried out
in THINK, for which see your THINK User Manual.
THINK Find In Next File is the equivalent of returning to the THINK
Project Manager and selecting “Find In Next File”—once again, you will
need to use THINK’s Find dialog to set up the multi-file search
By the way, EnterAct’s own multi-file searching capabilities are
entirely independent of the THINK Project Manager’s. To do a straight
multi-file search, you should use EnterAct, since here it is slightly
easier to set up. For a batch find, you’ll need to set your search up
in the THINK Project Manager and then use THINK Find Again and THINK
Find Previous in EnterAct afterwards. (EnterAct also has a batch find,
but doesn't (yet) have the nifty Find Previous gizmoid. To jump to
a particular instance of one of EnterAct's finds, click on the line
reporting the find and use "Go to...".)
Find in THINK Reference does the same thing as the command of the
same name in the THINK Project Manager's editor: it passes your
currently-selected text over to THINK Reference, where you'll be
shown any entry it has on the name in question. Note this works only
with THINK Reference version 2 or later. For this command to work,
you need to have a folder named "Tools" or "(Tools)" next to EnterAct,
and drop an alias of THINK Reference in it.
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Appendix 5 EnterAct and Code Warrior
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By default, when you open a document and Code Warrior also has the
document open, EnterAct will put up a dialog giving you the options
of forcing Code Warrior to save and close the file before EnterAct
opens it, or of cancelling the Open. If you're not sure, return to
Code Warrior and decide whether or not to save the file. Note if
you do click "OK" to have EnterAct tell Code Warrior to save and
close the file, any changes to the file will not be undoable --after
all, it's not like editors these days have 10,000-level persistent
selective undo or anything. But shouldn't they?
As described elsewhere, EnterAct will by default save all
documents when you switch out, and refresh them from disk
when you switch back (only if needed of course). So there is
no decision to make when editing documents with Code Warrior
while EnterAct has the same documents open, since EnterAct will
have already saved them. When you switch back to EnterAct,
if you left the document open with Code Warrior you'll get that
dialog asking about forcing Code Warrior to save and close it,
or if you saved and closed the document before leaving Code Warrior
then EnterAct will just refresh the document from disk.
The "default" referred to above is the “Safe switching...” option
in EnterAct's Options dialog, which is on by default and saves your
documents when you switch out from EnterAct. Better to save too
often, since you can always revert with the “Show Activities”
command and a little cut and paste.
To use EnterAct as just a looker-upper with Code Warrior, see
"§ EnterAct as a "definition finder" for other editors" in the Lookup
You can use EnterAct's multi-file search independently of Code
Warrior's, and EnterAct's is often handier because you can include
more files in your EnterAct project (all toolbox headers, or files
from several separate Code Warrior projects, or all Power Plant
files, for example).
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Appendix 6 the Scripts menu
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EnterAct itself understands only the four basic Apple events,
but you can use it to run any compiled AppleScript: just drop
the script in your "(EnterAct Scripts)" folder and it will
appear under EnterAct's Scripts menu (the next time you
start EnterAct). The scripts must be compiled, and should be
the sort that don't need any parameters or events to get going,
and that quit when they're done their specific task. Recompiling
your current CW or Symantec project is an example.
Any text your script puts in the AppleScript "result" variable
will be shown to you when the script terminates, in EnterAct's
stdout window.
To see it work, try the "Beep Once" script that's supplied. You should
see the stdout window after you hear a beep.
Event handling is minimal in EnterAct while a script is running: you
can interrupt a script with <Command><period>, and switch out of
EnterAct, but nothing else. The upshot is that scripts are appropriate
for running within EnterAct if they do something not too lengthy that
has to be done anyway before you can continue. Scripts that are to
run all the time or that take a very long time should be run some
other way (eg by double-clicking on the script itself).